
Seeking development with one heart and one mind and one mind to open a new situation - De'an No. 2 Middle School held the second meeting of the 2020-2021 Academic Year Faculty And Staff Congress

author:Jiujiang News Network

Jiujiang News Network News (Xia Jing/Wen Zhoulian/Photo) On the evening of October 15, the second meeting of the 2020-2021 Faculty and Staff Congress of De'an No. 2 Middle School was held in the school's party member activity room, presided over by Vice President Pan Qiusheng. The general assembly shall have 54 representatives of faculty and staff, and 51 representatives shall be actually present, which shall meet the prescribed number. The assembly opened with the sound of the national anthem.

Seeking development with one heart and one mind and one mind to open a new situation - De'an No. 2 Middle School held the second meeting of the 2020-2021 Academic Year Faculty And Staff Congress
Seeking development with one heart and one mind and one mind to open a new situation - De'an No. 2 Middle School held the second meeting of the 2020-2021 Academic Year Faculty And Staff Congress

Representatives sang the national anthem in unison

Seeking development with one heart and one mind and one mind to open a new situation - De'an No. 2 Middle School held the second meeting of the 2020-2021 Academic Year Faculty And Staff Congress

Principal Zhang Youlong made a "School Work Report", in which he first affirmed the achievements of the school in all aspects in the past academic year. First, under the leadership of the theme education of "studying party history, enlightening the mind, doing practical things, and opening up a new situation," we should focus on doing a good job in party building in schools. Strengthen the function of ideological cohesion, cultivate teacher morality and build a solid initial intention of education; make good use of the function of organizing and educating people, party building and team building to improve students' quality; attach importance to the construction of the contingent of party members, and give play to the role of party organizations as fighting bastions. Second, with the series of activities of "building teacher morality and teaching style" as the carrier, strengthen the construction of the teacher team. Cultivate excellent teacher ethics and teacher style, accelerate the construction of a high-quality teacher team; strengthen the training of young and backbone teachers, improve the professional level of the teacher team; care for all aspects of the teacher group, trade union cohesion. Third, take the routine management of teaching as a means to strive to improve the quality of education and teaching. Highlight key tasks, do a good job in resolving large class sizes; uphold the attitude of being responsible for students, and earnestly do a good job in education and teaching; pay attention to experience exchange, and adhere to the combination of bringing in and going out. Fourth, with the goal of "educating people in an all-round way", improve the pertinence of moral education work in special activities. Actively carry out quality education and comprehensively enhance students' literacy; give play to the role of the Communist Youth League in the educational front and comprehensively improve the quality of league members; actively carry out the activities of "three dos, one struggle, and one innovation", and implement moral education work; create a rich moral education activity to strengthen students' ideological and moral education. Fifth, with the guarantee of doing a good job in safety and logistics services, we should strive to create a harmonious environment for educating people. Always tighten the string of safety, do a good job in safety work; build a protection system, publicize safety knowledge from multiple parties; attach importance to food safety and strengthen logistics management. Highlights of the school's work in the past academic year: gratifying achievements in education and teaching, "low entry and high output, special arts and sports" have been effective; the highlights of the characteristic school are outstanding; after-school services are rich and colorful, the sunshine is colorful between classes, and the successful holding of large-scale literary and art performances. Zhang Youlong also planned the work ideas for the next academic year, pointing out that the focus of education and teaching work is to implement the "double reduction" work and the "five management" work, and effectively improve the level of education.

Seeking development with one heart and one mind and one mind to open a new situation - De'an No. 2 Middle School held the second meeting of the 2020-2021 Academic Year Faculty And Staff Congress

In the "Trade Union Work Report", he first reviewed the trade union work for one academic year: First, improve the various systems of the Teaching Congress, actively participate in promoting the democratic school running work of the school, and strive to build a harmonious campus. Second, strengthen the functions of trade unions, actively participate in and cooperate with the work of school centers, and give full play to the role of trade unions. Third, actively carry out healthy, harmonious and colorful cultural and sports activities, improve the quality of teaching workers, and unite the hearts of teaching workers. Fourth, people-oriented, care about the thinking, work, study, life, welfare of teachers, service teachers, never forget their warmth and cold. He looked forward to the work in the coming academic year: First, to play the role of trade unions as a bridge and link. Second, adhere to the purpose of service, creatively carry out various work. Third, adhere to the democratic management of schools, improve and perfect the system of teachers' congresses, further promote institutionalization and openness of school affairs, and govern schools according to law. Fourth, further strengthen the construction of trade unions themselves and continuously improve themselves. In the "Financial Work Report", he informed the school's financial revenue and expenditure in 2020 and the financial budget in 2021.

The heads of relevant departments and offices respectively interpreted the revisions of the plans submitted to the conference for consideration, and the plans submitted to the conference for consideration were the "Annual Performance Appraisal Bonus Distribution Plan for Teachers of De'an No. 2 Middle School (Revised Draft)", "De'an No. 2 Middle School Excellent Class Evaluation Plan (Revised Draft)", and "De'an No. 2 Middle School Group Assessment Plan (Revised Draft)". Among them, the "De'an No. 2 Middle School Teachers' Annual Performance Appraisal Bonus Distribution Plan (Revised Draft)" is applicable to the other two programs, "De'an No. 2 Middle School Teachers' Annual Comprehensive Performance Appraisal Bonus Distribution Plan" (discussion draft) and "De'an No. 2 Middle School Teachers' Annual Appraisal Grade Evaluation Plan" (discussion draft).

Seeking development with one heart and one mind and one mind to open a new situation - De'an No. 2 Middle School held the second meeting of the 2020-2021 Academic Year Faculty And Staff Congress
Seeking development with one heart and one mind and one mind to open a new situation - De'an No. 2 Middle School held the second meeting of the 2020-2021 Academic Year Faculty And Staff Congress

In the group discussion session of the Teaching Congress, the atmosphere of the group discussion was warm, and everyone expressed their own views and suggestions on the development of the school from the overall position. The whole discussion process was full of democratic atmosphere and the spirit of hard work, and the deputies fully performed their duties, showing their strong sense of participation in the management of the school and the style of ownership of contributing ideas and suggestions for the work of the school. After the group discussion, the leaders of each group are responsible for sorting out the discussion and opinions and reporting to the Bureau of the General Assembly. The members of the Bureau of the Meeting listened carefully to the voices from the various groups and gave reasonable explanations and answers in a timely manner. In the end, the delegates adopted by show of hands the three reports and three programmes of the Congress. Vice President Stun Ann delivered the closing speech, and the conference closed in the solemn and enterprising "Internationale".

Seeking development with one heart and one mind and one mind to open a new situation - De'an No. 2 Middle School held the second meeting of the 2020-2021 Academic Year Faculty And Staff Congress

This congress is a meeting of cohesion and harmony. The convening of the Teaching Congress has further clarified the development goals of the school, and has played a positive role in uniting the majority of teachers and staff and cohesively promoting the development of various undertakings of the school, and we believe that through everyone's joint efforts, the work of De'an No. 2 Middle School will certainly be able to go to a higher level!