
From the "four leading" force, Dongguan public security injects new vitality into the volunteer police team (with video)

author:South Plus client

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On the morning of October 21, the Dongguan Municipal Public Security Bureau held a press conference on the theme of "Dongguan Volunteer Police". Dongguan public security mainly implements the incentive mechanism for volunteer police from three angles, and at the same time will exert efforts from the "four leading" to inject new vitality and stimulate new impetus into the volunteer police team.

Provide diversified incentives and guarantees for outstanding vigilantes

At the meeting, Zhao Yin, political commissar of the Public Security Patrol Detachment of the Dongguan Municipal Public Security Bureau, introduced that Dongguan mainly implements the incentive mechanism for volunteer police from three angles. He said that the establishment of the Volunteer Police Association to create a "Volunteer Police Home". Dongguan public security has established 36 volunteer police associations in various towns and streets (parks) in the city, and formed a simple and efficient professional management team. At the same time, establish and improve the assistance and linkage work mechanism between public security organs and volunteer police associations, and form a benign development pattern of self-organization, self-management, self-protection of volunteer police associations and guidance, scheduling, and use by public security organs.

"Improve the incentive mechanism and commend the 'outstanding vigilantes.'" Zhao Yin said that dongguan public security through coordinating administrative services, tourism, medical care, transportation, education and other departments to open the "Dongguan volunteer police" green channel, launched on-site visits to condolences, commendations for seeing righteous bravery, wartime commendations and awards, and actively promoted the implementation of substantive incentive measures such as rewarding households and children's schooling, so as to provide diversified incentives and guarantees for outstanding volunteer police.

At the same time, Dongguan public security highlights demonstration and leadership, creating a "volunteer police brand". Dongguan public security insists on playing a typical leading role, actively discovering and cultivating a group of outstanding volunteer police individuals, benchmark volunteer police organizations or volunteer police work demonstration points that conform to the actual situation in the jurisdiction and have brand effects, actively create highlight brands, and motivate and drive the entire volunteer police team with point and face.

Enhance the internal cohesion and external attractiveness of the team

Next, Dongguan public security will exert its strength from the "four leads" to inject new vitality and stimulate new impetus into the volunteer police team. Dongguan public security highlights the leadership of party building, and sets up a party branch in the volunteer police association; practices cultural guidance, and the public security organs organically integrate our police camp culture with corporate culture, industry culture, and public welfare culture by strengthening cooperation with volunteer police work units, affiliated industry enterprises, social organizations, and village communities, and put forward the cultural and spiritual connotations of the volunteer police in line with dongguan's actual conditions; to create benchmarking, continuous development, and cultivation of positive energy personnel with active performance, dedication, and strong sense of social responsibility as the image representative of "Dongguan Volunteer Police", enhanced The internal cohesion and external attraction of the "volunteer police force".

Dongguan public security will give incentives and guidance, through door-to-door visits to condolences, rewards for reporting illegal crimes, commendations for seeing righteous bravery, and selection of the most beautiful volunteer police and outstanding volunteer police organizations in the city, and continue to encourage the volunteer police and boost morale by combining material rewards and spiritual incentives.

【Text】Tang Zhuo He Jianwen

【Video】He Jianwen

【Author】 Tang Zhuo He Jianwen

【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client

Source: South+ - Create more value