
In the smoke of the flames, they turned their longing for their families into their sincerity to the country

author:Chuanguan News

Sichuan online reporter Wu Xiaoling

Family letters, this form of correspondence between relatives, often convey the wisdom of dealing with the world outside of strong family affection, and highlight the mind and feelings of the writer. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, many warm-blooded men who rushed to the front line for the sake of their homeland and the world not only had deep thoughts about their parents and lovers in their family letters, but also expressed their enthusiasm and ambition of "expelling the Japanese Kou and returning china to China" and the sincere heart of swearing to defend the country to the death.

In the Jianchuan Museum, there are still many family letters of anti-japanese war veterans. In the smoke of the flames, they turned their longing for their families into their sincerity to the country. The heart of fist and fist not only inspires the descendants of the anti-Japanese heroes, but also makes today's readers move.

In the smoke of the flames, they turned their longing for their families into their sincerity to the country

A copy of the family letter was donated to the Jianchuan Museum

7 family letters and 1 theme Vowed to die to fight for the war of resistance to the end

In the Jianchuan Museum, a group of yellowed letters are quietly displayed in the display case. This is a family letter sent back from the front by Cai Liang, a soldier of the New Fourth Army, during the war, with a total of 7 letters. From 1937 to 1941, the experiences of Cai Liang during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression under the secretary of the 7 Feng family were always conveying the determination of the country to die and resist the war to the end.

In the smoke of the flames, they turned their longing for their families into their sincerity to the country

Cai Liang's family letter

Cai Liang's first letter was written in Linfen, Shanxi, in November 1937. In his letter, he told his family: The enemy has attacked our country with all its strength, and even women and children have been sent to the line of fire... "Only by resolutely resisting the war to the end can we ensure that China will not perish and can we restore the lost land." In August 1938, Cai Liang wrote another letter to his parents. It can be seen that he has been sick and hospitalized, but the letter and his parents are still communicating with "Japanese bandits have hit our Jiangxi ... We must defend everywhere and resist everywhere in order to defeat the enemy."

Around 1941, Cai Liang once again sent a letter to his parents. In the letter, he explained that because of the urgency of the Anti-Japanese War work and other reasons, there was no time to write a letter from home. He was 30 years old and supposedly should have returned to his hometown to make a living. But because of the War of Resistance, he insisted on not going back. Cai Liang's family letter was clear in his heart: "In short, Xiao'er's determination is the same as before, the Japanese devils will not drive out of China, the child will not go home, and vow to die to fight for the War of Resistance to the end, I believe that the adults also agree." ”

Cai Liang's 7 family letters, in addition to family affairs, are almost all about his personal experience of the War of Resistance and his determination to resist the War. From the length of time between the date of the letter and the date of the postmark, it is not difficult to see that the transmission of the family letter is very difficult. Every little postmark carries the traces of those beacon years. This young man, whose real name is Ouyang Jingxiu and pseudonym cai liang, is also the epitome of countless Chinese boys who sacrificed themselves to defend the country.

Wei Jianmin, head of the Cultural and Propaganda Department of the Jianchuan Museum, introduced that these family letters were collected by the museum director Fan Jianchuan from the antique market that year. After the letters were put into storage, the museum sent someone to Shanxi to find Cai Liang himself and his relatives, but unfortunately failed.

Long Guangzhen, the hero of the War of Resistance, also expressed the selfless spirit of having a country first and a family later in his family letter.

In 1938, Long Guangzhen, who was far away in Guyuan, Ningxia, sent a family letter back to Long Youli, the father of Xuanhan's hometown in Sichuan. This was the first and only time his family received a letter from him after he left with the Red Army troops in transit in 1933.

In the smoke of the flames, they turned their longing for their families into their sincerity to the country

Long Guangzhen family letter

Long Guangzhen, who had been away from his hometown for 5 years, said in the letter that he was a soldier in the 9th company of the 3rd Battalion, 770th Regiment, 285 Brigade, 129th Division, the Eighth Route Army, and was stationed in Guyuan, Ningxia. In the letter, he said that he had sent two family letters, estimated that the family did not receive them, and also greeted his father, eldest brother and newly married wife Zhu Shi, and hoped that his wife would serve her parents at home. He wrote: "Now that the situation between the Japanese and the Kosovars is tense in attacking China, the son is always ready to go to the front line, and he and the Japanese Koo are desperate to defend their hometown and territory, and only by driving the Japanese Koso out of China can they go home and serve (serve) the Lord, and only then can they repay the grace of nurturing." ”

What makes people sigh is that Long Guangzhen does not know that after many years of leaving home, a huge change has taken place in the family. With nothing to say, his wife remarried the following year, and his eldest brother was killed by bandits in 1937.

After receiving his son's family letter, Long Youli looked forward to his son's return home after the victory of the War of Resistance day after day. However, historical records show that the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, where Long Guangzhen belonged, most of them went to the anti-Japanese front during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. As a garrison force in the border area, the 770th Regiment also had many cadres drawn to the front. In the civil war after the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the 770th Regiment was ambushed by the local security regiment in northwest Hubei, and the army was basically destroyed. Long Youli guarded his son's family letter until 1979, when he finally regretted his death.

In 2010, the letter and his photograph were donated to the Jianchuan Museum by Long Guangzhen's nephew.

The former godson of the martyrdom of the heroic warriors inspired the youth to go to the battlefield

In a number of letters in the Jianchuan Museum, the less than 200-word field home letter of Zou Shaomeng, a general of the Sichuan Army, inspired enthusiastic young people to embark on the anti-Japanese battlefield more than 80 years ago.

In the smoke of the flames, they turned their longing for their families into their sincerity to the country

Zou Shaomeng's family letter

The text message, which is only more than 187 words in its entirety, was written by Zou Shaomeng to his son Zou Runing, who is far away from his hometown in Wutongqiao, Leshan. Zou Shaomeng is the chief of staff of the 124th Division of the 41st Army of the Sichuan Army. In early March 1938, the Japanese army increased its troops in Zou County and Yanzhou. The 124th Division of the 41st Army of the Sichuan Army was ordered to defend the city in TengXian County, Shandong Province, against the Japanese. Before the defense of Tengxian County began, Zou Shaomeng received a letter from his family from Wutong Bridge. In the letter, he learned that his eldest son, Zou Runing, had recently achieved "ranked C" in his last performance, and he was deeply disturbed. On the night of March 11, amid the rumbling of gunfire in the distance, he took out a pen and paper and wrote a letter to his son.

In the smoke of the flames, they turned their longing for their families into their sincerity to the country

In mid-December 1937, General Zou Shaomeng went from Jin to the Lunan Battlefield

From teaching people to encouraging upwards, Zou Shaomeng sometimes scolded loudly, sometimes eloquently, and more than 100 words were full of his thoughts about his son and his hometown. In the letter, Zou Shaomeng earnestly instructed his son: "When you are young, you will always talk about it, and when you grow up, you will achieve nothing, it will not help the country and society, why should the country have such a citizen, and why should the family have such a child." Hope that Ru will aspire to the top in everything, have a strong sense of competition, and must not blindly play greedily and tepidly do his homework, so that everything will fall behind and he will not be ashamed and angry. Perhaps feeling that he was very likely to die on the battlefield, Zou Shaomeng did not forget to tell his son to defend the country and rejuvenate China: "Because I belong to the military and am engraved on the front line of the War of Resistance, in case I unfortunately die in the line of duty and complete the duty of our soldiers, the responsibility for defending the country and reviving the Chinese nation in the future rests with the Ru generation, and whether or not I can shoulder this heavy responsibility depends on the cultivation achievements of Ru and other children." Hope. Wangru savored this purpose, and asked Ru's grandfather to explain it to Ru, remembering not to forget. ”

In a word. On March 14, the defense of Tengxian County began, and all the soldiers defending tengxian County became ren, and Zou Shaomeng was martyred. When this sincere family letter was sent back to Wutong Bridge, it was 6 days later. At this time, the news that all the Tengxian defenders had become Ren had spread throughout the country. In the same year, Chengdu New News and the only pictorial newspaper in China, Liangyou, published this letter in full. Wu Hongyuan, deputy director of the Jianchuan Museum, said: "For a time, under the influence of Zou Shaomeng's family letter, Sichuan people rushed to sign up for the army. In particular, Mianyang National No. 6 Middle School, which is dominated by exiled northeastern students, has the most enthusiastic registration. ”

The family letter, the indoctrinating effect on future generations, is fully reflected in Zou Shaomeng's family letter. Zou Runing, who once took the C grade, studied hard after his father's martyrdom and was admitted to the law department of Sichuan University. Later, due to the death of his mother, 3 younger siblings were left unattended, and he had to interrupt his university studies and teach in Mianyang, and later served as the principal of Mianyang Middle School. Zou Shaomeng's second son, Zou Ruxiang, later became a senior engineer.

At the time of Zou Shaomeng's martyrdom, Zou Ruxiang was still in his mother's belly before he was born. Wu Hongyuan introduced that Zou Ruxiang's mother was the principal of the local girls' school, and his father's family letter was the "enlightenment teaching material" for the mother to educate her children. When he was a child, Zou Ruxiang felt that his father's requirements for "if he grew up to achieve nothing, why should he have such a child", but in the end it became his pursuit goal. In 1956, he lived up to his father's expectations and was admitted to the polymer major of Chengdu Institute of Technology with excellent results. Since 2005, Zou Ruxiang has spent more than two years compiling more than 2,000 copies of tengxian heroic martyrs collected from the Second Historical Archive of China into the "List of Tengxian Defending Heroes and Martyrs". Since then, the list, along with his remade photographs of his father's family letters, has been donated to the Kencheon Museum's Kawa Military Resistance Museum as a permanent memorial.

In 1938, Zou Shaomeng was posthumously awarded the title of Major General of the Army by the former Nationalist Government, and in 1984 he was approved as a "revolutionary martyr" by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China.

The general of the Sichuan Army predicted that the future War of Resistance would depend on the Communist Party

In the collection of the Jianchuan Museum, there is a very special letter from the Anti-Japanese War Family. This is a letter written by Zhao Weibin, a general of the Sichuan Army, to his son before he set out for Shandong in 1937. In the letter, in addition to expressing concern for his son, Zhao Weibin talked more rarely about his thinking about China's future. Although he joined the Kuomintang's anti-war sequence, Zhao Weibin already believed that the future war of resistance would depend on the Chinese Communist Party.

In the smoke of the flames, they turned their longing for their families into their sincerity to the country

Zhao Weibin family letter

Zhao Weibin, a native of Chengdu, was the chief of staff of the 122nd Division of the 41st Army of the Sichuan Army before the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, and also died in the defense of Tengxian County. In 1938, he was posthumously awarded lieutenant general by the former National Government, and in 1985, with the approval of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government, he was posthumously recognized as a martyr.

In 1937, Zhao Weibin had already gone with the team to the anti-Japanese front. After moving from Sichuan to Shaanxi, he wrote this family letter to his son Zhao Shicheng. In a letter of more than 1,800 words, Zhao Weibin detailed the incompatibility of the Kuomintang warlords in the War of Resistance: Yan Xishan's new guns and guns were transported to the rear, the Jin army fled in front of the enemy, and only 20,000 or 30,000 people were left. On the other hand, the Sichuan Army, which plunged into the War of Resistance, had a passion for blood: "The guns of the Sichuan Army are equal to zero, and the heavy and light machine guns are all made of soil, and they cannot be fired continuously, so they have no choice but to use flesh and blood to collide with the enemy's mechanized aircraft artillery." The result is not known. ”

Zhao Weibin's Sichuan army was ordered to reinforce Niangziguan. It was in this battle that he experienced the bravery and good fighting of the Red Army (which had been reorganized into the Eighth Route Army at that time).

Zhao Weibin wrote in the letter: It was Liu Bocheng's troops in charge of the southern wing of Niangziguan. "The good fighting of the Red Army and the efforts of the Red Army really made the Northeast Army, the Jin Sui Army, and the Shaanxi Army ashamed to die!" There are three sayings among the common people that the Red Army will fight and not disturb the people, the Central Army will fight but disturb the people, and the Jin and Shaanxi armies will not fight to disturb the people. Zhao Weibin found that wherever the Red Army went, "not only the people, but also the Central Army said that he was good and praised." When they arrived in Taiyuan, the people's group Jing (Xiang) asked Zhou Enlai to give a lecture on guerrilla tactics with Ding Ling, and they went to one place, that is, to gather the people to perform patriotic dramas of the anti-Japanese resistance, which were naturally beyond the reach of those armies, and naturally only let him get out of the limelight..."

Writing a family letter on the front line, so detailed, Zhao Weibin has his own deep meaning. He told his son, "Just to make you know that this is the day when the warlords of all evil will collapse." The total settlement of the Republic of China for twenty-six years is probably coming soon! At the same time, everything in the National War of Resistance of the Red Army, that is, the great foundation established by the Communist Party in the psychology of the Chinese people, and the future success, the future War of Resistance, I am afraid that we still have to rely on the Communist Party!" He also hated the feudal forces and military slaughter, which caused tens of millions of innocent people to lose their lives with them. ”

Zhao Weibin hopes that his son will bury his head in school, whether he is a sound worker or a technician, because he can become a tool needed for the War of Resistance and serve the socialist country in the future. As for life and death, Zhao Weibin had already put it aside: "My safety, I know it myself." So many people have sacrificed, what am I afraid of..." The following year, Zhao Weibin was heroically martyred in the defense of Tengxian County.

This family letter has been locked in a drawer by Zhao Shicheng, which has become a pain that everyone does not want to touch. It was not until 1985, when the Bayi Film Studio wanted to shoot "Blood Battle Taierzhuang" and asked Zhao Shicheng for information, that he took out his father's last letter. After that, Zhao Shicheng donated the family letter to the National Museum, and the copy was later collected by the Jianchuan Museum. Perhaps it was the influence of Zhao Weibin's family letter that Zhao Shicheng was later admitted to the Aeronautics Department of the Central University, and after 1949 became a professor of aerodynamics at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

More than 80 years have passed, and the soldiers who threw their heads and spilled their blood on the anti-Japanese battlefield have long blurred their faces, but the heart of the child and the great righteousness of the family in the family letter will always be remembered by history.