
After Tian Dan's restoration, why did the State of Qi not act? There are three reasons for this

author:History and the hearts of people

In 286 BC, King Min of Qi sent a large army to destroy the Song state, which became the direct trigger for the Five Kingdoms of Qi. Two years later, in 284 BC, King Zhao of Yan made Le Yi a general and led a large army of the five kingdoms of Yan, Qin, Korea, Zhao, and Wei, thus invading Linzi, the capital of the State of Qi, and capturing more than 70 cities in the State of Qi. On this basis, only Jucheng and Jimo remained in the State of Qi. Of course, Le Yi spent 5 years and still failed to completely eliminate the State of Qi.

After Tian Dan's restoration, why did the State of Qi not act? There are three reasons for this

In the "Records of History", it is recorded that Qing Zhi, Yan Zhaowang, Hui Wangli, and Le Yi had a gap. Tian Shan heard that it was idle in Yan, and declared: "The king of Qi is dead, and the city does not pull out the ears of the two." Le Yi was afraid of the curse and did not dare to return, in the name of Fa Qi, he really wanted to join the army to the south and Wang Qi. The Qi people were not attached, so they slowly attacked □ Mo to wait for it. The Qi people are afraid, lest he come to him, that is, the ink will be destroyed. The King of Yan thought so, and made the rider Dai Leyi.

In 279 BC, after the death of King Zhao of Yan, King Hui of Yan succeeded to the throne, and Tian Shan used a counter-plan, prompting King Hui of Yan to send someone to replace Le Yi. In this regard, Le Yi was worried that he would be victimized by King Hui of Yan, so he directly defected to the Zhao Kingdom. As far as Tian Dan was concerned, he seized the opportunity of Le Yi's transfer and was able to defeat the Yan army and recover the lost city of the State of Qi. However, it should be noted that after Tian Dan's restoration, the State of Qi persisted for another 58 years, but the result was nothing! And this, of course, is where people are confused.

After Tian Dan's restoration, why did the State of Qi not act? There are three reasons for this


First of all, before the Five Kingdoms cut down Qi, the State of Qi was not only powerful in the Seven Heroes of the Warring States, but also had a very strong sense of existence. For example, in the Battle of Guiling and the Battle of Maling, the State of Qi defeated the State of Wei twice and seized the throne of the Overlord of the Central Plains. For King Hui of Wei, it was precisely because of the successive defeats to the State of Qi that he initiated the Xiang King of Xuzhou, that is, King Hui of Wei took Korea and other princely states to meet the State of Qi.

In the Battle of Chuisha, the State of Qi, together with Korea and the State of Wei, defeated the State of Chu. After the Battle of Chuisha, the coalition forces took advantage of the victory to capture a large area of land north of Chuiqiu (present-day Biyang County, Henan Province), Wan (present-day Nanyang County, Henan Province), and Ye (present-day Ye County, Henan Province). The land north of Chu Guowan and Ye was seized by Han and Wei. And this prompted the powerful Chu state to gradually decline. On this basis, King Min of Qi was once again known as the "Second Emperor of the East and the West" with King Zhaoxiang of Qin, which prompted the State of Qi and the State of Qin to sit on an equal footing. However, after the restoration of the Five Kingdoms of Qi and Tian Dan, the State of Qi suddenly had no voice, and in the late Warring States period, the State of Qi did not have a sense of existence in the state of Yan, Korea and other princely states.

In this regard, in the author's opinion, from the beginning of 279 BC to the end of the destruction of the Qin state in 221 BC, the reason why the State of Qi did not act was mainly divided into the following points, as far as the first point is concerned, the State of Yan occupied the State of Qi for 5 years and seized the treasures and treasures accumulated by the State of Qi for many years.

After Tian Dan's restoration, why did the State of Qi not act? There are three reasons for this


In the Battle of the Five Kingdoms, the Yan army, under the command of Le Yi, pursued and defeated the fleeing enemy alone, all the way to Linzi, the capital of the State of Qi. King Min of Qi, believing that the isolated city of Linzi was difficult to defend, fled to Juyi and held the city firmly. Le Yi concentrated his forces on attacking Linzi, and after taking Linzi, he seized all the treasures and treasures of the State of Qi and the artifacts sacrificed by the Zongmiao Temple and transported them to the State of Yan. King Yan Zhao, who was overjoyed, personally rushed to the shore of Jishui to comfort the army, rewarded and treated the soldiers with wine and meat, and gave the title of Changguo to Leyi, with the title of Changguojun. At that time, King Yan Zhao brought back the spoils captured in the State of Qi to the State of Yan, and let Le Yi continue to lead troops to attack the cities of the State of Qi that had not yet been taken.

For Le Yi, it almost hollowed out the savings of the State of Qi, which made the State of Yan reap a lot of gains, so King Yan Zhao, very happy, crowned him as the King of Chang. However, for the State of Qi, it is natural to draw salaries from the bottom of the pot. Therefore, after Tian Dan's restoration, the State of Qi lost the capital to return to the peak.

After Tian Dan's restoration, why did the State of Qi not act? There are three reasons for this

As far as the second reason is concerned, it is that King Xiang of Qi has limited ability, resulting in the State of Qi doing nothing in the late Warring States period.

Sima Qian recorded in the "History of the Forty-sixth Volume, Tian Jingzhong Completed the Sixteenth Family": In the fifth year of the reign of King Xiang, Tian Shan attacked the Yan army with jimo, welcomed the King of Xiang, Yu Ju, and entered Linzi. Qi's homeland was restored to Qi. Qi Fengtiandan is An Pingjun.

In 279 BC, after Tian Dan restored the kingdom, he went to Jucheng to welcome King Qi Xiang back to Linzi, the capital of the State of Qi. All the territories previously lost by the State of Qi were recovered. King Xiang of Qi then enfeoffed Tian Dan as The Prince of Anping. However, after this, the State of Qi during the reign of King Xiang of Qi was repeatedly attacked by the Warring States Seven Heroes.

In the "History of history, volume 43, the thirteenth zhao shijia", it is recorded that (King Huiwen of Zhao) twenty-five years, Yan Zhou general, attacked Changcheng and Gao Tang, and took it.

In the Chronicle of History, Volume 81, Lian Po Lin Xiangru Biography 21 records that in the last four years, Lin Xiangru attacked and attacked and stopped at Pingyi.

For example, in 274 BC, the Zhao general Yan Zhou led an army to attack the State of Qi and seize many cities in the State of Qi. In 271 BC, Lin Xiangru, the chancellor of the State of Zhao, led an army to attack the State of Qi. In 270 BC, the State of Qin even crossed the Three Jins and sent troops to attack the State of Qi, and as for the State of Wei in the late Warring States period, it also seized the city from the State of Qi. In the face of the attacks of the zhao, qin, wei and other princely states, king Xiang of Qi never organized a powerful counterattack, which is undoubtedly an important manifestation of his limited ability and even mediocrity.

After Tian Dan's restoration, why did the State of Qi not act? There are three reasons for this


Further, King Xiang of Qi was also jealous of Tian Dan for the state of Qi, causing Tian Dan to leave the state of Qi and defect to the state of Zhao. According to the Warring States Policy, Tian Danhou was a General of Zhao and was given the title of Capital Pingjun. Zhao Guo used three large cities plus some small villages and towns to give a total of fifty-seven to the State of Qi in exchange for Tian Dan, and Tian Dan captured three small cities of the Yan State for the State of Zhao.

In this regard, in the author's opinion, although Tian Dan came to Zhao Guo, he did not make many military achievements. However, if Tian Dan had been in the State of Qi, he would undoubtedly be able to help the State of Qi resist the attacks of other princely states, but after Tian Dan left, the State of Qi had almost no talent. Therefore, when battles such as the Battle of Changping and the Battle of Handan broke out, the State of Qi naturally could only watch from the sidelines, that is, the State of Qi did not seize these opportunities to strengthen its own strength.

In 265 BC (the nineteenth year of King Qi Xiang), King Xiang of Qi died, and his son Tian Jian succeeded to the throne, known in history as King Jian of Qi. Like King Xiang of Qi, Wang Jian of Qi was also a monarch who did not act.

After Tian Dan's restoration, why did the State of Qi not act? There are three reasons for this


Finally, as far as the third reason is concerned, it is that the Qin state implemented the strategy of long-distance and close-range attack, and successfully won over the State of Qi. During the Warring States period, Fan Ju saw King Zhaoxiang of Qin expound on the strategy of the Qin state to unify the world. Fan Ju believes that only by achieving "the inch is the king's inch, and the ruler is also the king's ruler" can we truly digest the territory obtained, and advocate the strategy of "long-distance and close-range attack". This strategy was actively promoted by King Qin Zhao, who appointed Fan Sui as his prime minister. According to the introduction, the strategy of "long-distance friendship and close attack" first focused the struggle on the two countries of Han and Zhao, which were closer to the Qin state, because Han and Zhao were the closest and the weakest in national strength. Stabilize the two giants of the Chu state and the Wei state, and temporarily ignore the distant Yan Qi.

After Tian Dan's restoration, why did the State of Qi not act? There are three reasons for this

During the reign of King Jian of Qi, he befriended the State of Qin, that is, the State of Qin did not attack the State of Qi, while the latter sat by and watched the State of Qin attack the States of Wei, Korea, Zhao and other princely states. It is true that Qi Wangjian's move allowed Qi Guocai to enjoy peace. However, from another point of view, after the fall of the Zhao, Korean, Wei, and Chu states, how can the State of Qi be left alone? Therefore, in 221 BC, after Qin Shi Huang destroyed the other five kingdoms, he did not spare the State of Qi, which was watching the fire from the other side, which led to the king of Qi being built as the king of the fallen state of Qi.

In general, in the 58 years after Tian Dan's restoration, the State of Qi has long been wise and wise, that is, it has never taken the initiative to attack, and naturally there is no sense of existence. Of course, this is also because of the heavy blows brought by the Five Kingdoms of Qi, which caused the State of Qi to be grumpy, so as not to participate in the confrontation of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States as much as possible.

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