
Liver cancer after taking Ganoderma lucidum has not recurred for 5 and a half years

author:GP online

Five years ago (2005, "Healthy Ganoderma Lucidum" No. 28) interviewed Lin Guozhen, he had only been fighting with liver cancer for just one year, did not follow the traditional Western medical treatment model, only took a large amount of Ganoderma lucidum, and actually solved the tumor within half a year, which surprised the doctor at all, and finally let him breathe a sigh of relief. Now, he has stepped from a four-character head to a five-character head, okay?

"You're going to come for an interview now?" You must not find him! He was so busy that he didn't even have time to sit down and have a good meal with us. Every week, he would take his wife back to Nantou water to visit his brother and mother-in-law's sister-in-law, Chen Zhenying, and said so on the other end of the phone. After the financial tsunami in 2008, the boom in construction was more vigorous, so that Lin Guozhen's plate mold factory business was too good to be good, as the boss, he took care of the store during the day, delivered at night, and after the goods were delivered, he had to stay up late to socialize and fight feelings, working more than 12 hours a day, no wonder he often disappeared. "If only he had been making tea with you for two years!" Talk for as long as you want! ”

Not really! Last time we interviewed, he was making tea and talking about how he fought off liver cancer! It's just that his liver is now..." He returns to the hospital every year for follow-up, although the work and rest are not normal, and the wine is drunk as usual, but every examination is normal! Do you think that people who can eat a bowl of rice at each meal are in good health? Chen Zhenying, who knows everything from Lin Guozhen's illness to his recovery, continues to bring us the good news of Lin Guozhen, "He is now similar to what you saw in your previous interviews, but he has become a little fatter." ”

Over the years, Lin Guozhen's Ganoderma lucidum has not been interrupted, and he still maintains himself with 10 high-quality Ganoderma lucidum every day, plus a special grade Ganoderma lucidum (1 pack). He always had a bottle of Ganoderma lucidum on his van so that he could balance his overspending health at any time, because it used to be too casual, so that hepatitis B had a chance to worsen into liver cancer.

When he was young, he used ganoderma lucidum to relieve hepatitis B

It is said that Lin Guozhen, who got hepatitis B in his twenties, because of the relationship between his sister and sister-in-law, knows how to use Ganoderma lucidum to nourish the liver, and after taking it for three consecutive years, not only the liver function returns to normal, but also the situation that is easy to fatigue and frequent colds due to poor liver has also disappeared. Feeling that he was completely well, he stopped the Lingzhi, stepped on the healthy throttle again, and sprinted in his career with all his might.

However, as a "person who came over", he still knows in his heart that overwork may cause hepatitis to recur, so as long as he realizes that he cannot recover from fatigue by resting more, he quickly goes to the blood test to understand the dynamics of GOT and GPT. If the GOT or GPT is higher, it will be a little more restrained in life schedules and drinking and socializing; once the values return to normal, they will immediately return to their original lifestyle.

For more than 20 consecutive years, Lin Guozhen safely walked between the normal and abnormal scales of liver function, until 2003, when he was 47 years old, he felt that he was mentally poor, could not sleep, had no appetite, and had diarrhea. Since there is no abnormality in both GOT and GPT, he thinks that it is a simple gastrointestinal problem. Only after taking stomach medicine, there is still no improvement, only the next day after a few glasses of rice wine, the excrement will form; but as soon as the alcohol passes, diarrhea begins to occur again, and the situation is even more serious than before drinking.

Persistent diarrhea and poor appetite consumed Lin Guozhen's physical strength, but he still lasted more than a year to go to the hospital for gastroscopy and colonoscopy, but the result was normal. "If the stomach is uncomfortable and the examination confirms that the stomach and intestines are normal, then there is usually a liver problem." With this bit of common sense, Lin Guozhen asked the medical staff to help him check the liver, but unexpectedly found that the liver had a tumor of 4.7 centimeters, and the biopsy verification was actually liver cancer.

After taking Ganoderma lucidum for half a year, the tumor is gone!

Lin Guozhen, who thought that he could understand the health of his liver by blood testing, was finally put together by his own liver. The doctor suggested that he operate, and he only asked: "After the tumor is removed, will it not grow again?" "Doctors certainly can't guarantee it. Out of the clinic, immediately called her sister Lin Jiashu, eating Ganoderma lucidum has more than 20 years of experience, not only affirm the efficacy of Ganoderma lucidum on liver cancer, but also remind the elder brother, the previous hepatitis B is not eating Ganoderma lucidum to eat good?

Lin Guozhen finally chose the side where the answer was affirmative, and he said to the doctor very frankly that he should try to eat Ganoderma lucidum first, and if it was not good for three months, he would come back to the operation. "Is it effective to eat Reishi mushrooms?" The doctor asked questioningly, while reminding him that the cancer progressed rapidly, in case it spread to other places, it was too late to open the operation, Lin Guozhen was still unmoved, went home and talked about eating Ganoderma lucidum, in addition to 4 sachets of special grade Ganoderma lucidum and pollen each (taken in 4 times), the other two hours will also be supplemented with 5 excellent Ganoderma lucidum.

After only eating for a month or two, Lin Guozhen felt as if the tumor had grown to be within reach! He was originally a little nervous, but fortunately his sister explained to him that this was because the Ganoderma lucidum gathered all the cancer cells scattered near the tumor together, which would make the tumor have the illusion of becoming larger. Lin Guozhen then continued to take Ganoderma lucidum under the encouragement of his family, and sure enough, he returned to the hospital for examination in the third month, and the tumor had shrunk to 2.7 centimeters; and then went to the follow-up clinic every three months, driving three inspectors, repeating the examination three times, because no one believed that an untrodated liver cancer patient, how could the tumor disappear?!

To tug-of-war with cancer, choose the right helper

Lin Guozhen's tumor is indeed missing, he may not be able to tell the great truth of Ganoderma lucidum to fight off liver cancer, but he has personally witnessed the mystery of Ganoderma lucidum. Friends who were suffering from liver cancer at the same time as him also recommended that so-and-so Chinese herbal medicine was very good, so they decided to compare and see who ate what was effective, but unfortunately the friend had already taken a step ahead.

Life is precious, Lin Guozhen is very glad that he chose the right helper when he was tug-of-war with cancer, perhaps because he has always had this helper to protect him, in order to stand on the winning side in the key "five-year survival period". Nowadays, he not only eats Ganoderma lucidum himself, but also often invites the workers in the store to eat Ganoderma lucidum out of his own pocket; when he hears where anyone has cancer, he is more enthusiastic about sharing his experience with others. That's a kind of empathy and compassion that people have, but if it's not really effective, where is so much faith?