
The Death of Cao Xian

author:Cloud original

Looking at the Three Kingdoms, I don't like Sima Zhao, although his life can be said to be quite successful. Another point that I have never really been able to understand, why does he want to be emperor so much, but he can resist this huge desire and insist on not being called emperor in his lifetime? Sima Zhao's heart was extremely contradictory. It is also this contradiction and entanglement of the heart that makes him unable to give people a frank feeling, in our impression, Sima Zhao is a sinister, cold, limited pattern of people.

The Death of Cao Xian

The last emperor of Cao Wei in the Three Kingdoms, died at the hands of Sima Zhao, although not killed by Sima Zhao's own hands, it can also be said to be indirectly killed. Emperor Wei was stabbed to death by Sima Zhao's protégé, which was a fact that he could not escape and Lai could not escape, although at that time, Sima Zhao had no intention of killing the emperor. Here we talk about the horrific sudden political event of the time - the Cheng Ji Jun case.

Here's the thing: Cao Xian, the last emperor of the State of Wei, ascended the throne at a young age. This little emperor was smart and studious from an early age, and he was both literate and martial, which was actually a rare piece of good material. People compare his Wentao with Cao Zhi and Wuluo with Cao Cao, and they are highly evaluated. If this little emperor had not died, new hope might have emerged in Cao Weijiangshan.

The Death of Cao Xian

But Cao Xiansheng was not in time. At that time, the Sima family, after several generations of hard work, had already tilted its power to the opposition, and it was almost the title of "emperor". The dissident forces had been almost cleaned up, and no one could pose a threat to the Sima family. For the Sima family, the imperial program and etiquette are actually fictitious things, and the royal family is just a puppet hanging on the waistband of the pants, which is so similar to the situation of the Cao family against the Han Emperor in those years.

After the abdication of Emperor Xian of Han, the Cao family reserved the etiquette of the Son of Heaven for him. The emperor of the last dynasty gave up his position and sought a stable life, as long as he was obedient, obedient, and no longer making trouble, and exchanged for a good death of leisure and happiness, which was the choice of Emperor Xian of Han. But Cao Xi is not this kind of personality, he is a bloody young man, and it is no wonder that people say that he is like his great-grandfather, bold and knowledgeable.

The Death of Cao Xian

Cao Xian took the throne at a young age, and gradually grew up, and his heart became more and more dissatisfied with Sima Zhao, but because his own Cao clan strength was not good, he could only swallow his anger all the time. After a long time, it was about to erupt, and Cao Xian revealed indignation between the lines of his poems, and the contradictions between the two sides intensified.

The governor of Yangzhou raised an army to fight against Sima Zhao, and Sima Zhao personally went out to quell the chaos, but he was not at ease with the restless little emperor in the rear, so he decided to take the emperor and the empress dowager with him on the expedition, really like a gourd hanging around his waist. Originally, some people bravely stood up and raised troops against Sima Zhao, and Cao Xian planned in his heart, why not take advantage of Sima Zhao's absence from the DPRK and take advantage of this heavenly opportunity to launch a coup d'état to overturn the situation? Who knew that Sima Zhao,treacherous and treacherous, saw the young man's thoughts, and directly cut off his thoughts, and Cao Xian's indignation could be imagined.

The Death of Cao Xian

Sima Zhao, who was very lucky, won a big victory, and now there was more reason to gain more rights. After Ban Shi returned to the dynasty, he forced the emperor to make himself the Duke of Xiangguo and jin, in fact, these were just titles, and the Sima family had done more than once to depose the emperor and change the emperor, and had already surpassed the imperial power.

But this person also likes to pretend to be noble, always wants to do a grand sound, and is very envious of the Cao family's set of letting The Han Xian Emperor "Zen seat", thinking that if he is like Yao Shun, it will be rumored to be a beautiful talk through the ages. But at the same time, he was afraid that imitating Cao Wei's set would be laughed at, so he had been struggling to find an exclusive way that could convince the people of the world and be creative, so as to realize the dream of ascending the throne.

The Death of Cao Xian

In fact, people all over the world are clear in their hearts, just watching them act in the court, because of their power, dare to be angry and dare not speak. Finally, a bold challenge came out, and the result was also calmed by Sima Zhao, and no one dared to touch the stone with an egg anymore.

Since Sima Zhao was known for his insidiousness, he would certainly not allow Cao Xian's time bomb to continue to grow. After winning the dynasty, he entered the Xiangguo and Jin Gongs, and within a month, there were dozens of days and nights of undercurrents. Hearing that Sima Zhao had begun to plan the abolition of the emperor, Cao Xian, who refused to sit still, made up his mind to give it a go.

This emperor is really not good, like walking on the tip of the sword, the fire, the fate is in the hands of others, maybe one day he will be in a different place, whining and mourning!

The Death of Cao Xian

The tragic day came. Cao Xian drew his sword and uttered the strongest voice of his last life: "It's a decisive move!" If you are afraid of death, you don't have to die evil! Although he knew that the place he was going to was the Tiger's Den, Cao Xian still carried some luck at this time, hoping that there would be a miracle and achieve a great reversal. He gathered the palace guards and servants and went "mightily" to Sima Zhao's mansion. The Bailai people are actually a small-scale rabble, and compared with Sima Zhao's forces, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble.

The Death of Cao Xian

What was even more tragic was that of the three people the little emperor had previously consulted, two of them chose to inform Sima Zhao, so the Sima family had already made preparations, and they were all well-trained warriors. The little emperor rushed through several passes with his momentum, after all, everyone was still jealous and did not dare to confront the emperor of the dynasty. In the end, Cao Xian was stopped by Sima Zhao's close associate Jia Chong.

Jia Chong was Sima Zhao's confidant and absolutely sided with the Sima family. He had a daughter named Jia Nanfeng, who was successfully married to Sima Zhao's stupid son. This ugly woman's life is really hard, and no one expected that she would be in chaos in the future.

The Death of Cao Xian

Because of the family relationship, Jia Chong naturally stood in Sima Zhao's queue, saw the little emperor personally killed, hurriedly stopped, the two sides for a time swords, the situation is in crisis. This stalemate situation makes everyone dare not come out of the atmosphere, and they don't know which Mars will jump out and ignite the powder keg and explode?

As a result, Mars really jumped out, and this Mars is called Cheng Ji, a relatively straight-forward person. He first asked Jia Chong, "What should we do?" Jia Chong screamed in a broken voice, "Sima Gong has raised you for so many years, I hope that you will one day give him his life." Now is the time to give your life, but you ask what to do? How do you say! ”

The Death of Cao Xian

This Jia Chong is very cunning, he does not answer positively, nor does he give orders, he means "you decide for yourself" in a few words! After all, killing Junjun was the first class of crimes in the ancient world, and Jia Chong did not directly say, "Kill him (Emperor Cao Fu)", that is, he was jealous of this in his heart.

Cheng Ji went straight to the point, and when he heard Dao Jia Chong's questioning, he felt very reasonable and completely irrefutable: You see, the master has been raising you in vain for so many years, but when it comes to life and death, it does not play a role, is it reasonable? Can't say. It was like being knocked on the fire with a barrel of oil, and Cheng Ji suddenly felt that his qi and blood were rushing to the top, and he picked up the spear and stabbed it in the ground, stabbing Cao Xian forward and after penetrating. The poor little emperor just now felt that at least the emperor's momentum could still calm people, right? They don't dare to mess around! I didn't expect to meet Cheng Ji, a reckless man, and I really dared to do it.

The Death of Cao Xian

Poor Cao Xian, the most promising little emperor of the Wei Kingdom, a young man with intelligence, literary talent, blood, and courage, was so gone, and Cao Gong's spirit in heaven must have wept bitterly.

As a result, This Cheng Ji, who thought he had made a first-class merit, was later betrayed by Sima Zhao and became a scapegoat. Before I died, I finally understood it, but unfortunately it was too late. The follow-up and ending of Chengji, this article does not list.

【Cloud Original】

The Death of Cao Xian

(Image from the Internet)

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