
The "Dongguan Volunteer Police" has developed rapidly, and these guarantees and incentive mechanisms are the backing (with video)

author:South Plus client

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On the morning of October 21, the Dongguan Municipal Public Security Bureau held a press conference on the theme of "Dongguan Volunteer Police", and the "Dongguan Volunteer Police" made a "grand" appearance at the municipal press conference. What are the conditions to join the "Dongguan Vigilante"? What kind of guarantee mechanism does the "Dongguan Volunteer Police" have? These hot questions have been answered.

Implement commendation and reward measures at a high level

At the press conference, Zhao Yin, political commissar of the Dongguan Municipal Public Security Bureau Public Security Patrol Detachment, introduced the basic conditions, safeguard measures, and incentive mechanisms for joining the "Dongguan Volunteer Police."

It is reported that there are four basic conditions for applying to join the "Dongguan Volunteer Police": one is to support the leadership of the Communist Party of China and abide by laws and regulations; the second is to be enthusiastic about the public welfare undertakings of safety and voluntarily become a "Dongguan Volunteer Police"; the third is to be at least 18 years old, in good health, and there are no unsolved civil or criminal cases; and the fourth is to obey management and abide by the system. Willing members of the public may apply to join the police office near their place of residence or work.

Zhao Yin introduced that after joining the volunteer police, Dongguan public security will provide each nominal police officer with reflective vests, shoulder lamps, whistles and other volunteer police equipment and necessary business training, and purchase personal accident insurance for the volunteer police who participate in emergency response, patrol prevention and control.

"Dongguan public security declares commendations and rewards for volunteer police officers who report illegal crimes and see righteousness and courage." At the same time, the selection of individuals and organizations of 'outstanding vigilantes' is carried out regularly, and commendation and reward measures are implemented at a high level. Zhao Yin said.

Master the "Ten Associations and Ten Abilities" to be a good Dongguan vigilante

Citizens joining the "Dongguan Volunteer Police" need to learn the "Ten Clubs and Ten Abilities" course. Zhao Jinhua, deputy captain of the security management brigade of the Dongguan Municipal Public Security Bureau Public Security Patrol Detachment, introduced that the "Ten Meetings and Ten Abilities" mainly include: one will be basic queue movements, can be civilized on duty; the second will be traffic gestures and common sense, can traffic persuasion; third, will use communication tools, can send and receive information; fourth, will explain criminal methods, can publicize prevention knowledge; fifth, observe abnormalities around the side, can find suspicious clues; sixth, patrol and observe duty, can find illegal behavior; seventh will use equipment and equipment, can respond to emergency response; eighth will use fire fighting equipment. It can eliminate dangers and save lives; nine will identify dangerous items and eliminate hidden dangers; ten will be simple first aid knowledge, which can help injuries and illnesses.

【Text】He Jianwen Tang Zhuo

【Video】He Jianwen

【Author】 He Jianwen; Tang Zhuo

【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client

Source: South+ - Create more value