
From Peking University, go to the military camp

author:China Youth Daily

Integrate the small self into the big self

Youth Confession Motherland

On the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the Party

Another batch of Peking University students

Start with The Bird's Nest Garden

Head to the enchanted barracks

With Shaohua and hot blood

Practice patriotic inspiration, seek truth and practice

Today, let's walk into the students of Peking University

The story behind the "Barracks Journey"

Li Zhengrui: Yi Menggen, Peking University Red

Li Zhengrui is a 2019 undergraduate student from The Yuanpei College of Peking University. From the moment he made up his mind to join the army, one of the questions he was asked the most was, "Why did you want to be a soldier?" ”

The seed of "going to be a soldier" was actually buried in Li Zhengrui's heart very early. Because he grew up in Linyi City, Shandong Province, at the foot of Yimeng Mountain, an old revolutionary area, Liu Shaoqi, Xu Xiangqian, Luo Ronghuan, Chen Yi, Su Yu and other revolutionaries of the older generation once fought and lived here, and the story of the People's Liberation Army of Yimeng and the People's Liberation Army working together to unite against Japan is familiar to Li Zhengrui from an early age.

Because of this, the words "Chinese people's liberation army" always made Li Zhengrui feel tears in his eyes. Seeing the cultural relics and stories displayed in the Revolution Memorial Hall in his hometown, Li Zhengrui often traveled back in his mind to that turbulent era, imagining that he had become a People's Liberation Army, fighting bravely to kill the enemy and defend his hometown. The imagery of the words "Chinese People's Liberation Army" also changed from blurry to clear in Li Zhengrui's mind, from blank to gradually painted with vivid colors.

"When I grow up, I want to be them." Li Zhengrui longed for the green barracks, where there were soldiers who were as resolute as steel, there were heroic and sassy appearances in military uniforms, there was the majesty of walking step by step, and there was also the perseverance and courage of their people who braved their lives and guarded one side.

From Peking University, go to the military camp

Li Zhengrui life photo

In the days of studying at Peking University, the cultivation of the school and the careful teaching of the teachers not only made Li Zhengrui, who immersed himself in Yanyuan, not only gain knowledge, but also make his thinking outside of knowledge more and more plump. The voice in my heart became louder and louder: "Go to be a soldier, to realize your own feelings of home and country!" "That heart that longs to defend the family and defend the country beat vividly in the chest cavity, and this dream of defending the country from the military will only leave people without regrets if it is completed!"

And Li Zhengrui's understanding of soldiers is no longer limited to the freedom and majesty of the imaginary image, and their figures across difficulties and obstacles have begun to become clear and three-dimensional. In his mind, he rehearsed the scene of going hand in hand with his comrades-in-arms, imagining that together with his comrades-in-arms he would become a solid wall that would protect the motherland and the people behind him.

From Peking University, go to the military camp
From Peking University, go to the military camp

Li Zhengrui enlisted in the army photo

Liu Shuda: Military camp dream, Yanyuan love

Shuda Liu is a 2020 undergraduate student from the School of Medical Humanities of Peking University. His dream of joining the army originated from his father, a grassroots people's policeman who was not good at words.

For as long as he can remember, he and his father have had little time to see each other during the day, because his father always dressed up before dawn and went home to sleep.

Father was simple, peaceful, rarely talked, and did not often talk about his work at home. But by chance, little Liu Shuda saw his father dressed in a police uniform and crouching in the sweltering heat of more than 30 degrees - the atmosphere was highly tense, the air pressure was low and tight, sweat was condensed at the ends of his hair, but his father remained focused and determined like a rock, and his eyes were calm and determined. This scene struck Liu Shuda deeply in her heart: "I also want to be a silent but powerful person like my father, not afraid of danger, able to resist heavy pressure, and quietly guard life like this." ”

At the beginning of 2020, the new crown epidemic was raging, and Liu Shuda, who was in the third year of high school, was in a critical period of the college entrance examination sprint, racing against time at any time. But every morning when he got out of bed, Liu Shuda still couldn't help but pay attention to the development of the epidemic for the first time: he saw medical workers from all over the country running backwards and fighting in the front line of the fight against the epidemic; he also saw the People's Liberation Army charging forward, sticking to the most dangerous but also the place where the people needed it most.

It was at that time that Liu Shuda secretly vowed to become one of them, learn medicine to save people, and join the army to serve the country.

From Peking University, go to the military camp

Liu Shuda life photo

The first lesson of the 2020 freshman military training, taught by Secretary Qiu Ping, completely ignited Liu Shuda's dream of joining the army:

"Peking University is the first national university in China to undertake the mission of modernization, and it is a university that represents the country and shares the destiny with the country and the nation."

"Peking University people should take over the baton of their predecessors, carve 'patriotism' into the bone marrow, and carry it out to the end."

Listening to Secretary Qiu's inspiring speech and watching the videos of Peking University people dedicating their youth to the country in various fields, the glorious deeds of Song Xixue's joining the army and enlisting in the army lingered in my heart for a long time... As a new student who has just entered Yanyuan Garden, Liu Shuda is full of excitement and tears.

In addition to joining the army, it is necessary to have a certain cultural knowledge reserve, and excellent physical fitness is also indispensable, so from the first half of this year, Liu Shuda began to actively prepare for the selection of the army. In order to improve his physical fitness and strong physique, he has long become a regular visitor to the gym, running, lifting iron, endurance training without falling, insisting on it every day.

From Peking University, go to the military camp

Liu Shuda knows that his dream means to exert his blood and shoulder heavy burdens, and he has always kept in mind the message of General Secretary Xi Jinping: "Youth is the future of the motherland, the hope of the nation, and the future and hope of our party." ”

From Peking University, go to the military camp

Liu Shuda enlisted in the army photo

【List of recruits enlisted in September】

1. Zhang Chenxi, a 2018 undergraduate student in the School of Physics

From Peking University, go to the military camp

When I wrote this text, the first thing that appeared in my mind was this shot: on October 1, 2019, the 70th anniversary of the National Day Conference, I was in the Peking University phalanx. While waiting to walk through Tiananmen Square, I and the teachers and classmates next to me saw the fighter planes streak across the sky in the distance. On Chang'an Avenue in front of me, the missile transport vehicle slowly advanced, and I tiptoed and thought about it. It was around that time that I first began to seriously imagine what it was like to be a soldier. ”

2. Li Siqi, a 2018 undergraduate student of the College of Foreign Chinese

From Peking University, go to the military camp

"The number of female students participating in the conscription is not large, but the competition for female soldiers in Beijing to join the army is extremely fierce, and my mood is also pulled by this long and difficult 'Long March', and I often express my concern with my friends: 'Standing up for a long jump or no progress', 'worrying about elbow problems'." Although they are also busy for their own future, they still tolerate me, comfort me, tirelessly give me advice, and fully support and encourage me. ”

3. Wang Hao, a 2020 undergraduate student in the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering

From Peking University, go to the military camp

"In high school, when I proposed to my family the idea of joining the military during college, my father excitedly expressed his full support. Now, a year after entering Peking University, I have faded the childishness of high school, and after constantly examining myself, I decided to bravely pursue my dream - to join the army. ”

4. Ding Kairan, Class of 2020 undergraduate student, School of Psychology and Cognitive Science

From Peking University, go to the military camp

"I haven't been looking forward to one thing as excitedly as I've been lately, and that's the feeling of not being able to sleep as soon as I close my eyes. Maybe this excitement comes from the unknown, from the possibility of the unknown; maybe the next two years will make people's blood boil, or maybe these two years will be as calm as the lake, but no matter what, I hope that after two years, I can have all the qualities that a good 'warrior' should have. ”

5. Xu Shengping, a 2018 undergraduate student in the College of Information Science and Technology

From Peking University, go to the military camp

The soldiers on the television set, dressed in majestic uniforms, walked through Tiananmen Square in neat steps. They are heroic and full of blood, like a sharp sword ready to be sheathed at any time, deterring any enemy who dares to attack, and like an indestructible wall, guarding the motherland and people behind them. Since then, a seed of dreams has quietly taken root in my young heart: the big husband should be like this. ”

6. Wang Caihao, a 2019 undergraduate student in the School of Arts

From Peking University, go to the military camp

"The military song is my memory of time. At that time, I often completed my homework on the stone table at the bottom of the building, and often looked up at the echo of "We Soldiers" at dusk to see the crimson yellow clouds in the sky, coming from afar. It's like a yellowish, not-so-clear but gentle soothing light in the home. The impression of the army has always remained in my memory along with this light. ”

7. Wang Ruqing, a 2017 undergraduate student at the School of Government and Management

From Peking University, go to the military camp

"No matter where you are, you must take on the responsibility of standing up as a Peking University person." At the same time, as a soon-to-be-enlisted soldier, this role taught me how to stand with my own organization and my country, and how to look at things from such a foothold. ”

8. Xie Wu, a 2018 undergraduate student in the School of Economics

From Peking University, go to the military camp

"In the summer of 2019, I took the initiative to sign up for the major celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The training time in Huairou has benefited me a lot, and I have also met many teachers and friends around me with noble feelings. On the day of National Day, our parade phalanx on behalf of Peking University walked through Tiananmen Square, and the grand military parade on the same day also allowed me to witness the strength of the motherland's national defense strength. Chinese the might and majesty of the People's Liberation Army made me feel the inspiration from the troops again. ”

9. Song Weilong, a 2019 undergraduate student of the Basic Medical College

From Peking University, go to the military camp

"In the fall of 2021, I'm going to join the army. The first time I signed up, because of the epidemic and the unsteady heart, I 'missed' the physical examination; the second time I signed up, the physical examination was not passed; this was the third time, it became. Grandma was good at farming, so she used grain to love the country. I, an ordinary college student, should love the country by joining the army. ”

10. Li Zhengrui, a 2019 undergraduate student of Yuanpei College

From Peking University, go to the military camp

"In me, a longing and yearning for life in the barracks is still beating uneasily. Like being admitted to Peking University, becoming a soldier is also a dream that he has had since he was a child, and only when he has completed it will he be steadfast in his heart and leave no regrets. ”

11. Liu Shuda, a 2020 undergraduate student in the School of Medical Humanities

From Peking University, go to the military camp

"Not long ago, as a xinzheng person in Henan, I personally experienced the 7.20 Zhengzhou rainstorm and the 8.22 new Zhengzhou rainstorm, and I looked at the figures of countless soldiers who risked their lives and charged at the front line of flood fighting and disaster relief, and secretly swore in my heart: 'I must become one of them, defend the homeland, and protect the people.'" ”

Pure heart, heroic guts

Clear love, only for China

Peking University military student

Will be the huazhang of youth

Never a lake has ever been written to the infinite country

Write about every place where the party and the people need it

The chaotic clouds are still calm

Repack and go

Youth without regrets

The great powers have me

Source: Peking University