
Technology Empowers Venture Capital to Help Nanjing Jianye District Build a "New Highland" for the Insurance Industry

author:Bright Net

Science and Technology Daily reporter Jin Feng

The wave of technology is surging and leading the digital transformation of the insurance industry. On the afternoon of July 6th, Nanjing Jianye Insurance Technology Innovation Industrial Park opened and the daily roadshow "Insurtech Special Session" was held in Nanjing.

The event was guided by Jiangsu Securities Regulatory Bureau, Nanjing Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Nanjing High-tech Zone Management Committee, Jianye District People's Government, Nanjing Jianye High-tech Zone Management Committee, Jianye District Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Nanjing Jianye High-tech Investment Group, Goldfishzui Daily Roadshow Center, Nanjing Jianye Insurance Technology Innovation Industrial Park, and co-organized by Jiangsu Insurance Industry Association. More than 100 guests from government departments, financial institutions, enterprises and academia gathered here to participate in this roadshow.

Technology Empowers Venture Capital to Help Nanjing Jianye District Build a "New Highland" for the Insurance Industry

Yang Bo, member of the Standing Committee of the Nanjing Jianye District CPC Committee and secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Jianye High-tech Zone, said when introducing the core agglomeration area of an important financial center in the east that the financial industry is currently the first pillar industry of Jianye. As an important bearing area and growth pole of the city's financial industry, Jian Ye will use the strength of the whole district to build a core agglomeration area of an important financial center in the east with high quality, of which it is a top priority to grasp the strategic highland of financial technology, which is the high-quality development of the financial industry.

Liu Maonan, chairman of Fumao Holdings, the operator of the industrial park, said that it will closely focus on the deployment of work, under the guidance of regulatory policies, with the support of financial institutions, based on the use of technology to empower insurance, use insurance to serve the society, in insurance products, business processes, innovative development and ecological alliance construction, etc., focus on the introduction and cultivation of a number of insurance technology enterprises, establish relevant insurance industry chain, and create an insurance ecosystem.

Subsequently, Ji Ming, director of the Insurance Intermediary Supervision Division of Jiangsu Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, and Liu Maonan jointly inaugurated the Nanjing Jianye Insurance Technology Innovation Industrial Park. This is also the first insurtech co-working space in Jiangsu. It is understood that in the future, the industrial park will firmly grasp the bull nose of scientific and technological innovation, strengthen the construction of innovation system and innovation capabilities to promote the deep integration of insurance technology innovation and social development, and continuously improve the ability of digital transformation and upgrading of the insurance industry through the latest technologies such as 5G, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, form a national insurance technology agglomeration effect, and build an innovation ecosystem with insurance technology as the core.

Witnessed by the guests, the Administrative Committee of Jianye High-tech Zone, Nanjing Jianye Insurance Technology Innovation Industrial Park and BOC Financial Technology Co., Ltd. signed a tripartite strategic cooperation agreement, and Nanjing Jianye Insurance Technology Innovation Industrial Park also signed strategic cooperation agreements with Bank of China Jiangsu Branch, Agricultural Bank of China Jiangsu Branch, Chinese Insurance Jiangsu Branch, Chinese Life Jiangsu Branch, Zijin Property & Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd., and Soochow Life Insurance Co., Ltd. At the event site, 5 enterprises signed the entrance ceremony.

Technology Empowers Venture Capital to Help Nanjing Jianye District Build a "New Highland" for the Insurance Industry

After the signing ceremony, the Goldfish Mouth Fund Block once again supplemented and improved the expert database around the financial technology field. Qian Zongbao, deputy director of the Jiangsu Securities Regulatory Bureau, Li Hui, secretary of the Jianye District Cpc Committee, director of the Nanjing Hexi Management Committee and secretary of the party group, Chen Xinyan, deputy director of the Nanjing Municipal Financial Supervision Bureau, Zheng Jie, deputy director of the Nanjing Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, jointly presented Pei Lei, professor, doctoral supervisor and vice dean of the School of Information Management of Nanjing University, Liu Yan, deputy dean of the School of Finance of Nanjing Audit University, Gu Zheng, vice dean of the School of Finance of Nanjing Audit University, Zhu Heguo, chairman of Jushi Venture Capital, Zhou Zichao, deputy general manager of CICC Capital, and He Chaoyi, vice president of Red Dot China Investment. Deng Chenhao, Vice President of Huatai Zijin Investment Department, and Guo Chaoyang, General Manager of BOC Jinke Financial Business Department and Innovation Research Center, issued expert appointment letters.

The insurance industry is the "shock absorber" of the economy and the "stabilizer" of society, and digital insurance is an important part of the digital economy, which will provide risk management and protection services for the development of the digital economy in Nanjing and Jianye District.

In the second half of the event, Beijing Yaoyao Network Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Mishu Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Quchain Technology Co., Ltd., Nanjing Chaofeng Digital Technology Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Benxie Technology Co., Ltd. conducted a roadshow around the theme of "Insurance and Technology".

It is reported that the roadshow aims to generate a dual agglomeration effect in physical space and industrial synergy through venture capital empowerment, and further promote the landing and transformation and upgrading of the insurtech industry in Nanjing and even Jiangsu.

Source: Science and Technology Daily