
How to make money quickly in today's headlines? Let's start with a few images and observe how much they read (played), the total number of followers, and the total revenue So when we have too few fans, how should we maximize our own revenue?

author:A monster game video clip

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > Let's take a look at a few pictures and observe their reading (playback), total number of followers, and total revenue. </h1>

How to make money quickly in today's headlines? Let's start with a few images and observe how much they read (played), the total number of followers, and the total revenue So when we have too few fans, how should we maximize our own revenue?
How to make money quickly in today's headlines? Let's start with a few images and observe how much they read (played), the total number of followers, and the total revenue So when we have too few fans, how should we maximize our own revenue?
How to make money quickly in today's headlines? Let's start with a few images and observe how much they read (played), the total number of followers, and the total revenue So when we have too few fans, how should we maximize our own revenue?
How to make money quickly in today's headlines? Let's start with a few images and observe how much they read (played), the total number of followers, and the total revenue So when we have too few fans, how should we maximize our own revenue?

These pictures are some of the bloggers I've found on today's headlines to share their earnings.

It is clear that their number of followers and total reading (playback) are directly proportional to revenue.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" > So when we have too few followers, how do we maximize our profits? </h1>

First of all, we need to know that the types of works that can be published on today's headlines are micro headlines, articles, Q&A, and videos.

Here comes the most important point!

When we send micro-headlines and Q&A, our revenue streams are only reading and commenting (interactions), so these two aspects of revenue are the least.

Then there's the video, which already gets a decent amount of revenue, which is divided into plays, comments, and activities involved. This batch should pay attention to the different types of videos you shoot can participate in different activities, and the higher your playback volume, the higher you rank in the activities you participate in, and the more generous the event rewards. Of course, if your video is original, there will be additional revenue, so video originality is important.

In the end, the highest yield is the income from the publication of the article, which not only has the benefit of reading and commenting (interaction), but also the platform will have advertising revenue, as well as additional income from original articles!

The above is my summary of the sources of income for headlines and the level of revenue for different types of works. If you have any views or insights, please feel free to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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