
Come to the National Expo to see how the spirit of "two bombs and one star" was refined

author:Beijing Daily client

"Generations of seekers have green silk and white snow, generations of scientific and technological people have cast border love, youth has no regrets, life has no complaints..." For the first time, the National Museum launched the "Collaborative Innovation, Self-Reliance and Self-Improvement - "Two Bombs and One Star" Spiritual Exhibition" with the theme of "Two Bombs and One Star". Entering the exhibition hall, a song "Ballad of Ma Lan" sounded, 110 pieces (sets) of cultural relics, works of art and models, 510 pictures and videos and other vivid displays of a "heroic spectrum", explaining the "two bombs and one star" spirit of "love for the motherland, selfless dedication, self-reliance, hard work, vigorous coordination, and the courage to climb".

Come to the National Expo to see how the spirit of "two bombs and one star" was refined

On October 16, the launch of the Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft was a complete success; Subsequently, 3 astronauts successfully entered the Tianhe core module... From the vast Gobi to the vast universe, it is precisely under the inspiration of the spirit of "two bombs and one satellite" that China's aerospace industry will stride forward.

Exhibition and decoding

The 24-word "two bombs and one star" spirit is integrated into the title of the exhibition

Love the motherland, selfless dedication, self-reliance, hard work, vigorous coordination, the courage to climb. How to present the rich connotation of these 24 words? Gong Qing, curator of the National Museum, said that the exhibition is divided into 6 parts and 13 units, not a panoramic display of the history of "two bombs and one star", but under the premise of taking into account the timing sequence, more prominent the design of the topic, the 24 words of the spirit of "two bombs and one star" directly constitute the title of the three parts of the exhibition, in each topic, through a number of representative events and characters to reveal the theme.

"Spirit, at first glance, sounds a bit vain, but spirit will always be embodied in concrete actions and practices." Gong Qing said that by showing what people do, visitors can naturally feel this spirit and have more feelings about the words "great cause gives birth to great spirit, and great spirit leads to great cause".

From meritorious to ordinary builders Photos tell heroic stories

At that time, those who devoted themselves to the cause of "two bombs and one satellite" without hesitation included top scientists in China and a large number of outstanding scientific and technological experts, who did earth-shaking things in anonymity, and there were also thousands of ordinary builders who sacrificed their homes for the country. The exhibition presents the "Spectrum of Heroes" from multiple perspectives. In the exhibition hall, the audience can not only read the stories of the selfless dedication of the 23 winners of the "Two Bombs and One Star Meritorious Service Medal", but also find the figures of nearly 150 scientific and technological experts and administrative personnel of the contemporary nuclear industry, aerospace and the Chinese Academy of Sciences system through multimedia interaction.

"Historical photographs are an important means of expression for the exhibition of modern and contemporary historical themes, and photos that intuitively and truly record historical moments and historical scenes have an irreplaceable role in documents and physical objects." Gong Qing explained that one of the characteristics of this exhibition is that it collects rich and precious historical photos, silently telling the stories of these lovely and respectable unsung heroes.

In a photo in the exhibition hall, there is a group of backs running towards the "mushroom cloud". After the atomic bomb explosion, the sampling personnel of the nuclear test base need to enter the explosion area at the first time, risk being irradiated by radioactive materials, and even sacrifice their lives, collect samples of explosive products, and snatch back the effectants for processing and analysis. During the first nuclear test, the scene of the sample takers wearing clumsy and heavy anti-chemical clothing and gas masks on their heads and running hard into the test site was recorded by the camera. In the photo, these resolutely forward figures can not even distinguish who is who, but it is they who ensure that 97% of the test instruments recorded in China's first nuclear test are complete and accurate.

Come to the National Expo to see how the spirit of "two bombs and one star" was refined

Against the use of atomic weapons signatures

There is also a photo of 6 beautiful girls. In the photo, they are smiling brightly, and behind them is a vast Gobi. There is a place called "Mulan Village" at the nuclear test base, where a group of female scientific and technological cadres from peking university, Tsinghua university and other famous universities live here, and are affectionately called "nuclear big sisters". While many of their peers indulged in the good old days of the moon before the flowers, they devoted all their time and love to the cause of nuclear testing...

The heroes worked together to tackle key problems, silently dedicated their youth, and some even gave up their precious lives.

Immersive scene reproduction from the Gold and Silver Beach Grassland to the Maran base

The "two bombs and one satellite" development team is a team that is particularly capable of enduring hardships and fighting. They slept in the wind, ate and worked tirelessly to fight day and night for the construction of the "two bombs and one star" cause in the gobi and deep mountains and valleys of the desert.

While highlighting the stories of the characters, the exhibition also focuses on creating an immersive atmosphere.

In the exhibition hall, a simulated scene of the Jinyintan grassland leads the audience through time and "walks into" the work base of the development team - the uninhabited grassland, where three tents stand alone. In the second half of 1958, the construction of a nuclear weapons research and development base began in the Jinyintan grassland of Haiyan County, Qinghai Province, and Li Jue, director of the Ninth Bureau of the Second Machine Department, served as the chief commander of the project, led 20 or 30 people to enter Jinyintan, set up three tents, and began the construction of the base under extremely difficult circumstances. Since then, the place name "Jinyintan" has mysteriously "disappeared" from the map of China, and more than 1,700 herders who have lived in this grassland for generations have moved to other places. It is closely linked to the peace and tranquility of the country, and China's first nuclear weapons development base was born here. The monument inscription of the base records the "merits" of this land: in this mysterious forbidden area of 1170 square kilometers, scientific researchers have worked hard to start a business, bravely climbed the peak, overcome the cutting-edge scientific and technological difficulties of atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, successfully conducted 16 nuclear tests, produced a variety of types of strategic nuclear weapons to equip the troops, and strengthened the national prestige and military prestige.

Come to the National Expo to see how the spirit of "two bombs and one star" was refined

Strolling through the exhibition hall, accompanied by the singing of "The Ballad of Malan", black and white photographs come into view, showing the nuclear test base in The Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture in Xinjiang , the "Malan Base". According to experts, it is named after the malan flowers that bloom in the Lop Nur area, from the successful explosion of China's first atomic bomb in October 1964 to China's last nuclear test in July 1996, and the Malan base successfully conducted 45 nuclear tests. Tens of thousands of scientific researchers, officers and men of the army, and cadres and workers have taken root in the Gobi and made selfless contributions, thus forging a shield of peace for new China.

"The several bases involved in the 'two bombs and one star' cause are reflected in the exhibition, and the audience will definitely be touched when they walk into the corresponding scenes." Gong Qing said that after reading the stories of so many people, when she heard the "Ballad of Ma Lan" again, she burst into tears.

Come to the National Expo to see how the spirit of "two bombs and one star" was refined

Exhibition Highlights

The wooden box of "Wang Jing" From the old objects, look at the "two bombs and one star" founder

"I am willing to pledge myself to the country!" "I'll do it whenever the country needs it." "I have given my whole life to the missile cause, and I have no complaints or regrets"... The exhibition has specially opened up an area for 23 winners of the "Two Bombs and One Star Meritorious Service Medal", and the words and sentences of the "Two Bombs and One Star" founding fathers on the red patriotic oath wall are moving to read.

In the display case, a seemingly ordinary wooden box with the words "Beijing Wang Jing" and other words were written on it. Experts explain that this is the use of nuclear physicist Wang Ganchang between 1971 and 1978 while working at the Mianyang Nuclear Weapons Development Base in Sichuan Province. In 1960, Wang Ganchang caused a sensation in the international physics community by discovering the world's first anti-sigma negative superkoon, and many scientists at that time believed that if he continued his research direction, he would be a strong contender for the Nobel Prize in Physics. However, while his reputation was in full swing, he quietly returned to China at the end of 1960 to participate in nuclear weapons research. "I would like to pledge myself to the country" was his promise, and "Wang Jing" was the pseudonym he used to secretly devote himself to nuclear weapons research since 1961. In the following 17 years, the genius scientist Wang Ganchang heard nothing, but there was an old man named "Wang Jing" in the depths of the desert.

In the exhibition hall, there are many simple old objects like this: Qian Xuesen's letters and books, the uniform that Deng Jiaxian wore, the used red flag brand small table fan, Wang Ganchang's notebook recording the schedule of going to and from the nuclear weapons research base to Beijing and other places... These show the image of selfless and dedicated scientific researchers behind the "earth-shattering events" from the side.

Uranium ore that "decides fate" China's atomic energy industry "opening stone"

In the first part of the exhibition, a piece of yellow and black ore shows its "sharp edge" in the display cabinet, pulling time back more than half a century ago.

Come to the National Expo to see how the spirit of "two bombs and one star" was refined

In the autumn of 1954, the Chinese Ministry of Geology discovered uranium ore in Guangxi, and the uranium ore collected by the geologists was quickly brought into Zhongnanhai to report to Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and other central leaders. On January 15, 1955, at the enlarged meeting of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Liu Jie, then executive deputy director of the Ministry of Geology, held a Geiger counter to conduct a detection demonstration, and when the instrument approached the ore and made a "quacking" sound, the leaders attending the meeting were very happy - proving that there was uranium ore buried underground in China. Mao Zedong said: "This is the fate that determines..."

Uranium is the main element that enables nuclear fission reactions and is the core material for the manufacture of atomic bombs. Whether there are uranium resources is an important material prerequisite for the development of the nuclear industry on its own. However, before the founding of New China, there was no uranium geology in China, and only a few geologists made sporadic and preliminary explorations of uranium ore. At that year's meeting, Mao Zedong listened to the reports of Li Siguang, Qian Sanqiang, and Liu Jie on the current situation of China's atomic energy scientific research and research, and he said: "Today, those of us who are primary school students have invited you to come to class on issues related to atomic energy. At this meeting, the Party Central Committee made a strategic decision to develop the atomic energy industry to cast shields and strengthen national defense.

Today, this ore, which has been repeatedly discussed and decided by the central leadership, is known as the "opening stone" of China's atomic energy industry. The exhibition features a 1:1 copy of a uranium ore specimen in the Beijing Institute of Geology of the Nuclear Industry.

Chengdu 291 mailbox 909 base is the only channel of communication with the outside world

There are also a considerable number of cultural relics and exhibits in the exhibition, focusing on the inheritance of the spirit of "two bombs and one star".

The China Nuclear Power Research Institute donated a special mailbox, Chengdu 291 mailbox. In 1965, China's first generation of nuclear submarines land-based model reactor development base (909 base) was located in Jiajiang, Sichuan. In the midst of desolation, entrepreneurs from all over the country started from scratch and struggled hard. At the beginning of the construction of the base, due to the need for confidentiality, there was no specific address. In order to ensure the external liaison of the base, chengdu 34 post and telecommunications branch was established, with a mailbox of 291 mailbox in Chengdu and a postal code 610005. As the only channel of communication between the base and the outside world, it carries the memories of three generations of the base, and is also an important physical evidence that the nuclear power people "did earth-shattering things and buried celebrities in anonymity".

Come to the National Expo to see how the spirit of "two bombs and one star" was refined

"Dongfanghong-1" artificial earth satellite structure star, "Long March 2F" carrier rocket model, "Tiangong-1" experimental module model... One by one, the exhibits show the continuous progress of China's scientific and technological level. The spirit of "two bombs and one satellite" has inspired and inspired generations of Chinese and passed down from generation to generation.

Come to the National Expo to see how the spirit of "two bombs and one star" was refined
Come to the National Expo to see how the spirit of "two bombs and one star" was refined
Come to the National Expo to see how the spirit of "two bombs and one star" was refined

Exhibition tips

Venue: National Museum of China South 6, South 7 Exhibition Hall

Ticket Price: Free Extension:

Deadline to be determined