
Greenery is full of waves Anji, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, paints a new picture of "undifferentiated urban and rural areas"

author:China Daily

Huzhou, China, October 19 (Reporter Hu Fengsheng) Just past the eleventh holiday, Shanghai tourist Tang Wenyi went to Liujiatang Village, Shangshu Township, Anji, Zhejiang Province, to experience slow life, and what they saw was a strong greenery.

There are more than 20 families living on Shamachi Island in Liujiatang Village, and there are garden houses of the Qing dynasty. Knowing that these were the homes of local farmers, she couldn't help but exclaim: "It's good to be a farmer in Anji!" ”

Greenery is full of waves Anji, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, paints a new picture of "undifferentiated urban and rural areas"

Lingfeng Kindergarten Photo by Yin Xinghua

In the mountains of northern Zhejiang, Huzhou Anji, why does it have such a great magic? The reporter visited and found that as the birthplace of the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", it is becoming a "window" for observing the practice of "common prosperity" in Zhejiang, and on the road of "undifferentiated urban and rural areas", a new picture of "the countryside in the city is as beautiful as the countryside, and the residents and peasants are as rich as the peasants".

Greenery: The countryside makes the city yearn

"The mountains are clear, the water is clear, people go up the mountain vagina, and spring clouds are everywhere." In October, drive into Anji, mountains, fields, streets, valleys... The whole body feels the greenery of the eyes, which makes people feel full of joy. Because of this precious green, Anji won the United Nations Habitat Award, the first county in the country to receive this honor.

It is also because of this greenery that the countryside of Anji makes the city more yearning.

"During the 'Eleventh Period', seven or eight-room homestays were almost full every day, and tourists from Shanghai and Hangzhou were endless." Near noon, Hu Yuehua, the owner of the Selenium Source Homestay in Liujiatang Village, Shangshu Township, while busy preparing various vegetables, told reporters with a smile.

Selenium Source B&B is located on the edge of the Lion Rock Reservoir. Here, the mountains are connected to the upper and the lower is soaked in clear water, and a village road passes through the village, taking a picture from above, like a landscape painting.

Greenery is full of waves Anji, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, paints a new picture of "undifferentiated urban and rural areas"

Liujiatang Village Shangshu Township courtesy of the picture

"The village is in the forest, the road is in the green, the house is in the garden, and the people are in the scenery." Chu Xuesong, general secretary of the party branch of Liujiatang Village, said that as the first batch of beautiful villages built by Anji County, this kind of "red fire" scene has become the norm in Liujiatang Village, and at present, 28 homestays and farmhouses have been opened in the village, and the development of agricultural products such as selenium bamboo shoots, Guoqing poultry, and Xingchao camp is organically combined with outdoor sports, sightseeing, and experience, attracting groups of tourists to experience farm life.

Unlike Liujiatang Village, the "green change" in Yu Village of Tianhuangping Town is even stronger. More than 10 years ago, this village was famous for the choice of whether to "green water and green mountains" or "golden mountains and silver mountains", and became the birthplace of the concept of green water and green mountains.

More than 10 years later, the bamboo forest in the mountains here, under the bright sunlight, the grass and trees are particularly vivid. "The air here is so good, there are more than 3,000 negative oxygen ions per cubic centimeter, which makes people can't help but breathe deeply." Standing in front of the electronic LED screen outside the Yucun Cultural Auditorium, a tourist surnamed Zhao stretched out.

However, the people of Yucun know that it is not easy behind this. "A wealthy village with 'cannons and a cannon and a golden cannon' has shut down the mine and stopped the cement factory." Looking back on this village history, Yu Xiaoping, deputy secretary of the party branch of Yucun, was overwhelmed with emotion, "It is so beautiful at the moment, I really couldn't imagine it at that time. ”

"I feel that the countryside is more beautiful than the city, and the farmers are better than the residents." The relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of the Anji County Party Committee said that green development is redefining the economy of Anji, and similar stories in Liujiatang Village and Yu Village are happening in 187 administrative villages in Anji, which revolve around the same theme, that is, "turning the concept of 'green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains' into reality." Thanks to this, in 2020, the per capita income of farmers in Anji reached 35,699 yuan, and the income ratio of urban and rural residents narrowed to 1.67:1, becoming one of the areas with the smallest income gap between urban and rural residents in China.

Greenery is full of waves Anji, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, paints a new picture of "undifferentiated urban and rural areas"

Yucun "Green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains" memorial stone Hu Fengsheng photo

Reshaping: A new form of urban-rural relations

This year, Zhejiang has been given a new mission of "high-quality development and construction of a common prosperity demonstration zone". As one of the cities with the smallest gap between urban and rural areas, Huzhou proposed: To take the lead in creating an "undifferentiated urban and rural area" in the whole country, it is not only necessary to be rich in pockets, but also to be rich in heads; not only to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, but also to balance various public services.

In fact, this proposition has long been explored and practiced in Anji.

Mountains as bones, water as the vein, a series of green tiles and white walls of the house, with green mountains around the settlement, with green water around the countryside, like the Jiangnan ink painting of the small bridge flowing water people's scene - Anji Lingfeng Tourist Resort In the dazhuyuan village home pension center, at noon, several elderly people are playing mahjong in the chess and card room, next to the canteen, there are six or seven elderly people are eating.

Plum vegetable meat, small stir-fried greens, sauce roasted winter melon, seaweed egg flower soup, plus a white rice, this is the home care center staff Hu Yuesong prepared for the elderly "one meat, two vegetarian soup" set, "here are many people, lively; the old people while eating while chatting, quite comfortable grin." Hu Yuesong said that these dishes are bought every morning at the vegetable market, and they can basically be done every week without repeating the same.

Huang Juxiang, who is more than 70 years old this year, once she heard that it was a reporter's interview, she took the reporter's hand and repeated "good": "Now it is really good, a hot dish hot rice is only 6 yuan, there are meat and vegetarian, and the dish is soft and rotten for the elderly to eat." Okay, great! ”

Speaking of the current life, several elderly people on the scene said their "happiness" and "sense of gain": there are many canteens for the elderly in the village, with many tricks, good taste, cheap and assured; in the cultural auditorium, you can pull erhu and sing; the old age card "drops", the village bus goes straight to the city; if there is a small illness, the level of the "health room" at the head of the village is not bad... In addition, the number of homestays in the village is opening more and more, and even the sons and daughters-in-law who live in other places have returned to their homes to start a business.

"Undifferentiated urban and rural areas" are transformed into a high-quality "sense of gain" that can be felt everywhere in Anji. Brilliant colors, wonderful space design, even the building is full of whimsical vitality, plus baking workshops, carpentry workshops, picture book halls, music rooms, outdoor playgrounds and other functional areas... The recently opened Lingfeng Central Kindergarten is known as "someone else's kindergarten". At 4:20 p.m., Gu Yi, a 6-year-old child who is still playing excitedly in the kindergarten, said that what he hopes most now is that "my parents come to pick me up after work later, and I can play more in the kindergarten." ”

"With such good hardware conditions, the teachers in our park are also full of motivation, and every week we have to hold a seminar to focus on promoting the 'Anji game' and improving the teaching ability of teachers." Gao Jie, director of Lingfeng Kindergarten, said that after the completion of the new park, the kindergarten has expanded from 6 classes to 18 classes, and the education staff is equipped in place according to the prescribed proportions, and more children have attended high-quality kindergartens at the doorstep of their homes.

The scene that happened in Lingfeng Street is just a microcosm of Anji's exploration in the "undifferentiated urban and rural areas".

According to the anji ruler, Anji has taken the lead in zhejiang province to achieve full coverage of 13 public services, including urban and rural public transportation, labor and employment, health services, home care, rural information application, etc. "The same in the city and the countryside, the people in the city can enjoy, and the farmers are all the same."

"To give an image example, Wu Changshuo ate bacon spring shoots in Anji, and Zhao Mengfu ate 'Taihu Sanbai' in Huzhou, although they ate differently, their sense of happiness and sense of gain were the same." In the view of the huzhou rulers, the current "undifferentiated urban and rural areas" in Huzhou are reshaping a new form of urban-rural relations with people's sense of gain, happiness and security as the core.