
Liaoning Dalian Liangjiadian Hongliang Village legend story

author:Tenkaido people

Liaoning Dalian Liangjiadian Hongliang Village legend story

Wednesday, July 22, 2020, Dalian Daily A08 full-page report, the big headline is written by Zhai Bingjun "Ancient Dalian people are one of the nine Yi, mysterious Qingqiu ancient country is short-lived", Yiren, for today's Dalian people, may be a distant and unfamiliar word. However, in the eyes of historians and archaeologists, yi is divided into nine kinds, and the ancient Dalian people are one of these nine, and in the Yizhou Shuwanghui Chapter, this ancient land is defined in just 5 words: Qingqiu, Fox Nine Tails. Mr. Wang Mianhou's thesis "On the 'Double-Brick Three-Phase Culture' and 'Double-Room Type' and the Ancient 'Qingqiu' Tribe in Liaodong" proposed for the first time that the bronze cultural lineage at the southern end of the Liaodong Peninsula should be mainly the Qingqiu tribal culture of the pre-Qin Dynasty. ”

Mr. Wang tried to get corroboration from ancient documents, and he made comparisons from the documentary inscriptions and regional geography, and the Shangshu Yugong said that Haidai was only Qingzhou, and Qingqiu was the mountain tribe of Qingzhou. Jin Kong Chao Note - Qingqiu, Haidong place name. In the Classic of Mountains and Seas and the Overseas East Classic, the Qingqiu Kingdom is in the north of it (Yutani), and its fox has four legs and nine tails. The Classic of Mountains and Seas and the Great Wilderness of the East Says that there is a country of green hills and nine tails of a fox. The following document is more convincing, the Old Book of Tang Zhenguan twenty-two years, Tang Taizong with Xue Wanche as the chief of the Qingqiu Road march, led 30,000 soldiers from Laizhou to the sea to goryeo, into the Yalu River 100 miles to BofenCheng. All this evidence confirms that Dalian is the ancient Qingqiu Kingdom! ”

Grand Commander of the Qingqiu Road March, official name. Built in the Tang Dynasty. "Zi Fei Fu" Yun: "Autumn hunting in Qingqiu, Gai said so." Serve The Pious: The Qingqiu Kingdom is three hundred miles from Haidong. Tang begs Goryeo and marches on Qingqiu Road. Here are two meanings:

First, it is often hunted in the "green hills" in the autumn. At that time, the area of present-day Dalian was a good place for autumn hunting.

Second, in the nineteenth year of Tang Zhenguan (645), Tang Taizong, in order to "leave no worries for future generations", was determined to recover Liaodong. During the Tang Dynasty's conquest of the east, the Tang army fought the first battle at Bala City (present-day Great Black Mountain City, Jinpu New District). Two years later, Tang Taizong again sent troops to conquer the east. Niu Jinda, the "Grand Commander of the Qingqiu Road March", led an army from the Miaodao Islands to the area of present-day Dalian, capturing Shicheng (Pulandian Weibashan City) and Jili City (Zhuanghe, the former city of ChengshanShancheng, and the rear city of Jiahe Mountain City) and retreating troops. In the second year, he ordered the zuo wu wei general Xue Wanche to capture Daxing City (present-day Niangniang Temple City in Dandong) as the "Grand Commander of the Qingqiu Road March". After Emperor Gaozong of Tang succeeded to the throne, he still regarded the recovery of Liaodong as a national policy, and sent a small number of troops to attack Liaodong in turn from both land and water, so that the ethnic minority armed forces in the northeast were trapped in defense and could not cultivate, and large fields in Liaodong were abandoned, and production and life were in trouble. In the first year of the reign of Emperor Gaozong of Tang (668), Emperor Gaozong of Tang recaptured Liaodong, including the area of present-day Dalian. This also reflects that it was precisely because Niu Jinda and Xue Wanche led the army from Shandong to cross the sea to fight in the area of present-day Dalian, so that Tang Taizong twice ordered the post of "Grand Commander of the Qingqiu Road March". This further indicates that "Qingqiu" is the ancient place name of Dalian.

"The totem of the Qingqiu Kingdom is the Nine-tailed Fox, and the Li Daji of the novel "Fengshen Yanyi" is the Nine-tailed Fox and is demonized by the author. The Han portrait stones that we can see now often have nine-tailed foxes and white rabbits, toads, and three-legged crows carved next to the West Queen's mother's seat to show Zhenxiang. It is described in the Classic of Mountains and Seas that the mountain of qingqiu is known as the mountain of green hills three hundred miles to the east, with its yang and jade, and its yin and green wok. There are beasts, whose shape is like a fox and nine tails, whose voice is like a baby, who can eat people, and who eaters do not cheat. Guo Pu's note: Taiping is out of the way, which means that whenever the world is at peace, they appear in the human world to show the auspiciousness of the world. The nine-tailed fox appears three times in the Classic of Mountains and Seas and is a symbol of good fortune and prosperity for future generations. Legend has it that the nine-tailed white fox that Yu met before Tu Shan married his wife originated from this Qingqiu country. ”

"There is also a legend that Dayu's wife, Nujiao, was a nine-tailed fox, and later her son Qi founded China's first feudal dynasty, Xia."

  Qingqiu is the name of a country founded by a tribe of the Dongyi people, and the nine-tailed fox is the totem of this tribal kingdom. In the eyes of historians, Dalian's ancient culture was a peak when it reached the Qingqiu Ancient Kingdom, but the mysterious Qingqiu Ancient Kingdom was only a flash in the pan in history, and soon disappeared, leaving only a small amount of writing, making it impossible to see the whole picture.

  So, how did this ancient yiren kingdom, which is almost as mysterious as legend, rise up, and why did it decline? To this end, the reporter interviewed a number of history and archaeology experts to try to decipher the rise and fall of this ancient tribe.

  History of the rise and fall of the Qingqiu tribe


  In the Ruins of Gulongshan in Wafangdian, archaeologists have found fossils of land animals such as mammoth bones, and it can be determined that the ancestors living here made a living by hunting.


  The population has soared and the culture has developed. Completed the role transition from hunter to fisherman.

  Bronze Age

  Rich fishery resources make food at easy reach of the Qingqiu people and form a developed agriculture.

  Spring and Autumn Warring States

  Qin Shi Huang carried out a comprehensive Sinicization of the Qingqiu people, and the Qingqiu tribe was no longer the protagonist and gradually declined.

  The last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty

  Wei and Wu fought for supremacy, and other residents of the Dalian area fled to Shandong. The Qingqiu culture was fragmented and never recovered.

  Paleolithic: The mulberry fields of the sea are almost uninhabited

  In ancient times, Dalian was a land sleeping on the bottom of the sea. About 70,000 years ago, due to the sudden drop in sea level of more than 50 meters, Dalian and the Shandong Peninsula and the Korean Peninsula were exposed to the water, forming a new continent, which was called Jiaoliao Ancient Land by geologists. By 30,000 years ago, the sea level had dropped by more than 140 meters, connecting the ancient land of Jiaoliao with the Japanese archipelago.

  At that time, this vast continent was full of life, and all kinds of giant animals were infested. In November 2011, a mammoth ivory fossil salvaged by Wang Zhenwei, a fisherman in Beihai Town, Lushunkou District, is a case in point, and modern archaeology has found that during that golden age, Dalian was a paradise for prehistoric megafauna such as mammoths, saber-toothed tigers and woolly rhinoceros. But around 20,000 years ago, sea levels rose sharply in succession, and catastrophic intrusions engulfed most of the land animals.

  From the sea to the land, from the land to the ocean. So until the late Paleolithic period, there was almost no human settlement here. At present, the earliest human site found in Dalian is the Wafangdian Gulongshan site 17,000 years ago, which is also the only late Paleolithic site in Dalian to be found. Sun Yufeng, an expert at the Dalian Natural History Museum, was one of the first experts to enter the site. He recalled: "It was the autumn of 1981, and a few of us archaeologists went into the cave with flashlights, and as soon as we entered, we saw that it was full of fossilized animal bones with white flowers. ”

  At this site, archaeologists have found mammoth bones, horse bones, brown bear bones, wild boar bones and other land animal fossils, which can be determined that the ancestors who lived here made a living from hunting. Archaeologists have also found two kinds of fish fossils, which also proves from the side that the earliest explorers who set foot in Dalian also tasted the delicious taste of fish meat.

  Neolithic: The ancestors of Qingqiu were masters of fishing

  By the Neolithic Age, as the number of transgressions had diminished, this land on the shores of the sea had won the first period of human prosperity in history. Recent archaeological discoveries have proved that after entering the Neolithic Age, Dalian not only achieved a sudden increase in population, but also became one of the most developed places in northeast China culturally. The Neolithic sites discovered in Dalian are mostly distributed along the coast and islands of the Yellow and Bohai Seas, of which the XiaozhuShan site on Guanglu Island in Changhai County is the most typical, and the large number of fishing gear, large fish bones and piles of shells excavated from the site show that the ancestors who lived here at that time had completed the role transition from hunter to fisherman.

  These ancestors who learned to fish were the ancestors of the Qingqiu tribe. This is a populous tribe, from Hiroshima and Dachangshan Island in Changhai County to Siping Mountain in Ganjingzi; from Guojia Village, Wangjia Village, and Dapanjia Village in Lushunkou District, to Anbo Town in Pulandian; from Santang Village in Changxing Island to Heidao Town in Zhuanghe... The rich sea feeds this ancient Yi tribe, and this adventurous tribe not only controls the coastal sea, but also dares to drive a simple boat to the far side to catch giant fish in the deep sea.

  It can be seen from the boat-shaped pottery excavated from Guojiagou in Lushun that the Qingqiu people living in Dalian at that time mastered the shipbuilding techniques that were already very advanced at that time. These fishery ancestors, who were good at shipbuilding and navigation, had close ties with the ancestors of the Shandong Peninsula in one sailing adventure after another. Later, a group of ancestors of the Qingqiu tribe moved south, merged with the Yi people of the Shandong Peninsula, and gradually became stronger, and in the 14th century BC, under the leadership of its leader Pan Geng, migrated to the Anyang area of Henan and established the Yin Shang Dynasty.

  Bronze Age: A tribe that arose by boiling sea salt

  The biggest feature of the Qingqiu people is that they have an open ocean, and when they are formed, they live by the sea. In the Zhou Dynasty Yishu "Bamboo Book Chronicle", there is a record of Yiren "touring the sea in the east and obtaining big fish". Rich fishing resources, so that the Qingqiu people's food is within easy reach, the population has achieved rapid growth, and now all over Dalian can be seen in the size of the stone sheds, at that time, the ancient country of Qingqiu was very prosperous.

  But the abundance of food in turn hindered their enthusiasm for invention. Judging from the archaeological discoveries in the Dalian area, although the Qingqiu people who lived in this land at that time also entered the Bronze Age, they still used stone tools in large quantities, and they could hardly see bronze tools. The means of production are too backward, which will inevitably lead to the decline of national strength, but the sea once again saves this tribe that worships the nine-tailed fox. Archaeology shows that although the Qingqiu people at that time missed the bronze culture, they mastered the advanced technique of boiling sea salt. The luckier factor is that the development of the salt industry has coincided with navigation technology. In this way, the Qingqiu tribes were able to transport salt along the sea route on a large scale to the Shandong Peninsula and exchange it for other means of production, and this model of "rejuvenating the state with salt" may have lasted for hundreds of years.

  It was not until the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period that the bronze culture of the Qingqiu people gradually matured, and an important symbol is that a large number of well-made curved-bladed bronze short swords have been found in many sites. They are distributed in Anbo and Hua'ershan in Pulandian, Chengshan Pawnshop Village in Wafangdian in Yuantai, Zhaotun, Qutun and Zhuanghe, Wolongquan, Liangjiadian in Jinzhou, Sanjian Fort in Lushun, Dragon King Temple, Shuangtaigou and Muchengyi in Ganjingzi.

  The large number of bronzes also quietly changed the production mode of this tribe that "thrived on salt". The Qingqiu people who first appeared in Dalian mainly lived along the coast, and the appearance of bronze ware improved the production skills of the Qingqiu people, allowing them to gradually transform from fishermen to farmers. The most typical is the Dazuizi site in Ganjingzi District, where a large number of bronze utensils for war and farming have been excavated, and a large amount of carbonized rice has also been found, indicating that the Qingqiu people at that time already had developed agriculture. Some began to move to the northern mountains of Dalian, becoming the first full-time farmers of the Qingqiu tribe.

  Spring and Autumn Warring States: Jingke Thorn Qin and Dalian Sinicization

  The Qingqiu culture once had a glorious peak, that was when they had just mastered fishing techniques. But later, when bronze and iron objects began to dominate the process of human social development, the Qingqiu people fell behind. So despite their abundant fisheries and salt resources, they are still inevitably in decline step by step.

  During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Yan state flourished, in order to accumulate capital to compete with the Central Plains countries, the Yan people sent the general Qin Kaidong to expand the Northern Expedition, and the Yan people, who had advanced weapons, soon annexed the technologically backward Qingqiu tribe. The Yan people attach great importance to this beautiful and rich xinjiang land, and they have built a number of densely populated cities here, such as Zhangdian City in Hua'er Mountain, HuangjiaLiangzi City in Poplar House, and Muyang City in Lushun.

  At the same time, in order to rule this land forever, the King of Yan also vigorously implemented the immigration policy, immigrating the Yan people from Hebei and other places to Dalian and mixing with the Qingqiu people. In the face of the more advanced Central Plains culture, the Qingqiu culture was assimilated little by little.

  In the late Warring States period, the Qin state became increasingly powerful, and the Yan state declined. In order to resist the Qin state, Prince Dan of Yan sent Jing Ke to stab the King of Qin, and Jing Ke stabbed Qin unsuccessfully, but staged a magnificent tragedy in Chinese history. This tragedy also rewrote the history of the Qingqiu people, and the King of Qin, in anger, sent a large army to destroy the Yan state, and naturally took over the land of the Qingqiu tribe from the Yan people. Qin Shi Huang, who advocated "books and texts, cars on the same track", carried out a comprehensive Sinicization of the Qingqiu people, and the influx of a large number of new immigrants made the land more prosperous, but the Qingqiu tribe, the former owner of the land, was no longer the protagonist.

  Archaeological data show that during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Qingqiu people had begun to use Chinese characters, which was an important sign of Sinicization. At the same time, the salt industry here is more developed, and the salt trade has become a pillar industry of the locality. Today, the number of Warring States currency cellars found in Dalian is one of the largest in the country, such as Anzishan in Ganjingzi District, which has unearthed more than 30 kilograms of knife coins at one time, and Bali Village in Jinzhou, which has unearthed more than 100 kilograms of knife coins at one time. These relics of the Warring States show that at that time, commercial activities in the Dalian area were already very popular, and the qingqiu people had very frequent exchanges with the Central Plains.

  The last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty: the desolate back of the land of the kings

  From the late Warring States period to the Qin Dynasty, Qingqiu culture has been clearly influenced by the Culture of the Central Plains, and by the Two Han Dynasties, the backward Qingqiu culture finally struggled powerlessly and gradually withdrew from the stage of history.

  At the end of the Qin Dynasty and the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the Central Plains were in chaos, and the ancient kingdom of Qingqiu was still safe because it was far from the center of the battlefield. As a result, some people in the Central Plains moved in large numbers to avoid war. They brought the Central Plains culture and various living customs into Dalian and dominated it, and the descendants of the nine-tailed fox were gradually marginalized. From the archaeological discoveries of this period, it can be seen that the shell tombs and large and small stone sheds used by the Qingqiu people gradually disappeared, and were replaced by the brick and stone tombs and mural tombs of the Han people. It can be seen from the order of the tomb group that the patriarchal concept and funeral customs of the Han people have penetrated into the folk.

  At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, a large number of famous Confucians from the Central Plains also came to the ancient kingdom of Qingqiu, of which Guan Ning, Wang Lie, Feng Yuan and others were the most famous, and the ancient kingdom of Qingqiu was therefore known as the land of Guan (Guan Ning) Wang (Wang Lie). With the settlement and teaching of these Eastern Han Confucians, Han culture further flourished, and Qingqiu culture became even weaker.

  During the Three Kingdoms period, Gongsun Yuan, the Taishou of Liaodong, joined forces with Wu to resist Wei and was conquered by Sima Yi, a general sent by Cao Wei. When the Eastern Wu army was defeated, a large number of people and property in the Dalian area were robbed to Jiangnan. This Wei-Wu struggle for hegemony became the last straw that crushed the qingqiu ancient kingdom, and other residents of the Dalian area also fled to Shandong, where Xinpu County was established. Since then, the Qingqiu culture has been fragmented and has never been restored.

Since the Wei and Jin dynasties, the Qingqiu tribe withdrew from Dalian, and ethnic minorities in the northeast gradually rose. As a result, the ancient kingdom of Qingqiu has successively become a stage for the performances of xianbei, Goguryeo, Khitan, Jurchen, Mongolian and other ethnic groups. The former nine-tailed fox has become increasingly obscure and untraceable. Only the exquisite jade, pottery and fishing gear in the ruins are left, silently recording the desolate back of a tribe that has gone away-------

However, Liangjiadian, the hinterland of Dalian, located in the ancient Qingqiu Ancient Kingdom, has a magical story with the future generation of kings:

On the night of the fifteenth day of the first month of the nineteenth year of Tang Zhenguan (February 16, 645), Luoyang, Tang Taizong Li Shimin tossed and turned for the expedition to Goryeo, and only when he was asleep in his infestation, a nine-tailed silver fox stepped on the green earth in the desolation, leading a clear spring from the ground to burst out of the ground in an instant, a hundred flowers bloomed in an instant, Tang Taizong could not help but step forward, the nine-tailed immortal fox led all the way up a fairy mountain through a purple bamboo forest but saw Guanyin Master twisting his fingers and smiling, Tang Taizong hurriedly knelt down and chanted the Buddha trumpet, Guanyin Master said: Don't go to the time of the sword soldiers, On the day you send out the army, there will be a Buddhist emissary who will break the heavens with you ~ ~ ~ ~ Li Shimin will ask again, but he will wake up with an unstable fall under his feet--------

The next morning, in the morning, he only said that the active armament would choose the day to go out

On the 24th day of the 19th month of the 19th year of Tang Zhenguan (25 February 645), he returned to Chang'an with 657 Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures and various Buddha statues

At that time, Tang Taizong was in Luoyang, unable to wait to prepare for an expedition to Goryeo, Xuanzang sent the retrieved scriptures to Hongfu Temple, and rushed to Luoyang to meet Tang Taizong, and was comforted by Tang Taizong's special emissaries. The Xuans used horses to bring rare foreign objects from Western countries and present them to the imperial court. Emperor Taizong summoned Xuanzang to the inner temple, and Xuanzang recounted to the emperor in person about the westward journey, and the two talked very speculatively. According to records, the reception began at midnight (about six o'clock in the morning) and lasted until the evening hour (about six o'clock in the evening), and the whole day was spent unconsciously. Until night fell, the closed drum Fang ------ Fang had dinner, and then he felt sleepy, but in his dream he saw the nine-tailed fairy fox with his head three times------ Tang Taizong woke up and hurriedly summoned the ministers to decide to go out on the next day at the three auspicious times

Summer, April, the rush march suddenly encountered torrential rain, between the panic between the lightning thunderbolts continuously split a mountain bag is very red, according to the red bright mountain bag to go, but saw a sunny valley (now Liangjiadian Hongliang Village northwest), just into the wind and rain suddenly stopped, the sun is shining, Tang Taizong and the soldiers hurriedly removed the armor to dry and dry, at this time the silver fox has been running out of the red light, Tang Taizong's uncontrollable soul chased the silver fox but came to a spring, the drink is clear and sweet, the pain of washing is no ------- is night, In the midst of the hardship, Tang Taizong Li Shimin dreamed of being hunted down and killed by Goguryeo soldiers, and when it was urgent, Guanyin Dashi waved out the nine-tailed fairy fox transformed into a white-robed young general to save him----- woke up in a panic, it was a nightmare, the military master Xu Maogong interpreted the dream, saying that the white-robed young man in the dream would be the future pillar of the country, this is Guanyin Dashi's guidance deserved "Ying MengXianchen", Tang Taizong Li Shimin looked back and saw the silver fox but at the edge of the spring, I can't help but say: This attack on Beisha City was the first battle of the Eastern Crusade to ensure that the first battle must be won------- the next day the soldiers recorded that the place where the armor was dried to escape the wind and rain was the place where the armor was dried as a point of drying, and the clear spring was Ruyi Spring, which was the place where the subsequent marching troops were stationed------ and sure enough, in May, the Tang army captured the first battle of Beisha City (now The Great Black Mountain in Jinzhou District, Dalian, Liaoning Province-------

It is said that the "Ying Mengxian Chen" was alone in the 250,000 enemy troops, and the 44-year-old Sheng Tang dynasty general Xue Li Xue Rengui of Longmen County, Shanxi Province, who led the army to Ping Sifang, xue Rengui bid farewell to his wife and came to Zhang Shigui's army as a small soldier, and his skills finally came to use. In 645, Emperor Taizong of Tang led an army to goguryeo, and on the battlefield, the general Liu Junqiong was surrounded by enemy troops and could not escape, and the people around him could not help, so they could only do it in a hurry. At this extremely critical moment, only to see Xue Rengui single-handedly rush into the enemy army, killed one of the enemy generals in an instant, took off the head of the man and used the gun to pick up the horse and galloped, the enemy army saw the fear and retreated, Liu Junqiong was able to get out of trouble. A small soldier, at a critical juncture, actually showed such a great general demeanor, and for a while, the name of Xue Rengui was widely rumored in the army.

In the following Battle of Anshi, Xue Rengui showed his martial arts to the fullest, and he won the reputation of the first fierce general of the Tang Dynasty. In June, the Tang dynasty army attacked Goguryeo Andan Mountain, but was resisted by a 250,000-strong army led by Gao Yanshou and Gao Huizhen. At this time, I saw Xue Rengui dressed in a white coat, holding the Fang Tian Painting Blade, wearing two bows around his waist, one person and one horse rushed into the enemy's 250,000 troops, beating the other side's formation into chaos, and the large army followed the advance and attacked, and the Tang Dynasty won a great victory. Li Shimin saw Xue Rengui's wonderful performance from afar, and felt sincerely proud that the Tang Dynasty had such a fierce general, and personally summoned him after the war, gave him a generous reward, and promoted him to a guerrilla general.

In 658, the Tang Dynasty army once again attacked Goguryeo, and the 44-year-old Xue Rengui was no longer the unknown little soldier he had been, but had become a general who commanded the army, capturing the town of Chifeng in one fell swoop and killing thousands of enemies. In the second year, they clashed again, took the lead as a soldier, captured the enemy archers alive, captured several "kings", and wrote a legend in the army. But the legend doesn't end there, it goes on. In 661 AD, Xue Rengui recruited Hui Hui for the deputy generals, and returned with a great victory, which was rumored to be "the general's three arrows to fix the Tianshan Mountain", and from then on Hui Hui no longer plagued the Tang Dynasty border. In 666, Xue Rengui was ordered to quell the Goguryeo rebellion, and Goguryeo surrendered to the Tang. In his later years, the Turks were troubled, the 69-year-old Xue Rengui was reappointed by Emperor Gaozong, and the Turks were very afraid when they heard that Xue Rengui was leading the troops, and fled without a fight.

Folklore says that Xue Lizhengdong has led several major battles to dry his armor at the point of drying his armor, and used the Ruyi Spring to heal his wounds and restore his combat strength to help him win every battle-------

Nowadays, the northwest of Hongliang Village, Liangjiadian Street, Jinpu New District, has created a Ruyi Spring Villa, tracing the ancient country of Qingqiu, tasting ecological cuisine, watching the pastoral scenery at the same time, holding up Ruyi Spring to make a wish, as long as you can see the cute and mischievous little fox, your wish will be able to come true------

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