
Different cancers in guangzhou Haizhu district has the highest incidence of cancer

author:Guangzhou Daily
Different cancers in guangzhou Haizhu district has the highest incidence of cancer

The Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention announced the distribution characteristics of cancer in various districts and counties in Guangzhou from 2013 to 2014

Q: How do you view the characteristics of cancer incidence in various districts and counties of Guangzhou?


Experts said that because the differences in the environment and people's lifestyles between the districts and counties in Guangzhou are not very large, the difference in the high incidence of cancer between the districts and counties is not large.

Causes of differences in pathogenesis characteristics:

1. Age composition of the population in each district

2. The degree of industrialization of each district

3. The level of knowledge of the population in each district

Text/Guangzhou Daily reporter Wu Ling correspondent Lin Guozhen

The Guangzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention released the characteristics of cancer incidence in various districts and counties in Guangzhou from 2013 to 2014, and the data showed that colorectal cancer had the highest incidence in the old third district, and liver cancer had fallen out of the top three in the central urban area, but it still ranked in the top three in rural areas.

For the reasons for the difference in tumor incidence, mortality and high incidence of cancer, experts said that at present, they can only preliminarily estimate and analyze according to the age structure of the population, the level of population knowledge, the degree of aging, the degree of industrialization, etc., and cannot easily draw conclusions without large-scale epidemiological investigation.

In addition, the differences between districts and counties are not absolute. According to experts, the tumor monitoring report is registered according to the patient's household registration location, so the statistics are limited to the population of Guangzhou household registration. And even in Guangzhou, the mobility of the population is also very large.

Colorectal cancer: the incidence is second only to the "number one killer" lung cancer

Colorectal cancer is a common gastrointestinal malignancy, and according to the latest tumor surveillance data, it ranks second among all malignant tumors, after lung cancer. According to the divisional point of view, the incidence of Yuexiu, Liwan and Haizhu is above 45 per 10,000; the incidence of Tianhe, Huangpu, Panyu, Baiyun and Huadu is between 25 and 45 per 10,000, while the incidence of colorectal cancer in Conghua, Zengcheng, Luogang and Nansha is lower, all below 25/10,000.

The occurrence of colorectal cancer is related to age, high-fat, high-protein diet, sedentary and other static lifestyles, the "old three districts" are more urbanized, and the aging of the population and poor lifestyle may be related to the high incidence of colorectal cancer.

Liver cancer: the incidence in rural areas can be ranked in the top three

The first high-incidence cancer in Guangzhou's 12 districts and county-level cities is lung cancer. Panyu, Huadu, Huangpu, Nansha, Luogang, Zengcheng, Conghua, liver cancer "squeezed out" the city's first incidence of breast cancer in women, into the top three, of which Conghua, Nansha, Panyu liver cancer incidence is the second in the district and county.

According to expert analysis, the incidence of liver cancer in rural areas can still rank in the top three, which may be related to the high prevalence of viral hepatitis in rural areas compared with urban areas and the large amount of alcohol consumed by rural populations. He noted that hepatitis B is mainly transmitted through blood, mother-to-child and sexual transmission, which may be related to the late roll-out of disposable syringes in rural areas and the fact that hepatitis B vaccination rates are not as high as in urban areas.

Breast cancer: the incidence in the central urban area is in the top three

The incidence of breast cancer ranks third in the five districts of Yuexiu, Haizhu, Liwan, Tianhe and Baiyun, surpassing the third liver cancer in the city. Experts pointed out that breast cancer is related to estrogen levels, and women between the ages of 45 and 65 are high incidence stages around menopause. He analyzed that the area with high incidence of breast cancer may have a certain relationship with the age structure of the population, and may also be related to the development of the region, work pressure, overtime, three shifts, less daylight exposure time, etc., are all confirmed breast cancer risk factors, so breast cancer is also higher in the Tianhe District where intellectuals and white-collar workers are concentrated.

Small links:

Because there are large differences in the age composition of the population between districts and counties, and the increase in age is an important factor in the increase in the incidence of cancer and mortality, such as the need to compare the crude incidence and mortality rate of cancer between different regions, the coarse incidence and mortality rate should be standardized according to the age structure of the world population, and the impact of the age factor of the population should be removed and then compared, which is objective. Therefore, there are often differences between the standardized data and the coarse morbidity and mortality rates.