
Tian Dan saved a country But this country could not tolerate him--the Great Sage Judge: The List of Famous Generals in the "History"

author:Read history under the lights

According to the Six-Character Commentary Method of the Great Sage, Tian Shanzhan is a rare six-star general with the words "righteousness, knowledge, ability, gong, qi, and wisdom"

The six-star criteria of the Great Sage Judge: righteousness, knowledge, ability, merit, wonder, and wisdom

Tian Dan

Righteousness ★

Know ★

Yes ★

Work ★

Odd ★

Hui ★

At the end of the "History of Tian Danlie", Tai Shi Gong said: "War is to engage the enemy with a frontal army, and to win with surprise troops who are unexpected by the enemy. Those who can use soldiers can make strange plans and change endlessly; Qi is transforming into each other, just like the jade ring, with no beginning or end. At the beginning, the soldiers should be like a weak and quiet girl, so that the enemy is slow and negligent, and do not take precautions; when the enemy is in the middle of the plan, he must attack as quickly as a cunning rabbit escapes, so that the enemy is too late to resist, this is what Tian Dan said!

Tian Dan was originally a small leader of the urban management who managed the market, but once the opportunity came, he became a famous general who was recorded in history. It can be seen that in the era of cold weapons, countless ordinary people do not know how many Haojie who may become generals are hidden.

The "Chronicle of Tian DanLie" records that Tian Dan was a distant family of the Tian clan of the Qi state. During the reign of King Qi, Tian Dan served as a minor official in the capital Linzi Zuoli Municipality. When the Yan army drove straight in, Tian Dan also led his people to flee the capital. In Anping, he asked his men to saw off all the protrusions at both ends of the axle and install iron hoops. When the Qi people fought for the road to escape, they were all captured by the Yan army because they were hit by the axle and the car was broken. Only Tian Dan and his fellow tribesmen were able to escape because they wrapped the axles in iron hoops and retreated east to Jimo.

Jimo's defending officials went out of the city to engage the Yan army, and were defeated and killed. The soldiers and civilians in Jimo City spontaneously elected Tian Dan as the leader, saying: "In the battle of Anping, Tian Dan and his fellow tribesmen were able to escape safely because they wrapped the axles with iron hoops, which shows that he is very good at using soldiers." Therefore, everyone supported Li Tiandan as a general, insisted on Jimo, and resisted the Yan army. He led the Jimo army and people to hold Jimo for a long time, leaving the Yan army helpless.

The Yan army's siege of Jimo is very strange from today's point of view. This kind of siege neither cut off Jimo City's contacts with the outside world, nor did it cut off food and food. Moreover, the Yan army had an internal line for ventilating messages in Jimo City. However, the role of these internal lines is to mislead the Yan Army. Tian Shan also had an internal line in the Yan army and could get the internal situation of the Yan army in time. This gave Tian Shan room to carry out various schemes.

In this long and loose siege and confrontation, King Yan Zhao died. King Hui ascended the throne, and King Hui of Yan had been estranged from Le Yi since he was crown prince. Tian Shan immediately learned of this important strategic intelligence, and with a small talent and wealth reserve of Jimo City, under the siege of the Yan army, he was able to use a counter-plot against the Yan state, and the rumors spread were: "The king of Qi is dead, and there are only two cities that the city has not captured." Le Yi did not use the pretext of continuing to attack the State of Qi, but actually wanted to unite the defenders of Jimo and Ju and become the King of Qi himself. The Qi people did not return, so they temporarily postponed the attack on Jimo to wait for Wang Qi's affairs. What the Qi people were afraid of was that they were only afraid that other generals would come, and then Jimo City would be destroyed.

The reverse plan was right in the mind of King Yan. Because the whole world could not understand that Le Yi could attack almost the entire State of Qi in a short period of time, but he could not attack the next Jimo City in a few years. The rumor that Le Yi wanted to be the King of Qi hit the suspicion of the King of Yan. So he sent a general to ride in place of Le Yi. Le Yi was deprived of military power and did not dare to return to the Yan Kingdom, so he returned to his homeland of Zhao Guo. In the years under Le Yi's leadership, the mighty Yan soldiers were indignant that Le Yi had been treated unfairly. Yan Jun's army was distracted.

Tian Dan began to prepare to fight back! His various schemes could not be displayed when facing Le Yi, because Le Yi was not taken away by Tian Dan. But the stupid robbers danced with the field step by step.

Tian Dan ordered the people of the city to lay out meals in the courtyard to sacrifice their ancestors when they ate, and the birds were attracted to hover over the city and fly down to peck at the food. The Yan people were surprised by this, so Tian Shan threatened to say, "This is a god who came down to teach me. So he commanded the people of the city, saying, "There will be people of God who will be my teachers." One soldier said, "Can I be a teacher?" So I turned around and ran. Tian Shan then got up, pulled the soldier back, and asked him to sit facing east and serve him with the attitude of a teacher. The soldier said, "I deceived you, I am really incompetent." Tian Shan said, "Don't say it's broken." So I took him as my teacher. Whenever an order to restrain the military and the people is issued, it must be declared to be the will of the priest.

Then Tian Dan threatened: "I am only afraid that the Yan army will cut off the noses of the captured Qi soldiers and put them in the front of the Yan army to fight against the Qi army, and Jimo will be captured because of this." When the Yan people heard about it, they prescribed the right medicine and went to cut the nose of the Qi people. The people in the city saw that the people in the State of Qi who surrendered to the Yan army had their noses cut off, and they were all angry and afraid of being captured alive, and their determination to fight with the Yan army was very firm.

Tian Shan also used a counter-plot, saying: "I am afraid that the Yan army will dig up the graves outside our city and insult our ancestors, and I will feel sad about this." The Yan army immediately dug up all the graves and burned the dead bodies. When the Jimo people saw it from the city, they all wept and wept, and they all wanted to fight, and their anger towards the Yan army was ten times greater than before.

At the most opportune time, Tian Dan personally took the splint shovel and shovel, built the fortifications with the soldiers, and organized his wives and concubines in the team, and also took out all the food to treat the soldiers. Ordering the well-equipped elite troops to ambush, letting the old and weak women go to the city to defend, and sending emissaries to agree on surrender with the Yan army, the officers and men of the Yan army shouted long live. Tian Dan also collected the gold of the people and obtained a total of one thousand yi, and asked the rich and powerful people in Jimo City to give it to the robbers, and begged: "Jimo is about to surrender, I hope that after you enter the city, you will not rob our wives and concubines, so that we can live in peace." The general of the Yan Army was very happy and agreed with his mouth. As a result, the Yan army was even more lax.

Tian Dan then collected more than a thousand cows from the city, draped them in quilts made of big red silk, painted them with colorful dragon motifs, tied sharp knives to their horns, tied greased reeds to the tails of the oxen, and lit the ends. Dozens of caves were cut into the walls of the city, and the cattle were driven out of the caves at night, and five thousand strong soldiers were sent to follow the fire cattle. Because the tail was burned hot, the fire bulls all went straight to the Yan army in a rage, and all this happened suddenly at night, making the Yan army panic. The torches on the oxtail illuminated the night as brightly as day, and the Yan army saw that they were all dragon patterns, and the people they touched were either dead or wounded. Five thousand brave men then came silently and silently, and the people in the city took the opportunity to beat drums and shout, and followed closely behind, even the old and weak women and children were holding bronze tools, knocking on the earth, and the shouts outside the city merged into earth-shattering sounds. The Yan army was very frightened and fled in defeat. The Qi people killed the main general of the Yan state in the midst of the rebellion. The Yan army was in disarray, scattered and fled for their lives, the Qi army closely pursued the fleeing enemy army, and the towns they passed through betrayed the Yan army and returned to Shuntiandan. Tian Dan's troops also increased day by day, riding on the victorious military might, all the way in pursuit. The Yan army fled in a hurry. It turned out that more than seventy cities and pools in the State of Qi had been recovered.

So Tian Dan went to Jucheng to greet King Xiang of Qi, and King Xiang returned to the capital Linzi to handle government affairs. King Xiang of Qi was given the title of AnPing Jun(an Ping jun).

In this way, tian dan, who was full of scheming, was paired with the stupid and weak Yan army, so that he could suddenly win with less victory and more victory over the strong with weakness, and the first war completely overturned the national war between Yan and Qi, saving a big country that had almost destroyed the country.

Tian Dan is undoubtedly an excellent general. But unfortunately, he did not fight any major battles after that. The Warring States Policy records a story of Tian Dan attacking the State of Di, saying that Tian Dan was preparing to destroy the city next to the State of Qi, which was once a princely state and was later weak enough to become a Di Di. The famous strategist Lu Zhonglian said, "You can't fight it." Tian Shan said angrily: "With the inner city of five miles and the outer city of seven miles, I led the remnants of the army to defeat the Yan state with 10,000 military vehicles and recover the lost land of the state of Qi." Attacking Didi cannot be conquered, why? "After saying that, I got into the car and left without saying goodbye." Confidently, he led his troops to attack Didi, but he did not conquer it for three months. Tian Shan turned back and consulted Lu Zhonglian again, and Lu Zhonglian said: "When the general was in Jimo, he shared weal and woe with the soldiers every day, and encouraged the soldiers: 'The Zongmiao Temple is destroyed, and the soul is flying!'" Where is home? At this time, the general had the determination to swear to die for the country, the soldiers did not have the idea of greed, and when they heard such words, there was no one who did not wave his arms in tears and asked for a decisive battle, which was the reason for the defeat of the Yan state. Nowadays, the general has the lease of the fiefdom in the east, the zishui upstream view of the pleasure in the west, the belt hook of the belt is decorated with gold, and the horse and car gallop between the zishui and the water, there is the joy of living, there is no mood to die, which is the reason why it cannot win. Tian Shan said: "I am determined, sir remember my words." "The next day he went to encourage morale, patrolled the siege troops, stood where both bows and arrows and thunder stones could reach, and personally took up the drumsticks to beat the drums, and the Di people surrendered.

Judging from the controversy between Tian Dan and Zhao Hao in the "Warring States Policy" about the number of troops to be used, and the fact that Zhao Guo exchanged a huge price for Tian Dan's marshal Zhao Jun's achievements in dealing with the Yan attack, Tian Dan was still quite far from Zhao Hao in the way of being a general.

Tian Dan's loyalty to the country is the most commendable. As the Warring States Policy says to King Xiang: "Tian Dan relied on the fearful Jimo City, relying on the inner city of Three Miles, the outer city of Five Miles, and the tired soldiers of 7,000, but captured sima of the Yan Kingdom, and returned to the State of Qi. At this time, if Tian Dan established himself as king, no one in the world could stop him. However, An Pingjun plotted morally, from the perspective of righteousness, and believed that it could not be done that way, so he built a wooden pavilion to meet the king and queen, and the king could return to his homeland.

Tian Dan became the chancellor of the State of Qi, conscientious, hard-working, resentful, with a heart of life, and cherishing the people, but this eventually made the weak King Of Qi Xiang restless. A capable man who was both literate and martial, who had made great contributions to the world, who was mighty in the world, and who was in and out of the picture, also won the hearts of the people because of his kindness to the people, which caused great psychological pressure to King Qi Xiang. According to the "Warring States Policy", it was Zhao Guo who helped King Xiang of Qi go to this heart disease. The King of Yan found a Song man named Rong Li, who was said to be a wise general, and made him Gao Yangjun, preparing for him to lead an army to attack the Zhao state. King Zhao panicked and thought of Tian Dan, who had the best way to deal with the Yan army. Therefore, the 57 cities of Linglu, Gaotang, and Pingyuan Cemetery, the three cities of Jidong, were ceded to the State of Qi as conditions, in exchange for Qi Guotiandan leading the Zhao army to attack Yan. Tian Dan led the Zhao army to counterattack the Yan army's attack, and also captured three small cities of the Yan state for the Zhao state. Tian Dan thus became the Xiangguo of the Zhao State. He never returned to his native Qi. Later he died in the Zhao Kingdom.

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