
Seventy-year-old Taiwan businessmen have been rooted in the mainland for nearly thirty years: "I have deep feelings for here."

Seventy-year-old Taiwan businessmen have been rooted in the mainland for nearly thirty years: "I have deep feelings for here."

▲Taiwan businessman Cai Yonghe. (Photos are from China News Network Zhang Jinchuan photo)

Zhangzhou, August 15 (Zhang Jinchuan, Lin Suzhen) "I have deep feelings for here! As one of the first Taiwanese businessmen to start a business in Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, Cai Yonghe, "landed" for nearly 30 years and praised Zhangpu, a hot land for investment.

Cai Yonghe, who is over 70 years old and a native of Changhua, Taiwan, lives in Taipei, and before the outbreak of the epidemic, he had been traveling back and forth between two places, regarding Zhangpu as his second hometown.

Talking about the experience of investment and entrepreneurship, Cai Yonghe recently said in an interview with a reporter from China News Agency: "I went to Fotan Town in Zhangpu County in 1992 to investigate, and I saw the same as a leader surnamed 'Cai' who was responsible for attracting investment at that time, and then invested 2 million US dollars to set up Hongqun Electrical Appliance Company. ”

Cai Yonghe witnessed the rapid economic development of the mainland, he recalled, remembering that when he came to start a business, the infrastructure was poor, the number of enterprises was small, and the mainland has changed a lot in recent years, highways, trains and other travel is very convenient, more and more livable and suitable for work. "In particular, the 'mini three links' are very convenient for our Taiwan businessmen."

Seventy-year-old Taiwan businessmen have been rooted in the mainland for nearly thirty years: "I have deep feelings for here."

▲ Taiwan businessman Cai Yonghe introduced the motor products produced by his company.

Zhangpu Hongqun Electric Appliance Company, founded by Cai Yonghe in 1993, is mainly engaged in the processing and manufacturing of home appliance motors, stators, rotors, electrical molds, electronic components and other products. "I also came here with the mentality of trying, but I didn't expect that this work has been done here for nearly 30 years." Cai Yonghe said with a smile.

"With the technology I learned in Taipei, I boldly opened a factory in Zhangpu County, and with 30 years of experience in mold manufacturing and stamping in Taiwan, our company is progressing smoothly." Cai Yonghe said that enterprises pay attention to scientific and technological development, and timely launch marketable products in overseas markets according to market needs.

However, Cai Yonghe has not given up the transformation. "In this piece of land in Zhangpu Fotan Town, when I took it for nearly ten years, I was originally considering using it to expand the scale of the motor factory, but in recent years, due to the difficulty of the entire export environment, I have given up the idea of continuing to expand the motor factory." Cai Yonghe thought that idle land is also waste, in addition to being used to build factories, what is not wasted?

"I like to study food, and I often ask Taiwanese businessmen to enjoy food with local friends." After that, Cai Yonghe, who was engaged in the motor industry, used this land and transformed it into a service industry. Therefore, he built a building on the spot and built a comprehensive leisure center, so that friends and local people can enjoy a full range of leisure and vacation services.

In this way, Cai Yonghe ran a hotel, as well as restaurants, beverage shops, souvenir sales, etc., and even operated a swimming pool and fitness center. A few years ago, he also developed the planting industry, planting about 4,000 acres of mulberry trees, with an annual output of 100,000 kilograms of mulberry leaf tea.

From the transformation of motor manufacturing to service industry, Cai Yonghe has many wonderful entrepreneurial stories in the mainland. But he admitted, "Motors are still my main business."

In recent years, the small power motors produced by Cai Yonghe's enterprises have mainly been sold to India, but due to the impact of the epidemic, the products cannot go out, and now they can only temporarily stop work. This is a painful thing for Cai Yonghe, who said that he will continue to seek a new way out for enterprise development in the mainland, "hoping that the epidemic will end as soon as possible and enterprises will get out of the predicament."

Zhangzhou is the main ancestral hometown of Taiwan compatriots and an important birthplace of southern Fujian culture. In 1987, after the floodgates of cross-strait exchanges were opened, non-governmental exchanges between Zhangtai and Taiwan were active. The languages and customs of Zhangzhou and Taiwan are similar, and traditional culture and folk beliefs and customs have brought a "fairly familiar environment" to Taiwan businessmen and Taiwan compatriots who have invested in Zhangzhou, and many Taiwan compatriots have chosen to invest in and start a business in their ancestral hometown while seeking their roots and ancestors.

It was particularly coincidental that ten years ago, Cai Yonghe found that his ancestral home was very close to his business, in the village of FotanDongno. "My great-grandfather was a descendant of Cai Shiyuan, a famous minister of the Qing Dynasty, who went to Taiwan to reclaim the famine with a threshing tube at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and now I am returning from Taiwan with molds to set up factories in my ancestral hometown.

"When Taiwanese friends come to the mainland for exchanges, I will help them find their roots and find their ancestral hometowns on the mainland for several friends." Since taking root on the mainland, Cai Yonghe has also been happy to help find roots and bridges for Taiwan compatriots. Cai Yonghe said, "As long as it is conducive to cross-strait exchanges, especially the return of Taiwan compatriots to the mainland to find roots, I will do my best to assist." ”

When talking about the Chinese family style and family training, Cai Yonghe thought about the guidance and inheritance of China's excellent traditional culture to his life and future, and he never forgot the spirit of his "two imperial masters" Cai Shiyuan and Cai Xin's uncle and nephew of his own ethnic group. He said: "Being honest and reasonable can educate the next generation and make a good example for our next generation." (Original title: Seventy-year-old Taiwan businessmen have taken root in the mainland for nearly thirty years: "I have deep feelings for here")

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No need to translate - Huayu is in the "hand", the world is in control!