
Big coffee said| how can capital help film and television? This forum gives the answer

author:Red Star News

Once upon a time, the film and television industry was boosted by capital, and almost all practitioners tasted the sweetness.

Success is also capital, and failure is also capital. With the ebb and flow of capital, the film and television industry has also seen a "cold winter".

At present, how should the film and television industry communicate with the financial industry?

What preparations should the capital, film and television industries make for risk control?

At the 9th China Online Audiovisual Conference, which is being held in Chengdu, a collision of ideas between the film and television industry and the financial industry was carried out, and many investors and film and television practitioners discussed. Dong Guanjie, founder and CEO of Qishu Youyu, believes that the film and television industry must rely on the power of finance to achieve greater development, but in the process, it also faces problems such as how to integrate with capital. Chen Wudong, deputy general manager of Zhongguang Tianxue Media, as an investor, believes that the head and innovative content must be an important target of capital selection. However, when choosing a partner, we must consider whether the other party is honest, otherwise the best project will refuse to cooperate.

Big coffee said| how can capital help film and television? This forum gives the answer

Forum site

The film and television industry's attitude towards capital has always been subtle and complex. The development of the industry is inseparable from the vigorous support of capital, in the years of film and television fever, all kinds of capital are embraced by the film and television industry, while bringing a lot of financial support to the industry, there are also problems such as layman guidance for insiders, sky-high film remuneration, performance betting and so on. How to combine healthy and benign capital with the film and television industry is what the industry needs to explore.

Some voices believe that the current film and television industry is facing a new round of development opportunities, and the structure of capital is also quietly changing. Wang Jianzhang, chairman of Guangdong Jingying Media Group Co., Ltd., is still optimistic about the online film and television industry for a long time. In his view, the entire industry is good, but when investing in film and television, we must be clear about the direction, "We invested in the head of the boutique, and we invested in more than 300 films at that time. In 16 years, many companies were small and big, but we have always adhered to the concept of content is king. ”

"Content is king" also depends on innovation. Wang Jianzhang recalled and Qishu Youyu cooperated with the network movie "Donkey on the Tree", which is a rural theme film with the main theme, at that time, most of the online movies were still mysterious themes, this project took a different path, invested more than 3 million, and the final box office performance reached more than 20 million, "Along the way, we will pay attention to some new types, and we take out a certain proportion of 50 projects every year to do the layout of this piece." We need to improve together to make the content product richer. ”

Big coffee said| how can capital help film and television? This forum gives the answer

Dong Guanjie, founder and CEO of Qishu Youyu

After the entry of capital, the integration and risk control management of the film and television and financial industries have become the key focus of the industry and an urgent problem to be solved. At the forum today (5), the guests shared their problems in their respective fields and their practices of "film and financial cooperation" from their own experience and business.

Dong Guanjie, founder and CEO of Qishu Youyu, believes that the film and television industry is an industry that needs to run with the help of funds, as a production company, as a content company, it must use content outside the industry and must use financial means. In this process, you will also face more new problems, how to regulate yourself, how to make capital believe in you, how to make your financial data more transparent? In addition to the help of big data and risk control systems, this also requires the process constraints of industrialization, "The basis of true industrialization is the implementation of the producer system in the whole industry, giving producers more say." He is responsible for the whole process of the project from the beginning to the final launch, recycling the box office, etc. ”

Zhang Yanyang, founding partner of Xiaojia Capital, believes that when investing, it will attach great importance to the tone of the team; the second will look at their past cases; third, from the perspective of funds, it can be docked with some financial institutions and take money from venture capital institutions. "If the company is really reassured, we'll step in and understand their entire operating model before we get into the project."

Wang Jianzhang believes that when investing, it is necessary to consider the team and the volume of investment, which is the most basic, under such a premise, encourage the team to do more innovation within the scope of corporate risk control, "In recent years, the content is too piled up, which is actually not too beneficial to this industry." "The further the industry goes, the more professional the capital will be, and it can make better projects in the mining of the subject matter."

Chen Wudong, deputy general manager of Zhongguang Tianxue Media, said that whether it is investing in variety shows or online movies, the main thing is to look at the content. He said that he is firmly optimistic about the track of paid content, and users will definitely pay for high-quality content. However, Chen Wudong believes that the red line of cooperation must be the integrity and reputation of the other party, "once they find that they have some very bad shortcomings in integrity before, no matter how good the subject matter is, we will refuse." ”

At the forum, many investors also talked about the problems existing in the film and television industry. China Cultural Industry Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. has invested in more than 30 cultural enterprises, including Happy Twist and Mango TV, but in the view of Chen Hang, the president of the company, there are still drawbacks in the film and television industry: First, the uncertainty of industry investment is relatively large. For example, if an artist is involved in pornography and gambling, or if he publishes some words that conflict with mainstream values and mainstream voices, or the problem of tax evasion, the original film cannot be broadcast, or it will cost a lot of money to reshoot. Because the uncertainty of the artist itself brings uncertainty to the film and the industry. Second, in terms of the company's internal control, many people are making money for creation, that is, there will be some false reports. As an investor, for example, you don't need so many extras, you don't need so many props, but they all report it. Third, the risk of payment collection. Some platforms don't pay back for two years because the platform's financial pressure is very high, and they have a very difficult time, and they owe the content creators. "Many companies dare not offend the platform, and the final payment cannot be obtained."

Red Star News reporter | Qiu Junfeng

Edited | Duan Xueying

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Big coffee said| how can capital help film and television? This forum gives the answer