
Sun Jiagan was the elder of the Three Dynasties, known for his honesty and outspokenness, and in his later years he became cautious and cautious, and died in fear

author:Noshi Nichiyo

The emperors of the Qing Dynasty were famous, such as Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong. There are actually many well-known courtiers, such as: Sony, Aobai, Dolgun and so on. However, there was a three-dynasty elder in the Qing Dynasty, who deserved everyone's attention the most, and this person was named Sun Jiagan. He has two major characteristics for being an official: first, he is outspoken and bold; second, he is honest and honest as an official.

Sun Jiagan was the elder of the Three Dynasties, known for his honesty and outspokenness, and in his later years he became cautious and cautious, and died in fear

Throughout Sun Jiagan's life, you can understand what ideals, reality and human nature are.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Sun Jiagan speaks out</h1>

In the "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty", the record of Sun Jiagan is "Jiagan's former family is poor", he was born in a poor family, and later entered high school. I have to say that Sun Jiagan is indeed a talent, and he is extremely smart. The reason is very simple, ancient education was not popularized, the average person to eat is a problem, there is no spare money to study, but Sun Jiagan, who is poor, has done it, not only reading, but also entering high school.

In the fifty-second year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1713), Sun Jiagan became a Shu Jishi in the Hanlin Academy, which was a minor official in the Ming and Qing dynasties, a short-term temporary establishment, but you can't underestimate this official position, because many famous people have done this official, such as Zhang Juzheng, Zeng Guofan and so on. Therefore, this "Shogishi" is called the cradle of the cabinet. From this point of view, Sun Jiagan is by no means simple.

Yongzheng had just succeeded to the throne, and had just experienced the fierceness of the nine sons and wives, Yongzheng was not in a very good mood at that time, and the ministers did not dare to make some suggestions to Yongzheng.

Sun Jiagan was the elder of the Three Dynasties, known for his honesty and outspokenness, and in his later years he became cautious and cautious, and died in fear

Sun Jiagan is indeed different, when others dare not speak, he Sun Jiagan dares, and not only dares to speak, but also dares to pour salt on Yongzheng's wounds, in his shangshu, he mainly mentions three things: "Please kiss the flesh and bones, stop donating, and strike the Western soldiers." ”

Sun Jiagan went so far as to tell Yongzheng to "get close to his brothers, stop collecting donations, and collect troops from the northwest." Leaving aside the rest, the mere words "close to his brother" were enough to kill him. The seizure of the Ninth Son was the most taboo topic of Yongzheng, and Sun Jiagan actually wrote it on paper, and then presented it to the emperor, telling him that it was wrong to do so, is this not looking for death?

The truth is also true, Yongzheng watched Sun Jiagan's recital and prepared to behead him. At this time, a person said good things for Sun Jiagan, and finally saved his small life. This person's name was Zhu Shi, and he was Yongzheng's assistant minister, and he said a sentence at that time: "Jia Gan is sincere and crazy, but he surrenders to his guts." Yongzheng listened, understood what he meant, thought about it, smiled and said, "Shu yi and obey his guts." ”

Sun Jiagan was the elder of the Three Dynasties, known for his honesty and outspokenness, and in his later years he became cautious and cautious, and died in fear

In this way, Sun Jiagan's life was saved, and his reputation for outspokenness and outspokenness spread, and he became a slanderer from then on. The most powerful thing was that Yongzheng died, and after Qianlong took office, he went to Qianlong again, put forward the advice of "three habits and one drawback", got Qianlong's favor, and was directly moved from a ceremonial attendant to a shangshu of the punishment department.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Sun Jiagan is clean</h1>

Sun Jiagan was not only outspoken and honest, but also very clean, and throughout his official career, he experienced the three dynasties of Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong, and thus became a Qing official of the three dynasties.

Once, Sun Jiagan offended Yongzheng and was to be beheaded. However, the civil and military officials interceded one after another, hoping to give Sun Jiagan the opportunity to make meritorious contributions. The unanimous evaluation of Sun Jiagan is that "Sun Jiagan is too humble, but he does not love money." ”

Although this evaluation is crude, it is extremely accurate, summarizing his two characteristics of daring to speak out and not loving money. In the end, Yongzheng "made the best use of his things", gave full play to his advantages of not loving money, and let him go to the silver treasury.

Sun Jiagan was the elder of the Three Dynasties, known for his honesty and outspokenness, and in his later years he became cautious and cautious, and died in fear

Because of this matter, he also caused Prince Guo's boss Yunli to be unhappy, and he felt that there were people in this world who did not love money? So Prince Guo Yunli, who was the leader of the household department, decided to conduct a surprise inspection to see if this Sun Jiagan really did not love money as rumored. In this investigation, Prince Guo Yunli was also convinced, and it was not bad at all. Originally, he wanted to catch his little foot, but it turned out to be a show of merit for him, and since then, Yongzheng has reused him again.

The more you smell it, the more you get it.

Sun Jiagan's name as a Qing official was widely circulated, but when he returned to his hometown, he loaded dozens of boxes in several carriages and returned to his hometown in a mighty way. This matter soon reached Qianlong's ears, and some people even told Qianlong that this Sun Jiagan was a person who sold fame and reputation, disguised as a qing official.

On the way back to his hometown, Sun Jiagan was secretly chased by people sent by Qianlong, secretly checked, and once the evidence was conclusive, he would set out to bring Sun Jiagan, an old thief, to justice. However, this investigation made Qianlong feel very embarrassed, because in these boxes, no valuables were found, all of them were some stones.

Sun Jiagan was the elder of the Three Dynasties, known for his honesty and outspokenness, and in his later years he became cautious and cautious, and died in fear

Later, after inquiring, Qianlong suddenly realized. It turned out that this Sun Jiagan had been a clean and honest official all his life, and when he returned to his hometown, he only had two sleeves of fresh wind left. Returning to his hometown was a happy thing, but Sun Jiagan felt that it was inappropriate for him to go back empty-handed, which would lose the face of the imperial court, so he came up with a scene full of boxes filled with stones to give the squires an illusion of wealth to preserve the face of the imperial court.

Therefore, Qianlong decreed that Sun Jiagan be rewarded with a heavy reward, and specially sent someone to exchange his stone for silver to honor the reward for the honest and honest officials.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Sun Jiagan later changed</h1>

Two years after he returned to his hometown, he was activated by Qianlong again, enjoying two years of qingfu, and finally in his later years, he still spent time in the official field. However, Sun Jiagan's performance in his later years was very different from the past.

In his later years, Sun Jiagan formulated for himself an eight-pact for officials: "Things are not obvious, sharing with others is not arrogant, the situation avoids their disputes, the merit is hidden in the nameless, the matter stops at being able to go, the words are useless, in order to keep the alone and avoid the people, to clean up the costs." ”

Sun Jiagan was the elder of the Three Dynasties, known for his honesty and outspokenness, and in his later years he became cautious and cautious, and died in fear

In general, it is to warn oneself that officials should be careful in their words and deeds. This way of being an official has a huge contrast with his early outspokenness, compared with the previous desperate climb, Sun Jiagan in his later years paid more attention to "smooth landing".

However, the tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not stopping, you are an official, the elder of the three dynasties, and it is not so easy to land smoothly. In his later years, a famous case occurred, the pseudo-manuscript incident.

In the sixteenth year of Qianlong, there was a manuscript listing Qianlong's indictments, which was widely disseminated in private handwriting, even throughout the country, and falsely claimed that Sun Jiagan was the author. When Qianlong found out, he was furious and began a large-scale investigation, but he had no clue, and within a year, because the matter was widely implicated, many officials were killed because of this incident.

After Sun Jiagan heard about this incident, he had long lost his previous courage, and he was frightened and scattered, and he burned all the "Spring and Autumn Righteousness", "Poetry Deletion" and "South China Pass" that he had painstakingly written, afraid of leaving behind some verbal prison excuses.

Sun Jiagan was the elder of the Three Dynasties, known for his honesty and outspokenness, and in his later years he became cautious and cautious, and died in fear

However, Sun Jiagan eventually died of fear because of fear, which caused him to be frightened every day, and his illness worsened, and he died soon after.

From being born in poverty, becoming an official in high school, to being outspoken and daring, being a slanderous courtier with two sleeves and a clean wind, and finally being a cautious official, and finally dying in fear. Sun Jiagan's life, inspirational, legendary and incorruptible, has become his widely circulated quality. In the end, in the face of life and death, the former "strong order" has also become a cautious person, which is human nature.

When you are poor, you have nothing to fear, and after you are rich, you are frightened and haunted, and the end is regrettable.

Reference: "Kiyoshi's Article"

Sun Jiagan was the elder of the Three Dynasties, known for his honesty and outspokenness, and in his later years he became cautious and died in fear

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