
Good news! 2 cadres and policemen of the Dingcheng District People's Procuratorate were awarded the "Most Beautiful Procurators" in Changde City in 2021

author:Red Net

Red Net Moment Changde, September 28 (Correspondent Yin Zhi) In order to vigorously commend and publicize advanced models, recently, the Municipal Civilization Office and various departments in the city organized the 2021 Changde City "Most Beautiful People Around" selection activity. After layers of screening, a total of 22 "most beautiful procurators" were selected in this activity, and Xie Zhuo, a cadre of the Dingcheng District People's Procuratorate Office, and Xie Zhuo, assistant procurator of the Second Procuratorial Department, stood out and was awarded the "Most Beautiful Procurator".

Good news! 2 cadres and policemen of the Dingcheng District People's Procuratorate were awarded the "Most Beautiful Procurators" in Changde City in 2021

"The Most Beautiful Prosecutor": Fang Zhen

Good news! 2 cadres and policemen of the Dingcheng District People's Procuratorate were awarded the "Most Beautiful Procurators" in Changde City in 2021

As an office cadre, Fang Zhen always has a sense of responsibility, gratitude, and indifference, silently serves the front-line procuratorial cause behind the scenes, writes a regretless life between the lines, inherits and carries forward the training of the Dingcheng Procuratorate of "Advocating Virtue and Good Law, Du Xing Zhi He", and tirelessly practicing the loyalty and responsibility of a judicial administrator.

In 2017, she became a member of the procuratorial system through layers of selection, as a "layman" of the law, she took the initiative to learn and constantly "recharge", seized every opportunity to learn legal knowledge and procuratorial business, and asked colleagues around her for advice anytime and anywhere, laying a solid foundation for writing materials and doing research reports. During the period of education and rectification of the political and legal contingent, according to the work arrangement, Fang Zhen simultaneously undertook the internal propaganda and external propaganda work, and opened the "white plus black" work model. During the period, he wrote more than 20 comprehensive materials such as leaders' speeches, summary reports, and experience exchanges, and published more than 80 news and propaganda articles in central, provincial, and municipal media such as Justice Net, Red Net, and Changde Daily.

While doing a good job in his own work, Comrade Fang Zhen actively participated in various competition activities. In 2020, she and her colleagues represented Dingcheng District in changde City's "One Regulation, Two Outlines" knowledge contest and won the second prize, and the original micro-video "Days Are Crazy" won the "Excellent Work Award" of the first theme reading activity of "Xiangyue Reading • Gong Force".

"The Most Beautiful Prosecutor": Xie Zhuo

Good news! 2 cadres and policemen of the Dingcheng District People's Procuratorate were awarded the "Most Beautiful Procurators" in Changde City in 2021

Xie Zhuo is now the assistant procurator of the second procuratorial department of the procuratorate, and since the procuratorate for four years, he has insisted on bravely shouldering heavy burdens, strictly examining and meticulously investigating, and performing his duties in a clean manner, handling and assisting in handling more than 200 criminal cases, and not a single wrong case has been committed.

In February 2018, as a public prosecution recruit, he was dispatched to participate in the handling of the case of Wen Liehong and others organizing, leading, and participating in a mafia-type organization, which was the first major triad-related case listed and supervised by the National Anti-Mafia Eradication Office since the CPC Central Committee decided to launch a special struggle against organized crime and evil forces, and was called the "First Case of the Three Xiang Anti-Gang Crimes". In order to be able to review the case better, faster and more comprehensively, without dragging his feet, he used all available time to strengthen the study of professional knowledge, humbly asked for advice from old colleagues, and it was more normal to get up early and work overtime, and finally completed the review and prosecution with high quality, appeared in court to support the public prosecution, and was credited by the Changde Municipal People's Procuratorate for personal third-class merit.

In the process of handling the case, Xie Zhuo also insisted on the unity of legal effects and social effects. When assisting in handling Guo's fraud case, one of the victims, Xie Mou, was a retired elderly man and was defrauded of hundreds of thousands of yuan of house purchase money, and strongly demanded that Guo be severely punished according to law. He focused on examining the purpose of the criminal suspect's illegal possession and his ability to return the stolen money, repeatedly enlightened the victims' emotions, provided practical and feasible plans for recovering the stolen goods and recovering damages, won the understanding and support of the victims, and quickly concluded the case within ten days and prosecuted it to the court.