
Two_Tomowa Miura

author:Fools read at night

When boys grow up, it is not okay to stay at home and should leave their parents at a certain age. Children always have to be independent and will certainly follow a different path in life from their parents. My two children are both men, and of course they have to be sent out of the house. The second son moved to the student dormitory when he was in college and began living away from home as a teenager.

The eldest son is now a musician. When he was in college, he said that he would "eat by music", and he and the producers I knew discussed the issue of music for a long time, and basically determined the direction of the profession. So I can only encourage him to say, "Then come on!"

When my second son was about to graduate from college, he told me that he wanted to be an actor. Originally, I did not intend to oppose the life path chosen by my two sons, and I could not find any reason to oppose this. The second son has now set himself on his own, lives outside, and has been going well so far. In the future, he may encounter all kinds of difficulties, and that is his own business.

The children also seemed to have consulted their mothers, who did not object, but were only a little worried. On these ideas, we are very consistent without discussion. I guess this is "phase nature"!

After the children left home, our husband and wife returned to the world of two. I suddenly felt that it was a bit unaccustomed to living with my children all the time, and that it was quite unaccustomed to sudden separation, and my wife's feelings were even stronger. From kindergarten to high school, the two children attend schools that do not provide food, and usually bring bento boxes to school. The wife gets up at 5:30 a.m. every morning to make bento boxes for her two children and breakfast for the family. When the children went to high school, they sometimes bought some bread from outside, but for nearly 15 years, my wife insisted on making bento boxes for them.

Without taking care of the children, this part of the time is increased, so the time we spend alone naturally increases. Although it sometimes feels dazed, from now on, the time we both have together will be more precious than ever.

Sometimes it feels like we're back married. Having lived a life of only two people for about four years before having children, it now feels as if I'm back in time. In fact, we didn't discuss how much or less we talked to each other, but now the two of us have more conversations than when we were with our children. The two did not discuss what to do in the future, but began to realize the question of how long the actor's job would last.

The average life expectancy of a Japanese man is 79 years. This includes the age of the premature deceased, so I think it should actually be added to 10 years, and the average life expectancy is almost 90 years. For now, there are still 30 years to go, in other words, I have only completed two-thirds of the path of life.

From now on, I have to be more and more clear about what is most important for my current self. If you get this wrong, then life will be wrong.

Recently I've started to reflect more on my parents. For example, the retirement age of my father's time was 56. At that time, I didn't think about my father's state of mind at all, and now that I am past this age, I feel that "I can't retire at this age." How would a man who had to retire from the company at 56 feel? Thinking about my father's career as a salaried clerk in the "academic society" and the cultivation of his children into talents during Japan's rapid development period began to cause me to think.

Every time I come to a paragraph of my life, I look back, not only my own life, but also the life of my father and mother. Only in this way can we recognize the hard work of our parents and learn to be grateful

We've been married for 31 years, and if I had to say a reason for a happy married life, I would only answer the word "phase sex." I was lucky enough to meet a "good sex" partner.

"Phases" come together, or they don't. It seems simple, but deep down, it is not easy to be like-minded.

So far in my life, I have often found that people are incompetent and vulnerable, and my experience is by no means unique. I have a basic understanding of people, that is, "people are weak", and this is also the starting point of my relationship with others. Therefore, learn to forgive others, which can make yourself kind. Of course, sometimes I can't help but judge others with prejudice and short-sightedness, but because I understand that "man is weak", I can return to this starting point.

Married life has no right answer. It's true that we as a couple have never had a fight. I really feel that quarrels not only can't form any kind of positive energy, but also waste energy. Maybe it's a stingy idea.

As partners, you may not be able to understand the other person's whole, because there is no one in the world who can understand each other one hundred percent. But if you can't even understand the really important part of the other person, then the couple is not qualified.

If I can't go home for dinner because of a sudden delay in work or a meeting, I'll definitely text my wife. Making sure you want to go home and eat is very important for cooking and for people who are waiting for you to come home for dinner.

My wife was busy in the kitchen and I had nothing to do, so I wanted to look around her and help set the table and serve the plates. My personality is that I can't wait for anything, and if I can help get it done as soon as possible, it is also a pleasure to help, and the same is true for cleaning up and washing dishes after meals. Let me do nothing, just sit in a chair and wait in a daze, I can't do it. When I was at home during the day, I would use a vacuum cleaner to clean the hygiene, or clean the toilet, and the only chores I did were probably washing clothes.

More than 90% of the housework is done by the wife, and the remaining 10% of the housework is done by me as long as I can do it, and that's all.

The state and mood of the person can be seen from the face. It is also said that "man is not in the face". I think it's caused by understanding differences, and it's absolutely true that they arise from the heart. Happiness will overflow on the face, and misfortune will also manifest on the face. People with bad eyes have a bad eye face. A person's long-term way of life can not be expressed on the face. Isn't there that kind of "stubborn father" old man's face? I don't want to become that face, I want to form a "good-looking" face.

I'm 60 years old, and looking back, my life was very happy. This is due to many wonderful encounters that make me forget about the nasty things of the past. It may also require a heart with positive thoughts. But on the other hand, sometimes no matter how careful and hard you try, you can't achieve your goal.

We grew up in an age of peace. World peace is a matter of paramount importance and the foundation of happiness. Our descendants must be grateful for this.

The gods exist precisely so that we don't forget these important things, but sometimes we still forget. Peace becomes taken for granted, and gratitude disappears, giving rise to the complaints and grievances of the usual.

Whoever compares himself with others in advance and sees that the life of others is smooth, will be envious and jealous; And once you think that others are inferior to yourself, you will look down on others and then put your mind at ease. The same is true of troubles, which are originally indifferent things, but they can cause anxiety and uneasiness. For show business people, the source of annoyance is false reporting and unfounded criticism.

The ideal state is to be able to live like a saint, but the path to enlightenment is very far away. We have become accustomed to life in times of peace, and we have seen its preciousness less, but we still cannot regard the unfortunate era when there was war as a page in history.

In a report after the Great East Japan Earthquake, one of the victims said, "I have to make myself feel like I just want to live." His voice, answered with grief, should be engraved in our hearts. The times are asking us, what is important? What is affluence? What is happiness?

Next is about what comes next. When I was in my 20s, the words of an old showbiz veteran said to me still remain in my ears: "Looking back on life, although there are places to reflect, there is no regret." At this age, I finally understand the meaning of this sentence a little.

I always think that if I hadn't been in the beginning, I wouldn't have become what I am now, and such a life is very lonely. What about me? I'm sorry to say, I do have a lot to reflect on, but I can assert that I have no regrets! The future life will be much longer than I imagined when I was younger, and I want to continue to live a life without regrets.

As always, we as husband and wife will continue to say to each other every year, "Thank you." Please pay more attention in the future. ”

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