
Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

author:Mommy and Daddy Camp

We didn't mean to be funny, this article we have compiled through scientific literature and materials.

We also have no intention of taking the position of ladies to coax men who do not like to do housework to do housework, but the truth is that men who do not like housework, you really miss a lot.

There are too many benefits to doing housework, and even related to men's X ability (there is no meaning of color here)

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China
Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

Men who don't do housework are prone to diabetes?

What does most men look like at home? Not black, not beaten, it may look like this.

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

Or so be it.

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

Rarely have they been so diligent.

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

If gentlemen are diligent at home, then we want to praise you and congratulate you, you have escaped the disaster.

If you are or your husband is a man who does not do housework at home, we want to remind you: he will be prone to diabetes.

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

Chinese the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army and the University of Science and Technology of China conducted a household survey of 13,000 urban Chinese men aged 35-78.

Men who never do housework were found to have a 20% higher incidence of diabetes than men who did housework for less than 2 hours a day.

Men who do housework for more than 2 hours a day have a 40% lower risk of disease than men who don't do housework!

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

Xinhuanet has also reported on this matter before.

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

What a terrible finding! I can't imagine that men who lie down every day as soon as they get home, play games and play mobile phones, have such a big health risk.

In fact, for many men, doing housework is equivalent to exercising. Instead of complaining about not having time to go to the gym, it is better to work more at home, so that you can also consume calories and reduce obesity

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

Ph.D. of Peking Union Medical College Hospital once did such a study: "The Impact of Overweight and Obesity in Chinese Adults and Major Risk Factors on the Incidence of Diabetes"

The study surveyed a total of 25,025 Chinese adults aged 35-74 over an eight-year period.

The final results showed a linear correlation between BMI levels in men and women and the risk of diabetes [1], and the test value of this study was p<0.001.

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

Here's a little bit of knowledge: the smaller the p, the stronger the correlation.

In layman's terms, the fatter the easier it is to get diabetes.

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

The University of Queensland and melbourne's International Diabetes Agency jointly conducted a study in which 173 men and women were studied to measure their blood glucose levels over a week.

The results of the study showed that doing some light activities every hour can reduce the amount of glucose in the blood. So doing housework can help reduce your risk of diabetes [2]!

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

Ladies, for the sake of her husband's health, it is better to suggest that he do more housework.

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

Does more housework for men help with sex?

When I first saw the benefits of doing housework, I was also surprised.

Originally doing housework and this function?

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

After marriage, especially after having children, responsible mothers will share a large part of their energy to take care of children, family chores, such as what brand of milk powder to buy for children, what kindergarten...

And people to middle age, metabolism is reduced, it is impossible to eat dry like young people without fat, the figure can easily become particularly poor.

I really don't have the energy to think about anything else.

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

It's all tears!

Instead of eating all kinds of rotten supplements, men should do housework at home?

There is a scientific basis for the fact that men can improve the quality of sexual life by doing housework.

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

In 2008, Scott Coltrane, a sociologist at the University of California, pointed out that men's housework is directly related to the number of times they have sex [3].

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

Scott Coltrane

Scott Coltrane said: "The happier women are when they see men doing more and more housework. ”

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

Because men are willing to share the housework for themselves, women can feel fair, and the relationship between the sexes will increase satisfaction, and the conflict between them will naturally decrease. In this harmonious situation, the "sexual interest" of both men and women will be greatly improved, and the sexual life will naturally become better.

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

For example, Matt Johnson, a professor in the Department of Human Ecology at the University of Alberta in Canada, published a study in the journal of family psychology: men will have a better sex life by doing housework.

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China
Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

Therefore, in order to "sexual" welfare, it is better for men in the family to do more housework, after all, physical health and "sexual" blessings can be obtained at the same time, and such a good thing is also too cost-effective!

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

Men doing housework makes marriages last longer?

In the past, it was a social consensus outside the male and female inside.

But in modern society, women can also hold up half the sky outside. Women can make money, not even necessarily less than men.

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

But in terms of housework, many women still can't get out of it.

Some men do nothing when they return home, and what is even more excessive is that some men actually point fingers at women who do housework.

Whoever changed it would feel tired and bored to death.

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

When the passion in love is worn away by tedious family things, how to run a good family is very important, especially when doing housework.

According to a study by Adam et al., a scientist at the University of Missouri in the United States, the higher the marital satisfaction of couples who share household chores [4].

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

Therefore, it is important to do a good job in the division of household chores, which can make the family more harmonious and make the marriage more satisfactory [5,6].

Otherwise, in the end, you can only harden your mouth in the bar late at night: only care about what you once had

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

Doing housework for a long time?

Living long is always the goal of human pursuit.

Qin Shi Huang sent the eunuch Xu Fu to find the elixir of immortality.

Emperor Wudi of Han believed the words of the deceiver Li Shaojun and felt that Li Shaojun could really practice Dan, and even when Li Shaojun died, Emperor Wudi of Han felt that Li Shaojun had ascended to immortality.

And Li Shimin.

Li Fan, a major minister of the tang dynasty during the reign of Emperor Xianzong of Tang, said: "Emperor Wen (i.e., Emperor Taizong of Tang) took the elixir of the Hu monks, so he caused a violent illness and could not be saved. ”

This means that Tang Taizong died by taking hu monk's elixir.

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

Even with the present scientific means, eternal life is impossible. However, it is indeed possible to extend one's life for a few years, because doing housework is beneficial to one's health [7].

A medical university in the United Kingdom has done a 10-year survey of 3500 couples and found that doing housework can extend the life expectancy by 3 years.

The British Journal of Sports Medicine published a study on its website: saying that regular housework or gardening can not only reduce the incidence of heart attacks and strokes in people over 60 years old, but also reduce the risk of death by 30%.

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China
Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

There are also studies that show that men do housework to reduce mortality by half!

The study was rigorous, and after excluding the interfering factors of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer patients, 2867 people were selected as a sample, which lasted for 9 years, with an average age of 72 years, and finally found that the relationship between household chores and mortality was very large: twice the number of deaths in women when men died!

Men who do not do housework are prone to diabetes? It is actually certified by the University of Science and Technology of China

To be honest, we look like we are in prime, but the pressure of work and the pressure of life have long begun to affect our physical health.

Today's men and women, for a variety of reasons, have been delaying marriage and childbearing. It may be later when our children get married or have children.

If you want the joy of heaven, if you want three generations to live together, and if you want a harmonious, healthy and happy family, you have to live longer.

So, men who don't do housework go and do the housework! We really are not cajoling, because scientific statistics show that men can do more housework to make the family happy and harmonious, can improve the life of couples, reduce the probability of diabetes, and even live a long life...

Seeing this, who do you want to transfer it to?