
Torture William Chu!! Breaking news

author:Three-line stock picking

Zhu William is not an excellent public relations person, in the face of the encirclement and suppression of non-mainstream public opinion, Zhu William basically did not say a word, I don't know if it is useless, or is afraid of smearing more and more black? Torture of William Zhu (This article is reproduced from January 9, 2006 "Business Masters")

  Text/Yang Aixiang

  With the official appointment of William Chu as president of BBFAM Century on September 27, on the one hand, he worked hard in the media

On the other hand, issues about his personal and professional ethics have been disseminated in major forums, and the voices of these non-mainstream public opinions are negative. Why did he face such a situation? How much inspiration has been given to Chinese professionals behind the Storm of William Zhu?

  Scammer William Jum?

  The criticism of William Zhu mainly comes from the Internet, and the issues involved are first and foremost the moral issues of being a professional.

  On October 18, 2005, a netizen with a registered ID of "Poke William Zhu 1" posted inGONEWS, a community frequented by IT people in China, pointing out that Zhu William's assistant when he was "under the banyan tree", a disciple who believed in Buddhism, read the points of his former boss under the banyan tree, helped him again and again, and even mortgaged the house to loan him more than 1 million yuan. But William Zhu still made a "rumor-mongering malicious slander" against the assistant: he was jealous of others when he said that people could not tease him; he said not to believe what the woman said, she was a bitch.

  Another netizen in the DONEWS community with the ID of "Human Bag Qingtian" said in the article "William Zhu - In the Name of the Banyan Tree" published on October 19, 2005 that one day at the end of March of the year when the Banyan Tree was about to be betrayed, Zhu William personally drove a second-hand black BMW to take the Buddha disciple to the café bar in the lobby of the Portman Hotel in Shanghai, and Zhu William said: "I asked Bertelsmann to accept all the employees under the Banyan Tree on the condition of abandoning the CEO under the Banyan Tree, but in the end Bertelsmann only agreed to accept 18 people. What about the remaining thirty or forty people? ”

  William Zhu also said: "The severance pay of these dozens of people alone will cost four or five hundred thousand!" For a smooth transition under the banyan tree, I could only get the Mercedes-Benz sports car to 350,000 yuan, and then collect the severance pay to send it to the bottom! ”

  Zhu William later said that his Mercedes-Benz sports car is worth 1.45 million yuan, it has 6 airbags in front and back, and the automatic convertible button can be transformed into a convertible sports car in as long as 25 seconds, accelerating to 100 yards in just 5 seconds... It can also be sold for 750,000 when it is sold in the used car market! ”

  The story of William Zhu's "sacrificing himself to save sentient beings" once again touched this devout Buddhist disciple who had been vegetarian and believed in Buddhism for many years! She took out her property and personality to mortgage 350,000 yuan in cash to William Zhu, and it happened to be April Fool's Day on April 1st!

  Before the merger under the banyan tree, Zhu borrowed money from an investor in order to pay severance pay, sold the banyan tree and then directly returned the money to the investment company!

  If the facts are said on the Internet, then It is only a moral issue for Zhu William's "en-revenge" of his former assistant, and the greater crisis of public opinion about Zhu William is that some people have even opened up the issue of Zhu William's professional ethics.

  On October 14, 2005, "Bao Qingtian on Earth" began with the words "Where William Zhu appeared, except for the gambling game is a scam!" The theme pointed out: "Zhu's departure is different from anyone else in the IT industry! He is not as simple as dereliction of duty or dereliction of duty, but pure deception and theft! He used Lianmei advertising to set up a scam! He used the Three Emperors advertisement to set up a scam! He used the banyan tree to set up a scam! He also has a number of companies that have never been exposed in the media... He used Shanda Xinhua to set up a scam for Chen Tianqiao! The most shameless thing is that after he left, he still flaunted the banners of Shanda and Chen Tianqiao everywhere, and set up a scam for DBACI! ”

  Another article signed by sina blog, "William Zhu - The Fool who Mixed up the IT Circle", pointed out more deeply that William Zhu entered Shanda in August 2003 as the director of the Media Center. Since Zhu used the media to make sufficient hype before coming to Shanda, Chen Tianqiao had great hopes for him at that time, hoping that he would come to the media to make Shanda have a great development. However, until the end of the year, the guy didn't make any performance and the business didn't get any expansion.

  He worked an average of 3 hours a day (usually 4 p.m. and left at 6 p.m.), and by the end of the year he couldn't even name the names of more than 20 employees at the media center, and he made a fuss at a high-level inspection work meeting at the end of the year. Of course, the performance ranking of the entire media center that year was the last in the company, and the bonuses of employees can be imagined. "The industry rumors that he owes a bunch of debts under the United States and the Banyan Tree, and the amount is not small, so the creditors have been following him, and he has used his rights to secretly give Shanda Xinhua's business to the creditors, so Shanda Xinhua has become a tool for his private debt repayment."

  Shanda Xinhua let him do it for a year, and also let him make a lot of limelight. During this period, the domestic news about the business around the online game was passed on by him, and he said that it was a big gold mine. Unfortunately, the discoverer of such a large gold mine did not dig out a single gold for a year.

  Shanda is currently in the sky, and the market is even rumored that "Chen Tianqiao has given Zhu William and other executives a market value of about $5 million in options." "Then why did William Zhu leave?"

  William Zhu's statement is, "I am an entrepreneur, and I always have to look for exciting entrepreneurial feelings. At the same time, he made a shield for physical reasons.

  However, according to the author's understanding, there is a playing detail here that in December 2004, Chen Tianqiao said at the "Most Popular Entrepreneur" award ceremony in Beijing: There was a member of the management team who particularly disappointed him, "He later entered the senior management team." He made a very great contribution to Shanda, but later we found out that his relatives were using him for profit. In 2005, when he went to work on new year, Chen Tianqiao signaled that the two vice presidents in the management team would automatically leave their jobs, and the suggested departure period was around March 15.

  William Chu left Shanda on April 22, 2005, which is not far from March 15. It is worth noting that on this day, the grand public relations system has made a decision: not to make any statement on the departure of William Zhu. However, Li Lijun, Shanda's public relations manager, said meaningfully: "If Shanda's employees are removed, then [employees] should first introspect themselves." ”

  Mainstream William Chu

  Non-mainstream public opinion such as forums and blogs constantly exposes Zhu William's personal ethics and professional ethics, and even says that he was actually born in a small city in Hebei Province, which can be corroborated by his northern accent. The United States advertisement he founded should be opened for one of his father's American friends.

  Unlike these voices, the author's investigation found that in the mainstream media such as print media and even portals, William Zhu appeared as an excellent entrepreneur.

  In these media, William Zhu's resume is generally like this:

  Chinese-American, born in 1971 in a seaside town in Southern California, USA. Graduated from UCLA with a major in law, he served for one year at the Los Angeles Police Department. In 1994, he came to Shanghai and founded Lianmei Advertising China Co., Ltd., which was later sold to Omnikon, the world's largest advertising group; at the end of 1997, he founded the banyan tree global Chinese original works website and served as the general manager, which was sold to Bertelsmann in 2003. William Chu then joined Shanda as vice president.

  William Chu's work at Shanda, a mainstream media article has a wonderful description.

  The article said that in 2003, the small Chinese New Year's Eve, Shanda crisis, South Koreans announced unilateral termination, but also Shanda! How to deal with such suffering?

  The article said, "The big Chinese New Year's Eve, the first and second days of the first three days are fine, and the two sides of the dispute are accumulating strength."

  On the third day of the Lunar New Year, the first wave of news appeared, which broke the convention of the media industry not working during the Spring Festival Golden Week, and the first cannon of news this year was ignited by online games. In the first wave of news, the views opposed to Shanda were the majority, and many media thought that Shanda was a private enterprise that bore the original sin and did not act morally.

  At this stage, Shanda is caught in a strategic defense, extremely stressful and very passive. Chen Tianqiao was desperate to change the situation, but the faint voice of Shanda was overshadowed by the overwhelming accusations.

  On the fifth day, grand luck came, and william Zhu, vice president of the company, stepped forward. Zhu is the founder of the original literary website Banyan Tree, experienced and good at public relations. He proposed to Chen Tianqiao to change the public relations strategy from passive public relations to active public relations.

  At that time, Chen Tianqiao's eyes lit up when he saw the press release written by William Zhu. Zhu's article is actually nothing fancy, and even the introduction to the news is written in general, but it writes two things: First, the article publishes the inside story of the breakdown of Sino-South Korean cooperation that Shanda can disclose. On the seventh day, Shanda held a full-day meeting to determine the process of press conferences in Beijing and Shanghai after the Spring Festival. Shanda launched a comprehensive counterattack and took advantage. These seven days were like a dream, and Shanda survived the crisis. ”

  From this point of view, it seems that William Zhu rewrote the fate of Shanda's development.

  Non-mainstream public opinion mostly accuses William Zhu of lacking money, and even looking for employees to borrow money, but William Zhu said in an interview with the print media, "I did give up a lot of money, more than a few million dollars of equity, if I stay I can get." Those millions of dollars are nothing to me at all. However, Zhu William also said that it is not excluded that Chen Tianqiao will remember his old feelings and merits and give him these benefits.

  Regarding the grand departure, William Zhu said in an interview: "I took the initiative to leave my job. In the two years of Shanda, I had two stomach bleeds due to work pressure. After I proposed to leave my post, Chen Tianqiao interviewed me twice and expressed his retention. Once when I was out eating with someone, Chen Tianqiao called me to ask me to bring him food and asked me to interview, and I casually brought him a copy of KFC and went. Chen Tianqiao was talking to me very sincerely, and when he finally couldn't get it back, he could only express his sadness. ”

  William Zhu also said that Shanda Xinhua has grown 18 times in 9 months, "exceeding the goal that Chen Tianqiao gave me." As for Chen Tianqiao's public expression of disappointment in an executive, it refers to the people of the early entrepreneurial team, as to whether it is his family, I can't say. ”

  In these mainstream media, William Zhu "is not a professional manager, but a typical entrepreneur, emphasizing the process rather than the result." "The image is admirable.

  Behind the scenes

  On the one hand, it is a "liar" in the eyes of non-mainstream public opinion, and on the other hand, it is a firm "entrepreneur" in mainstream public opinion, why is such a huge gap concentrated on the same person?

  The storm in which William Zhu was surrounded and suppressed by non-mainstream media actually sounded a new alarm bell for the quality and integrity of professionals.

  The reason why the non-mainstream media surrounded William Zhu may be that he "went too far" for his assistant under the banyan tree. Almost all of these non-mainstream articles mention that the assistant's kindness to William Zhu, in addition to the aforementioned mortgage of his own house to support him financially, usually also help him deal with various specific affairs. It is rumored that the final failure of "Lianmei to let the CEO under the banyan tree go to court" is inseparable from the efforts of this assistant.

  "Be kind." This is a classic line in a movie, and although many people can say it casually, only a few can really do it. Many people make enemies everywhere because of their own momentary scenery. Always think that you can control everything through your own ability, including the mainstream media. However, the storm in which William Zhu was surrounded and suppressed by the Internet tells us that the dissemination of information has entered an era of unlimited quantities. Over the past 30 years, the computer's computing speed has doubled every 18 months. Today's Internet doubles the amount of information disseminated every 100 days. Cheap means and channels of communication have turned global communication into the behavior of a loose individual or non-governmental organization that the government cannot manage and control. No one can control the thoughts of another person and the spread of those thoughts.

  It is worth noting that as many mainstream media have begun to become a tool of public opinion under the pressure of operation and other pressures, their authenticity has been greatly reduced, and more people have more trust in information from the online community.

  The personal moral problem finally involved the issue of professional ethics, why did William Zhu suffer like this? This is not unrelated to his incorrect view of his own "original sin" problem. As one of the exposers "pierced William Zhu 1" said, "We have been silent about William Zhu for a long time, more than three years is not short, right?" We don't want to say that it's not that he's not bad enough, it's that we don't want to ruin his chances of being a man again because of our 'badness'. ”

  From this point of view, "original sin" is not terrible, the key is not to keep "sin" all the time!

  Another thing that needs to be pointed out is that one of the characteristics of the media, especially the non-mainstream public opinion on the Internet, is to "beat the falling water dog", and personal moral problems often trigger some people to "inspire" to perfect a certain statement. In the storm of William Zhu, we do not rule out that some people deliberately spread it, nor can we deny that after reading the remarks about his personal morality, some people also wrote out the doubts or feelings they knew about his professional ethics, thus further improving the image of the "liar William Zhu" proposed by some people before.

  There is a Chinese proverb that says, "If you want people to not know, unless you do nothing." This puts forward high requirements for more professional people, but with the tolerance of society, it is gradually understood that some people who have committed "original sins" have gradually been understood, but society will never tolerate those who are always committing "original sins".

  In mainstream and non-mainstream public opinion, William Zhu should still move forward, and on September 27, 2005, he also became the president of BBDO Century. It is reported that BBDO Century is a merger of several domestic game companies from Taiwan's reunification and Shanghai Lianchuang, and the company's first product is free basketball (FreeStyle) taken from Jiucheng, and the ultimate goal will be to go public in the United States.

  It is worth noting that BBS Century Zhu William said that he would leave after two years in office. Is this a retreat he left for himself? Just like leaving Shanda is saying that you are sick, why do you have to go to work at a new company so quickly after being sick?

  In the investigation of the storm of non-mainstream public opinion surrounding and suppressing William Zhu, we can see that although all kinds of remarks on the forum and blog are very enthusiastic, the mainstream media we often say include the major portals, in addition to the print media, which have not intervened, and the major portals have also remained silent.

  This may have something to do with William Zhu's many years of dealings with the media, because these connections often solve many problems. However, the author believes that William Zhu is not an excellent public relations person, in the face of the encirclement and suppression of non-mainstream public opinion, William Zhu basically did not say a word, I don't know whether it does not matter, or is afraid of smearing more and more black. But silence is often considered acquiescence.

  Career brand affects career development, I don't know if William Zhu can do what he promised in BBLU Century for two years in such a public opinion environment.

Torture William Chu!! Breaking news

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