
The teacher-student friendship of Jiang Weiqiao and Yang Kuan

Mr. Yang Kuan (1914-2005), a well-known expert in pre-Qin history, graduated from the department of Chinese of The private Guanghua University in Shanghai in 1936, and served as the director of the Shanghai Municipal Museum, the deputy director of the Institute of History of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, and the professor of Fudan University. In "Historical Torrents: Yang Kuan's Autobiography", Yang Kuan believes that there are three teachers who have great influence on him: Jiang Weiqiao, Lu Simian and Qian Jibo.

This article briefly recounts some of the lesser-known past events between Yang Kuan and Jiang Weiqiao.

In the autumn of 1919, Yang Kuan attended the new school Hexi Elementary School. The school is divided into two parts: primary primary school and senior primary school, and the curriculum set up by the primary primary school is Chinese, arithmetic, self-cultivation, general knowledge, music, pictures, gymnastics, and its Chinese language class uses vernacular textbooks, which are compiled by Jiang Weiqiao. In 1932, Yang Kuan was admitted to the private Guanghua University in Shanghai. Yang Kuan said that one of the reasons for his admission to Guanghua University was Jiang Weiqiao, because he learned from his cousin Yang An, who was studying at Guanghua University, that there were several famous professors at Guanghua University who taught Chinese literature and history, and in addition to systematically teaching compulsory courses, they often opened classes to guide students to read a special book. Among them, Jiang Weiqiao, a professor in the Department of Philosophy, lectures on the history of ideas, and in addition to the history of Chinese philosophy, Lao Zhuang philosophy, and introduction to Buddhism, he also opened special books such as "Zhou Yi", "Shang Shu", "Li Ji", "Mozi", "Lü Shi Chunqiu" and "Leng Yan Jing".

Yang Kuan's academic career began with Mozi research, and he was associated with him as early as when he was studying at the Suzhou Provincial First Normal School. In the first year of junior high school (that is, at the age of thirteen), I listened to the history teacher talk about hu Shi's "Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy" on the first volume, saying that he used new methods and new perspectives to analyze ancient philosophy, and the Mozi part was particularly brilliant. At the same time, it also introduces Sun Yirang's "Mozi Idle Interpretation" and Liang Qichao's "Ink Sutra Proofreading". Yang Kuan was very interested in this and immediately purchased related books, which became the extracurricular books he often read for three years in junior high school. "Mozi Idle" bought a lithographic copy of the Shanghai Leaf Sweeping Mountain House, which was the first ancient book that Yang Kuan read. At first, Yang Kuan only admired and read, there were many places that he did not understand, and only after he went to high school did he systematically explore the "Mozi" and "Ink Classic".

The teacher-student friendship of Jiang Weiqiao and Yang Kuan

Yang Kuan

After entering Guanghua University, Yang Kuan continued to focus his research and writing on "Mozi", and wanted to revise his high school manuscripts and extract important parts to write papers for publication. It was at this time that I read Hu Huaichen's "Mozi Xue discernment". Hu Huaichen believes that Mozi is Indian, named after his black face. It is also believed that Mozi's doctrine comes from India and is different from traditional Chinese doctrine. Yang Kuan thought that this theory was debatable, so he wrote "Ink Studies Are Not Based on India", which was posted to the "Mainland Magazine" published by The Nanjing Bookstore in Shanghai. The Continental Journal was immediately published in Volume 1, Volume 6, 1932, marking Yang Kuan's first publication in an academic journal. Then Yang Kuan quickly wrote two articles, "Examination of the Cosmology of the Ink Classic" and "Controversy of the Pre-Qin", which were published in the Mainland Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 7 and No. 8, 1933, respectively. Therefore, In Sanwen, Yang Kuan and his teacher Jiang Weiqiao knew each other from acquaintance. Yang Kuan wrote in his autobiography:

At that time, Jiang Weiqiao was giving an elective course on "Mozi" research for the fourth year of the Department of Chinese Literature at Guanghua University, and when he saw three papers that I had published in the Mainland Magazine in succession, he recommended them in the lecture hall. At that time, I lived with my cousin Yang An in a student dormitory, Ange was a fourth-level student, but he did not take this course, and a classmate surnamed Yan, who was very close to Ange, often came to this dormitory, so he also knew me, and he took this course. When he heard Professor Jiang recommend my thesis, he said to Professor Jiang at the end of the class, I am a first-year student. Professor Jiang immediately asked him to take me to the professor's lounge to meet him after the next class. Therefore, I was taken to see Professor Jiang, who encouraged me very much, hoped that I would have a plan to carry out research work in the future, and said that if there were any difficulties in research, it would be helpful to find any rare materials. This incident quickly spread among teachers and classmates.

The teacher-student friendship of Jiang Weiqiao and Yang Kuan

After graduating from university, Yang Kuan wrote his research institute into a book called "Philosophy of the Ink Classic", and asked Jiang Weiqiao to write a preface and introduce it for publication, and Jiang Weiqiao had a student who worked as an editor at Zhengzhong Bookstore, so this book was published by Chongqing Zhengzhong Bookstore in 1942. One thing to mention here is that the author of the 1942 "Philosophy of ink classics" mistakenly wrote "Yang Ni", Hou Wailu's "General History of Chinese Thought" and Zhan Jianfeng's "Formal Logic of the Mo Family" are all quoted as "Yang Ni". Later, Yang Kuan wrote a letter to correct it, and only then did he change "ni" to "wide". In the preface, Jiang Weiqiao talked about how he met Yang Kuan, and spoke highly of Yang Kuan's Mozi research, and the reward for the students was overflowing. He said: "Yu Chu did not know jun, but was first seen in the journal, and was pleased that his research was thorough, his arguments were concise, and his articles were coherent, and the outline was extensive, which meant that he must be a scholar of the old and the old, not a student who was in school." Yu taught Guanghua University for a year, at the age of Five Chen, teaching the course of "Mozi", Jun listened to Yan, Yu Zhenjun's name, at first did not know that it was seen in the journal in the past, followed by jun intelligent and discerning, strange generations, at first suspicious, arrested Jun to tell the truth, so suddenly realized, marveled for a long time! Although Jun is afraid of Yu Yu shi Yu! "There are also many praises in "Jiang Weiqiao's Diary". Diary on March 28, 1934: "In the afternoon, I read Yang Kuan's "Examination and Interpretation of the Ink Classic", Yang Ren was a student of Guanghua University, and he devoted himself to ink studies for many years, and he had great mental strength.

In 1936, after graduating from university, Yang Kuan joined the Shanghai Municipal Museum and immediately fulfilled the marriage contract that his parents had earlier betrothed to him, held a wedding, and held a banquet. The Torrent of History: The Autobiography of Yang Kuan records:

When I worked in the museum, my father chose an auspicious day, made the decision for me, and my father went out to issue invitations, held weddings, and set up banquets, and I did this to a ready-made groom, and married a woman who did not understand ideas and had different interests, and of course after marriage, I could not talk about having common ideals and careers with each other. However, I believe that since I have started a family, I should take on the financial responsibility of this family. Since then, she has not gone out to work in her life, and I have entrusted all my salary and writing fees to her management.

Despite this narrative, Yang Kuan's first wife paid a lot for the family. According to Yang Kuan's son, Mr. Yang Shanqun, who wrote to this writer, Yang Kuan once said to him: "I have such achievements as I have now, which is inseparable from your mother's merits. "The Diary of Jiang Weiqiao provides us with two other things related to Yang Kuan's marriage, and both of these things are related to Jiang Weiqiao.

The teacher-student friendship of Jiang Weiqiao and Yang Kuan

First, Jiang Weiqiao witnessed Yang Kuan's marriage. "Jiang Weiqiao's Diary" November 28, 1937 diary: "At five o'clock, Yang Anren and Shen Yanguo came to invite me and Tao Lechun to witness the marriage of Yang Kuan. ”

Second, Yang Kuan sought advice from Jiang Weiqiao for his wife's health. "Historical Torrents: Yang Kuan's Autobiography" did not mention much about his first wife, but this does not mean that Yang Kuan did not care about and love his wife, in order to make his frail wife healthy, he went to visit Jiang Weiqiao and asked Jiang Weiqiao to teach him the good law. "Jiang Weiqiao's Diary", November 22, 1953: "In the morning, Yang Kuan and his wife came, because she was not in good health, and wanted to learn to meditate. Jiang Weiqiao made an appointment with Yang Kuan and his wife to come to study every Sunday. Since then, there have been many records of related studies in the diary, such as November 29, December 13, December 27, 1953, January 3, January 10, February 14, February 21, and September 12, 1954, all of which recorded Mrs. Yang Kuan's study of health care.

In addition, as a student of Jiang Weiqiao, Yang Kuan also tried his best to do his duty as a student, which was reflected in Jiang Weiqiao's Diary. Jiang Weiqiao went to Suzhou in the morning and returned to Shanghai in the evening, Yang Kuan went to the station to send Jiang Weiqiao. November 27, 1936: "From six o'clock, seven o'clock to the station, eight o'clock to Suzhou by express train, met Bao Junyouke in the car, all the way to a long conversation." At 9:30 a.m. to Suzhou, Shen Yanguo and Zhuzu Geng Erjun greeted them at the station... At eight o'clock and three o'clock, Yan Guo and Yang Kuan sent me, and the line began at nine o'clock and three o'clock, and arrived at eleven o'clock. "When Yang Kuan was working at the Shanghai Municipal Museum, Jiang Weiqiao went to visit the museum, and Yang Kuan stayed for dinner. January 25, 1937: "Visiting the Shanghai Municipal Museum, Yang Kuan entertained at the museum and returned at five o'clock." "On weekdays and weekends, teachers and students also have dinners. April 4, 1954: "At 11:30, Yang Kuan came with me to go to Huang Sufeng's house on Gao'an Road for lunch, Bingnong and Shanjun were there first, followed by Ms. Zhou Lihua, Dr. Gao, etc. Out of the friendship between teachers and students, Yang Kuan also celebrated Jiang Weiqiao's birthday with other students. January 28, 1941: "Today is the rest of the birthday, students Zhu Xixuan, Zheng Guozhi, Yan Mingyang, Fang Dexiu, Shen Yanguo, Yang Kuanzheng, Huang Sufeng and other three tables of dishes, came to my house to congratulate, but did not get their resignation." ”

The friendship between teachers and students is one of the warmest friendships in the world, and when recalling the details of jiang weiqiao, Yang Kuan's academic and life exchanges, this warmth is still born.

(Author Affilications:Department of History, Yan'an University)

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