
【Learning Voice】Activism: Promoting the Sinicization of Religion in China and Helping to Build a Modern Socialist Country in An All-Round Way

author:United Front New Language
【Learning Voice】Activism: Promoting the Sinicization of Religion in China and Helping to Build a Modern Socialist Country in An All-Round Way

On July 5, a symposium was held in Beijing to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Wang Yang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, stressing that people from all walks of life in the united front should conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech, bear in mind the glorious history of the CPC and non-party figures working together in harmony and in the same boat through thick and thin, and extensively unite their efforts to build a socialist modern power in an all-round way and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Representatives of people from all walks of life made statements at the meeting, and the following excerpts are summarized below.

【Learning Voice】Activism: Promoting the Sinicization of Religion in China and Helping to Build a Modern Socialist Country in An All-Round Way

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important "July 1st" speech comprehensively reviewed the 100 years of the CPC's struggle course and the great contributions of the history books, profoundly summed up the precious experience condensed in the history of the past century, pointed out the way forward for the party to lead the people of the whole country to win new victories in comprehensively building a modern socialist country, and is a brilliant document of contemporary Chinese Marxism. Religious circles and religious believers throughout the country have enthusiastically studied and wholeheartedly supported General Secretary Xi Jinping's important "July 1st" speech.

Over the past 100 years, the united front has always been an important magic weapon for the party to lead the revolution, construction, and reform to win continuous victories. Religious work is an important part of the party's united front work, and patriotic religious figures are an indispensable part of the united front under the leadership of the party. Over the past 100 years, under the guidance of the Marxist concept of religion, the Communist Party of China has developed and perfected the theory of religious work, formulated and implemented the policy of freedom of religious belief, established a patriotic united front for consolidating and consolidating religious circles, united and led people in religious circles and religious believers to work together to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, forged a correct path for resolving religious issues with Chinese characteristics, and written a unique religious chapter in the party's century-old united front history. During the war-torn years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, inspired by the party's united front and religious policy, Zhao Puchu of Buddhism, Li Yu, director of the Taoist Li Yu Navigation, Imam Hu Songshan of Islam, Mr. Ma Xiangbo of the Catholic Church, Mr. Wu Yaozong of Christianity, and other patriots in religious circles led the followers of all religions to throw themselves into the anti-Japanese salvation movement at great length, waged unremitting struggles to defeat the Japanese aggressors, demonstrated the sincere patriotism of China's religious circles, and embodied the strong appeal and cohesion of the united front. After the founding of New China, especially since the beginning of reform and opening up, under the brilliant illumination of the party's united front and religious policies, all religions in our country have completed the democratic reform of the religious system, shaken off imperialist control, embarked on the road of adapting to socialist society, and constantly shone brightly for socialist modernization. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the correct guidance of the party's united front and religious policies, religious circles throughout the country have deeply promoted the sinification of religion in the new era, actively participated in poverty alleviation and epidemic prevention and control, and contributed wisdom and strength to building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and starting a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country.

Looking back at the glorious history of the united front over the past 100 years, looking back at the glorious history of the party's united front and religious work principles and policies advancing with the times over the past 100 years, and looking back at the glorious history of the religious circles and the party's heart and blood struggle over the past 100 years, we have more profoundly realized that without the Communist Party, there would be no new China, no socialism with Chinese characteristics, and it would be impossible to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Without the party's strong leadership, there will be no lasting vitality and vigorous vitality of the united front and extensive and powerful cohesion. Without the correct guidance of the party's united front and religious policy, there will be no in-depth advancement of the process of sinification of religions in our country, no good situation of healthy inheritance of all religions, and no happy life for the broad masses of religious believers.

Religious circles throughout the country will vigorously carry out education on the theme of loving the party, the country, and socialism, and in combination with the study of the history of new China, the history of reform and opening up, the history of socialist development, and the history of the united front, and continuously enhance the "five identities"; deeply promote the sinification of religion in our country, take General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on religious work as the guide, take the socialist core values as the guide, use the excellent traditional Chinese culture to infiltrate, and systematically sort out the ideological concepts, canonical systems, etiquette customs, culture and art of various religions. Make interpretations, adjustments, developments, and discards that meet the requirements of contemporary China's development and progress, fully display the Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese style of our religion, and constantly improve the level at which religion is compatible with socialist society; give full play to the positive role of religion, carry forward the fine tradition of patriotic progress of religion in our country, use the positive factors contained in religious doctrines and canons, unite and lead the religious masses to support the party and love the country, abide by the law and regulations, and act in good faith and righteousness, and actively participate in the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country. It plays an active role in promoting economic and social development and safeguarding national unity, ethnic unity, social harmony and religious harmony.

(The author is the president of the Buddhist Association of China)

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