
Liu surname historical celebrities, there is always one to make you worship

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Liu surname historical celebrities, there is always one to make you worship

Liu Bang: Han Gaozu, a native of Pei County. At the end of the Qin Dynasty, Chen Sheng revolted, and he gathered three thousand people in Pei County to respond. Later, he was ordered by King Huai of Chu to divide his troops with Xiang Yu into Guanguan, in 206 BC he captured Xianyang, was crowned king of Han by Xiang Yu, and after a five-year war with Xiang Yu, he was victorious, and the state was called emperor, the state name was Han, the capital was Luoyang, and the capital was later moved to Chang'an, known as the Western Han Dynasty.

Liu surname historical celebrities, there is always one to make you worship

Liu Qi (188 BC – 141 BC), the eldest son of Emperor Wen of Han. During his reign, he was known as the Han Jing Emperor, adopted Empress Dou's Huang Laozhi technique, practiced the politics of inaction, and was frugal and loved the people. Later, due to the adoption of chao's erroneous proposition, the fiefdoms of the princes were cut off, causing the rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms, fortunately, the lieutenant Zhou Yafu was pacified, and since then the central power has been consolidated, and the kings have no strength. Sixteen years on the throne collapsed.

Liu surname historical celebrities, there is always one to make you worship

Liu Che (156 BC – 87 BC), also known as Emperor Wu of Han. Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty. Reigned from 156 BC to 87 BC. Son of Emperor Jing. Adopt "depose a hundred families and honor Confucianism alone" and use spells to punish them; issue "Tui En Order" to cut off the forces; official salt and iron trade, and stabilize prices; govern the Yellow River, build water conservancy, emigrate to Tunbian, and practice the "Daitian Law"; send Zhang Qian and other envoys to the Western Regions, appoint Wei Qing, Huo Fuyi, and other great xiongnu to set up counties in Yunnan and Guizhou, pushing the Han Dynasty into its heyday. Noh poetry is good, the original collection of essays in two volumes, dead.

Liu surname historical celebrities, there is always one to make you worship

Liu Xiu: A native of Caiyang, Nanyang, the founding monarch of the Eastern Han Dynasty, known as emperor Guangwu in history, he raised an army at Chunling in 22 AD and joined the Green Forest Army, with the call to restore the Han dynasty system, united the aristocratic forces, and defeated the Chimei rebel army. In the first year of Jianwu, he was proclaimed emperor and the capital was Luoyang. After the elimination of the local separatist forces unified the whole country.

Liu surname historical celebrities, there is always one to make you worship

Liu Bei: A native of Zhongshan, the founder of the Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period, and a descendant of Liu Sheng, the King of Jing in Hanzhong. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he threw in Kao Cao, Yuan Shao, Liu Biao and others. Later, with the assistance of Zhuge Liang, he adopted the strategy of joining forces with Wu to resist Cao. Yu Jian'an defeated Cao Cao at Chibi in the thirteenth year, and won victories one after another. The park was called emperor for 21 years, built the capital of Chengdu, the national name Han, and Cao Wei and Sun Wu were in full swing. His father and son were known as Wang Da for 43 years.

Liu Ling: A native of Pei County, he was known as one of the "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest" during the Western Jin Dynasty, and was a former official to the general of Jianwei.

Liu surname historical celebrities, there is always one to make you worship

Liu Yuan: Xiongnu, founder of the Han State during the Sixteen Kingdoms period, who rebelled against the Jin Dynasty at the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, called Dadan Yu, and later changed his name to King of Han. In the second year of Yongjia, he was called Emperor of Han and established the capital pingyang.

Liu Guo: Taihe ren, a famous poet and poet of the Southern Dynasty.

Liu surname historical celebrities, there is always one to make you worship

Liu Yuxi: A native of Zhongshan, he was a famous writer, philosopher and poet of the Tang Dynasty. His main philosophical achievement was to put forward the doctrine of "the victory of heaven and man over each other". His works include "The Theory of Heaven" and so on.

Liu Songnian: Qiantang people, painter, good at landscape painting, together with Li Tang, Ma Yuan, Xia Gui known as the "Four Houses of the Southern Song Dynasty".

Liu Yong : A native of present-day Zhucheng, Shandong, a calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty, a scholar of Dongge University, and a scholar of Dongge University, he was on a par with Wang Wenzhi, Liang Tongshu, and Weng Fanggang at that time.

[Liu Liu] Tang Liu Yuxi, Liu Zongyuan's joint name. Song Ma Yongqing's "True Son" Volume III: "Before long, there are eight changes in Sima that make the retreat not degraded, and if liu Liu and his generation are trapped in the party, they will be abolished for life." Qing Tang Sunhua's poem "Reading Liu Poems": "Leaking is Liu Liu, and blame is suspicious." Yan Fu's "< Heavenly Speech and Qunzhi >Payment": "This statement is consistent with the words of tang liu and liu zhujia's "Heavenly Theory", and contrary to the Confucians since the Song Dynasty who belong to heaven and those who want to belong to people, it is the opposite." ”

【Liu Gen】 Han Dynasty warlock. Legend has it that it can drive away ghosts and break valleys. "Later Han Shu • Fang Shu Passed Down • Liu Gen": "The root was left and screamed, and there were dozens of people who prayed for the deceased father and ancestors, all of whom were tied up in front and bowed to the root. The Three Kingdoms Wei Ji kang's "Theory of Answering Difficult Health": "Liu Gen did not eat and sleep, or could occasionally endure hunger. Tang Gaoshi's poem "Tongxiong Shaofu Inscription Lu Master Book Mao Zhai": "Jiangshan returns to Xie Ke, and the gods and ghosts descend Liu Gen." ”

【Liu Yansu】 Tang wealth manager Liu Yan ( ) served as an official Shangshu , a transporter of salt and iron in The Eastern Capital , Henan , Jianghuai , Shannan , and other provinces , and transported 400,000 grains from Jianghuai by means of segmented transfer to solve the problem of grain in Guanzhong. Later generations were good at financial management because of the term "Liu Yansu", and their political achievements were outstanding. Qing Zhao Yi's poem "Shouquan Tizhuang Sixty": "The earliest achievement was with Liu Yansu, and the pure heart was still considering the hidden spring." ”

【Liu Shige】One of the varieties of peony flowers. Song Luyou "Tianpeng Peony Spectrum • Flower Interpretation": "Brother Liu, the white flowers are slightly red, up to hundreds of leaves, and the delicate and lovely." I don't know how it got its name. ”

1. See "Bangs Toad". 2. The legendary bangs Hang hair in front of the forehead, commonly known as this hairstyle "bangs". The nineteenth time in the "Little History of Civilization": "When everyone looked up, they saw that each one of them was a big foot leather shoe, with bangs in front of them and hakama loose legs below." Barkin Autumn VI: "Slightly higher foreheads are covered with bangs. ”

[ Liu Hai Toad ] is also known as "Bang Hai".

Five generations of Yanshan people, the name cao, the word Zhaoyuan, to the number line. Taoist Quanzhen Dao Ancestor. The first yan lord Liu Shouguang was the minister. One day, the Taoist Zheng Yangzi came to say that there was no way to do anything, and asked for ten chicken eggs, tired of money. Sea Toad exclaimed, "Dangerous! The Taoist said, "Ju Ronglu, who is in trouble, is in great danger!" The sea toad realized, abandoned the official and went into hiding, and the hou immortal went. See The Immortals. Folk paintings are mostly fairy-like, with hanging hair on the forehead, dancing money strings in hand, and riding on the back of a toad. Commonly known as "bangs". Qing Wang Tao "Songbin Trivia • Ni Yourong": "The face is the same as the full moon, the eyes are like stars, and the double bun flowers are like bangs painted in the world." "Selected Twelve Scythes of the Opera": "Guilan The iron hand is soft, the waist flashes a few times, the more you look at it, the better it looks... It's like bangs playing with golden toads, Wang Er, I don't like it. ”

【Liu Lu】 Song Dynasty Liu Kezhuang, Lu You's joint name. Chen Yi "Huhai Poetry Society KaiZheng Quote": "Yuan Bai is shallow, Liu Lu is wanton. ”

[Liu Lei] A legendary person who is good at taming dragons. "Zuo Chuan • Zhao Gong Twenty-Nine Years": "There is the Tao Tang clan that has declined, followed by Liu Lei, who learned to disturb the dragon in the Dragon Clan, who was able to eat and drink, who was able to eat and drink after Xia, and who gave the clan the Imperial Dragon." Song Mei Yaochen's poem "Wen Huishi Gives New Bamboo Shoots": "Liu Tired died, and the dragon was not tamed." Worldly things, do not know the truth. ”

【 General Liu Meng 】 1. The legendary god of locusts. Refers to Song Liu Zheng. Song Jingding Four years, drought locust, Shang edict Liu Zheng as the Marquis of Yangwei Tiancao fierce general god. "Flying locusts enter, gradually eat Jiahe, Lai'er gods, cut and destroyed." "The locusts perished. See Luo Zhenyu's "Folklore" quoting Zhu Kun's "Notes on Lingquan". 2. The legendary god of locusts. Refers to Yuan Liu Chengzhong. Chengzhong was stationed in Jianghuai at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, and there would be a locust drought, and the overseers would hunt them down, and the locusts would be wiped out. After the death of the Yuan Dynasty, he drowned himself, and the local people called him General Liu Meng. See Kisuke Tongzhi Ritual.

【Liu Jinu】 Herb name. Mostly refers to the whole grass of the Asteraceae plant Artemisia. Ji Nu was originally a minor name of Liu Yu of the Southern Dynasty Song Dynasty. According to the "Chronicle of Emperor Wu of the Southern History and Song Dynasty", Liu Yu first obtained this grass, which was used to cure golden sores. Later generations called it "Liu Jinu". Ming Li Shizhen "Compendium of Materia Medica • Grass Fifteen • Liu Jinu Grass": "Liu Jinu has a straight stem. The leaves are like cangshu, the tip is long and rough, the face is deep and faint, the september stem end is divided into several branches, a branch is clustered with ten small flowers, white petals and yellow buds... Its sons are slender. ”

【Liu Joins the Army】 Jin Liu Ling Zeng Shi Jianwei joined the army because he was called Liu Join the Army. Southern Dynasty Song Yan Yanzhi The third inscription of the poem "Five Junyong" is "Liu Joins the Army". Zhou Bin "He Jianhua Drunken Song Line": "Jun did not see the Lotus Immortal Tour Liu joined the army, and drank high winds to this day. See also "Liu Lingjiu".

[Liu Kun Dance] "Jin Shu • Zu Ti Biography" contains: Zu Ti and Liu Kun slept together, Zu Zhong heard the sound of wild chickens at night, woke up Liu Kun, and danced with his sword. Later, "Liu Kun Dance" was used as a metaphor for Zhishi's excitement. Tang Xuanzong's poem "Touring the Province on the Way to the Old Palace of the Party": "Do not learn Liu Kun's dance, first sing the Han ancestral style." Qing Tang Sunhua's poem "Lying on the Sound of Chickens": "Secretly Kicking Liu Kun Dance, Rapid Tian Wenxing." ”

【Liu Xiang】 Liu Bang and Xiang Yu are combined. The Book of Han and the Table of Princes and Princes: "Chen Wu fenqi BaiZhuang, Liu Xiang followed and killed him." Tang Li Bai "The Tiger's Journey": "Zhang Liang did not meet Han Xin poor, Liu Xiang survived in the two ministers." Jin Duan Keji's poem "Yi Wei Qingming Tour": "Who decides male and female for Liu Xiang, depends on Han Pengli's help." Qing Chen Weisong "Yu Meiren • Title Xu Wei Wen Painting Flowers and Feathers And Noodles" Words: "Look at the history of Liu Xiang's rise and fall, and read "Nanhuazi". ”

【Liu Cotton】 Ming Xiaozong Shi Hubu Shangshu Liu Ji's nickname. Ming Wenlin's "Lang Yue Man Banknote": "The elder Of the Cabinet Baoding, Liu Gong, has been repeatedly discussed by the Taiwan counselors, and the favor of the superiors has not faded, and people are called Liu Cotton, which is said to be more and more elastic. "Ming Shi Liu Ji Biography": "Ji Duo Zhi Shu, Good Attachment, Self-Origin Ornamentation, Sharp in Selfishness, Sometimes Attacked by Yan Lu." After eighteen years in the cabinet, liu cotton was seen as Liu Cotton, and it was also resistant to bullets. ”

【Liu Jia】 Han Dynasty Liu Xiang and Jia Yi are combined. Wang Guowei "Literary Small Talk" XI: "Wei Liu's vision yuanming, its like Liu Jia's vision Qu Zihu? ”

【Liu Gutou】1. Five generations of Liu Rengong was good at digging tunnels to attack the city, because of the name of "Liu Grotto". "New Five Dynasties History • Miscellaneous Biography I • Liu Shouguang": "Liu Shouguang, Shenzhou Leshou people also." His father Ren Gong (仁恭), who was in Youzhou (幽州), li keju (李可舉), was able to besiege the city on the road, and was given the military title of 'Liu Gutou'. "2. Death in the ground. Song Sun Guangxian", "Northern Dream Trivia", Volume 20: "Shangwen from Rong Fu Jie, sorrow and horror fell on the imperial bed, and the qi revived again, from not hesitating to increasing, and even Yan Driving." ZiYun: 'I made myself Liu Gutou today.' ’”

[Liu Suizhou] is the Tang Dynasty poet Liu Changqing. He served as the Assassin of Suizhou and was known as Liu Suizhou. Song Yanyu's Commentary on The Poetry of Canglang: "Li Pin is not all late Tang Dynasty, and there is a similar liu Suizhou. ”

【Liu Gang】 Three Kingdoms period Wu Xia Pi people. Legend has it that he was able to summon the ghosts and gods, and later went with his wife Fan Yunqiao into the Siming Mountains Immortals. Tang BaiJuyi's poem "Rewarding Li Lianshi to See the Tricks": "Liu Gang has a woman and a fairy to get together, and Bo Dao's childless tiredness is lighter." ”

[Liu Yi's Reply] "The Book of Jin and the Biography of Liu Yi": "The emperor tasted the southern suburbs, Li Bi, and asked Yi Ran: 'Qing Yi Fang Han He Di Ye?' "Yes": "Can fang huan ling." The emperor said: "Although I am inferior to the ancients, Jude is the ruler of himself." And ping Wu will, mix a day. Fang Zhi Huan Ling, it is already very much! "Huan Ling sells officials, money goes into the official treasury, His Majesty sells officials, money goes into private doors." In other words, it is better to be true. The emperor laughed and said, "Huan Ling's world, I don't hear this." Now there are direct ministers, so it is different. Later, he said that he dared to defame and denounce "Liu Yi replied to the edict" as saying that he dared to denounce it. Tang DuFu's poem "Late Autumn Misfortune Pei Daozhou Zaqier Dispatched Xing To Su Zhuo's Attendant": "Guo Qin wrote to see the grand plan, and Liu Yi replied to the emperor and shocked the courtiers. ”

[Liu Yuzhou] refers to Liu Bei. Liu Bei served as the Assassin of Yuzhou , because he was called Liu Yuzhou. "Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Zhi, and Zhuge Liang's Biography": "The general raised an army to control Jiangdong, Liu Yuzhou, and the herdsmen of Hannan, and fought with Cao Cao for the world. Qing Gu Yanwu "Han Sanjun Poetry • Zhaolie": "Zhuo Yi Liu Yuzhou, majestic like Emperor Gao." ”

【Liu Lu】 Combined name of Liu Kun and Lu Chen in the Jin Dynasty. Tang Li Shangyin's poem "Gifting Zhao XieLu" reads: "Zou Ma Shenghua is at the end of the year, and even more Liu Lu is looking forward to it." ”

Liu Pet's General Manager Liu Pet moved inland to be a minister, and five or six elderly people in Shanyin County each gave him a hundred yuan to send him off. Liu Pet is difficult to sympathize with, and only receives one dollar per person. It is later used as a canon for praising incorruptible officials. Qing Niuxuan's "< Yao yao > Preface": "Traveling for three years, constantly drinking the tears of fish; eunuchs return to thousands of miles, and there is no money left for Liu Pet." Shen Changzhi's poem "Sending Dragons to Saint Jiangxi": "Liu Pet chooses a coin, Yang Zhen Rin knows four things." ”

【Liu Lan】Browse, pan-view. "Huainanzi Yuan Daoxun": "Liu Lan is partial to the light, and the restoration is complete." Gao Luan:"Liu Lan, look back at it also." Liu reads liu lian liu, not Liu shi liu also. ”

[Liu Ling] is Liu Ling of the Jin Dynasty. Southern Dynasty Song YanYanzhi's poem "Five Junyong Liu Joining the Army": "Liu Lingshan is a retreat, and his feelings are extinguished and heard." Tang Li Shangyin "Holiday" poem: "Who to Liu Ling Inside the heavenly curtain, more when Tao Ling North Window Wind." Feng Hao's note: "The Five Ministers' Notes on the Anthology of Literature quote Zang Rongxu The Book of Jin: 'Liu Ling Character Burren.' Yan Yanzhi's "Five Junyong", "Wen Zhongzi", and "Yulin" are all written as 'Ling', while the "Book of Jin" is transmitted as 'Ling', so his books are universal. ”

Liu Hui (b. around 250 AD), a native of the Wei state in the late Three Kingdoms period, was an outstanding mathematician in ancient China and one of the founders of classical Chinese mathematical theory. The date of his birth and death and his life deeds are rarely recorded in the history books. According to limited historical data, he was a native of Zouping, Shandong during the Wei and Jin dynasties. He never became an official in his lifetime. Very few of Liu Hui's mathematical works have been passed down to future generations, and all the works left behind have been copied for a long time. His major works are: "Nine Chapters Arithmetic Notes" 10 volumes; "Heavy Difference" 1 volume, to the Tang Dynasty renamed "Island Arithmetic Classic"; "Nine Chapters heavy difference map" l volume, unfortunately the latter two were lost in the Song Dynasty.

Liu Yuxi (772-842), courtesy name Mengde, in his later years called himself a native of Lushan, a native of Pengcheng (present-day Xuzhou, Jiangsu), and a descendant of King Jing of The Han Dynasty. Poet and philosopher of the middle and late Tang Dynasty. His family was a scholar who had been passed down through Confucianism for generations. Advocating innovation politically, he was one of the central figures in the political reform activities of Wang Shuwen's faction. More than 800 of his poems are extant. He learns folk songs, reflects the people's life and customs of the poems, the theme is broad, the style draws on the bashu folk songs implicitly, simple and beautiful characteristics, fresh and natural, healthy and lively, full of life interest. His satirical poems often use allegorical techniques to attack the magnates who suppressed Yongzhen's reforms, covering a wide range of social phenomena. In his later years, the style gradually became subtle, ironic and not revealing. "Buried Room Ming" is the most classic work passed down to the world.

Liu Feiyan (~) was a beautiful woman in Yangzhou during the Western Han Dynasty during the Reign of Emperor Cheng of Han (33 BC to 9 BC).

During the reign of Liu Xijun (140 BC to 87 BC), during the Yuan Dynasty of the Western Han Dynasty (110 BC), the first Han and pro-(Jiangdu) princesses were married to the Western Regions of Wusun.

Liu Xun (c. 465– 520 CE), courtesy name Yanhe, lived during the Southern and Northern Dynasties and was a famous literary theorist in Chinese history. His ancestral home is Dashenzhuang (大沈庄) in Dongguan Town, JuXian County, Shandong Province. He was a county commander, an infantry lieutenant, and a palace official, and was quite famous. In his later years, he founded the (North) Dinglin Temple in Fulai Mountain, Juxian County, Shandong. Although Liu Xun held many official positions, his name was not as official, but as Wen Zhang, and a "Wenxin Carved Dragon" established his indispensable position in the history of Chinese literature and the history of literary criticism. According to the Book of Liang. Liu Xun's biography records that Liu Xun's early family was poor, he was eager to learn, he never married, he lived in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, in the Nandinglin Temple in Zhongshan, he followed the monks to study Buddhist books and Confucian classics, at the age of 32, he began to write "Wenxin Carved Dragon", which lasted five years, and finally became The earliest literary criticism masterpiece in China, the book totaled more than 37,000 words, divided into ten volumes and fifty articles, the book was ahead of the times, large and thoughtful, the style was very different, unique, and had a great impact on future generations.

Liu Mingchuan (1836-1896), also known as The Third Province, was born in Liu Laowei, Feixi County, Anhui Province, to a farming family that had been farming and weaving for generations. Since childhood, he has been in Longmu and his life is very poor. However, as a tough and resolute hero, Geng Jie is brave, and usually likes to play with guns and sticks, and practices a martial art. He once killed local tycoons, robbed rich households, fought the legal net, broke into the rivers and lakes, and became a major criminal hunted down by the government.

Emperor Liu was surnamed Emperor Liu

Han dynasty. Western Han Dynasty Liu Heng 76 Emperor Xiaowen of the Western Han Dynasty 202 BC - 157 BC 179 BC - 157 23 BC

Han dynasty. Western Han Dynasty Liu Qi 77 Western Han Dynasty Xiaojing Emperor 188 BC - 141 BC 157 BC - 141 17 BC

Han dynasty. Western Han Dynasty Liu Che 78 Emperor Xiaowu of the Western Han Dynasty 157 BC - 87 BC 141 BC - 87 55 BC

Han dynasty. Western Han Dynasty Liu Fuling 79 Western Han Dynasty Xiaozhao Emperor 94 BC - 74 BC 87 BC - 74 14 BC

Han Dynasty, Western Han Dynasty Liu Bang 75 Western Han GaoZu 256 BC - 195 BC 206 BC - 195 12 BC

Han dynasty. Western Han Dynasty Liu Ying 76 Western Han Xiaohui Emperor 211 BC - 188 BC 194 BC - 188 7 BC

Han dynasty. Western Han Dynasty Liu Gong 77 Former Young Emperor of the Western Han Dynasty BC ? - 184 BC 187 BC – 184 4 BC

Han dynasty. Western Han Dynasty Liu Hong 77 Western Han Dynasty Later Shao Emperor BC ? - 180 BC 184 BC – 180 5 BC

Han dynasty. Western Han Dynasty Liu Qing 81 Emperor Xiaoxuan of the Western Han Dynasty 96 BC – 49 BC 74 BC – 49 26 BC

Han dynasty. Western Han Dynasty Liu Yi 82 Emperor Xiaoyuan of the Western Han Dynasty 75 BC – 33 BC 48 BC – 33 16 BC

Han dynasty. Eastern Han Dynasty Liu Zhao 85 Eastern Han Xiaozhang Emperor 57 AD - 88 AD 75 AD - 88 14 AD

Han dynasty. Eastern Han Dynasty Liu Zhao 86 Eastern Han Dynasty Xiaohe Emperor 79 AD - 105 AD 88 AD - 105 18 AD

Han dynasty. Eastern Han Dynasty Liu Long 87 Eastern Han Dynasty Emperor Xiaoyi 105 AD - 106 AD 105 AD - 106 AD Eight months

Han dynasty. Eastern Han Dynasty Liu Hu 87 Eastern Han Dynasty Xiao'an Emperor 94 AD - 125 AD 106 AD - 125 20 AD

Han dynasty. Eastern Han Dynasty Liu Yi 87 Former Young Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty 115 AD - 125 AD 125 Seven months

Han dynasty. Eastern Han Dynasty Liu Bao 88 Eastern Han Dynasty Xiaoshun Emperor 115 AD - 144 AD 125 AD - 144 20 AD

Han dynasty. Western Han Dynasty Liu Xiaocheng Emperor 83 Western Han Dynasty Xiaocheng Emperor 52 BC - 7 BC 33 BC - 7 27 BC

Han dynasty. Western Han Dynasty Liu Xin 84 Western Han Dynasty Emperor Xiao'ai 25 BC – 1 BC 7 BC – 17 BC

Han dynasty. Western Han Dynasty Liu Yan 84 Western Han Xiaoping Emperor 9 BC - 5 BC 1 BC - 5 6 AD

Han dynasty. Western Han Dynasty Liu Infant 85 Western Han Dynasty Emperor Zi zi 4 AD - 24 AD 6 AD - 8 3 AD

Han dynasty. More beginning Liu Xuan 83 Han more first emperor ? - 25 A.D. 23 A.D. - 25.3 A.D

Han dynasty. Jianshi Liu Penzi 85 Emperor Jianshi of Han 10 AD - AD ? 25 AD – 27 3 AD

Han dynasty. Eastern Han Dynasty Liu Xiu 83 Eastern Han Guangwu Emperor 6 BC - 57 AD 25 AD - 57 33 AD

Han dynasty. Eastern Han Liu Zhuang 84 Eastern Han Dynasty Xiaoming Emperor 28 AD - 75 AD 57 AD - 75 19 AD

Han dynasty. Eastern Han Dynasty Liu Bing 89 Eastern Han Dynasty Xiaochong Emperor 143 AD - 145 AD 144 AD - 145 AD Five months

Han dynasty. Eastern Han Dynasty Liu Miao 89 Eastern Han Dynasty Xiaoqian Emperor 138 AD - 146 AD 145 AD - 146 AD More than a year

Han dynasty. Eastern Han Dynasty Liu Zhi 88 Eastern Han Dynasty Xiaohuan Emperor 132 AD - 167 AD 146 AD - 167 22 AD

Han dynasty. Eastern Han Dynasty Liu Hong 89 Eastern Han Dynasty Xiaoling Emperor 156 AD - 189 AD 168 AD - 189 22 AD

Han dynasty. Eastern Han Dynasty Liu Discernment 90 Eastern Han Dynasty Young Emperor 173 AD - 190 AD 189 Six months

Han dynasty. Eastern Han Dynasty Liu Xie 90 Eastern Han Dynasty Xiaoxian Emperor 181 AD - 234 AD 189 AD - 220 32 AD

Three countries. Shu Han Liu Bei 89 Shu Han Zhaolie Emperor 162 AD - 223 AD 221 AD - 223 3 AD

Three countries. Shu Han Liu Chan 90 Shu Han Xiaohuai Emperor 207 AD - 271 AD 223 AD - 263 41 AD

Nations. Han Kingdom Liu Yuan 90 Han Kingdom Gao Zu AD ? - 310 AD 304 AD - 310 7 AD

Nations. Han Kingdom Liu Cong 91 Han Kingdom Liezong AD ? - 318 AD 310 AD - 318 9 AD

Nations. Han Kingdom Liu Yue 92 Han Kingdom Young Lord A.D. ? - 318 AD 318 1 AD

Nations. Former Zhao Liu Yao 91 Former Zhao Zhao Wang AD ? - 329 AD 318 AD - 329 12 AD

Nations. Xia Liu Qu Xiao 94 Xia Shi Zu AD ? - 425 AD 407 AD – 425 19 AD

Nations. Xia Liu Chang 95 Xia Qin Wang AD ? - 434 AD 425 – 428 4 AD

Nations. Xia Liu Ding 95 Xia Ping Kang Wang AD ? - 431 AD 428 – 431 4 AD

Southern dynasties. Liu Song Liu Yu 96 Liu Song Wu Emperor 356 AD - 422 AD 420 AD - 422 3 AD

Southern dynasties. Liu Song Liu Yifu 97 Liu Song ShaoDi 406 AD - 424 AD 423 AD - 424 2 years AD

Southern dynasties. Liu Song Liu Yilong 97 Emperor Wen of Liu Song 407 AD - 453 AD 424 AD - 453 30 AD

Southern dynasties. Liu Song Liu 劬 98 AD ? - 453 A.D. 453 A.D. Three months

Southern dynasties. Liu Song Liu Jun 98 Liu Song Xiaowu Emperor 403 AD - 464 AD 454 AD - 464 11 AD

Southern dynasties. Liu Song Liu Ziye 99 Liu Song Former Deposed Emperor 449 AD - 465 AD 465 1 AD

Southern dynasties. Liu Song Liu Yu 98 Liu Song Ming Emperor 439 AD - 472 AD 465 AD - 472 8 AD

Southern dynasties. Liu Song Liu Yu 99 Liu Song Deposed Emperor 463 AD - 477 AD 473 AD - 477 5 AD

Southern dynasties. Liu Song Liu Zhun 99 Liu Song Shun Emperor 467 AD - 479 AD 477 AD - 479 3 AD

Five dynasties. Southern Han Liu Sheng Southern Han Zhongzong 920 AD - 958 AD 943 AD - 958 16 AD

Five dynasties. Southern Han Dynasty Liu Xun Southern Han Dynasty Lord 943 AD - 980 AD 958 AD - 971 14 AD

Five dynasties. Later Han Liu Zhiyuan Shatuo Hou Han Gaozu 895 AD - 948 AD 947 AD - 948 2 AD

Five dynasties. Later Han Liu Chengyou Shatuo Later Han Yin Emperor 931 AD - 950 AD 948 AD - 950 3 AD

Five dynasties. Northern Han Dynasty Liu Chongmin Shatuo Northern Han Dynasty Ancestor 896 AD - 954 AD 951 AD - 954 4 AD

Five dynasties. Northern Han Dynasty Liu Chengjun Shatuo Northern Han Ruizong 926 AD - 968 AD 954 AD - 968 15 years AD

Five dynasties. Northern Han Dynasty Liu Ji Enshatuo Northern Han Shao Lord 935 AD - 968 AD 968 three months

Five dynasties. Northern Han Dynasty Liu Jiyuan Shatuo Northern Han Yingwu Emperor A.D. ? - 991 AD 968 AD - 979 12 AD

Five dynasties. Southern Han Liu Southern Han Gaozu 889 AD - 942 AD 917 AD - 942 26 AD

Five dynasties. Southern Han Dynasty Liu Yue Southern Han Emperor 920 AD - 943 AD 942 AD - 943 2 AD

Southern song dynasty. gold. Qi Liu Yu Southern Song Dynasty. gold. Emperor Qi 1072 AD - 1143 AD 1130 AD - 1137 8 years AD

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