
Yunnan green energy brand is well-known around the world LONGi shares and China's photovoltaic dare to be the first in the world Finance

China Net Finance and Economics, October 21 (reporter Li Bingyan) high-quality development needs the spirit and mission of "dare to be the first in the world" leading enterprises.

As the first photovoltaic enterprise to invest in Yunnan, in the past five years, LONGi has successively expanded its industrial scale in Lijiang, Baoshan, Chuxiong and Qujing, using the rich clean hydropower resources in Yunnan to open the precedent of "making clean energy with clean energy", and attracting leading enterprises in the photovoltaic industry such as JA Technology, Tongwei Shares, and Sunshine Energy to follow suit in Yunnan. During COP15, LONGi once again issued the precursor of "zero carbon photovoltaic, LONGi manufacturing", accelerating from the world's first "photovoltaic zero carbon factory" - Baoshan LONGi to the RE100 target.

Zero Carbon Declaration The leader of photovoltaic green manufacturing

During the COP15 conference, Li Zhenguo, founder and president of LONGi Co., Ltd., announced that in 2023, baoshan production base will be built into LONGi's first "zero carbon factory", which is the beginning of LONGi and the test field of LONGi's "RE100" strategy.

Li Zhenguo said that green electricity is the key to achieving zero-carbon factories, and Yunnan has such basic conditions. According to the data, by the end of 2020, Yunnan's green energy installed capacity accounted for 85%, green energy power generation accounted for about 90%, and clean energy transactions accounted for 97%. Li Zhenguo said that it plans to use the two years to achieve zero emissions within the operation range of the operation range by using green electricity, energy-saving technology and carbon emission offset measures through the use of green electricity, energy-saving technology and purchase of carbon emissions.

Yunnan is the province with the richest concentration of green energy in China, and LONGi co., Ltd. took the lead in yunnan to perfectly practice the "solar for solar" concept of producing clean energy with clean energy with clean energy. Facing the "14th Five-Year Plan", LONGi will help Yunnan build a world-class "green energy brand" and install a powerful "green engine" for local high-quality leapfrog development.

Today, in China and the vast majority of the world, photovoltaics have become the cheapest clean energy source. In the past decade, Chinese photovoltaic companies represented by LONGi have continuously promoted the process of reducing the cost and increasing the efficiency of global photovoltaic products, and in 10 years, the cost of photovoltaic products has dropped by more than 90%. Taking the battery as an example, on the basis of 20% conversion efficiency, it is calculated that each improvement in conversion efficiency can save more than 5% of the cost of downstream power plants. LONGi has continuously refreshed and maintained the world record of photoelectric conversion efficiency of a number of battery technologies.

As a pioneer of energy reform, while producing clean energy, LONGi also continues to pursue the use of 100% clean energy in the production process, and constantly explores on the road of "making clean energy with clean energy". As Li Zhenguo said when he handed over the key symbolizing the opening of the zero-carbon factory to Yang Xiaozhan, general manager of Baoshan Base, "You can do a good job", this sincere and simple exhortation is both an expectation for Baoshan and an expectation for LONGi.

Yunnan green energy brand is well-known around the world LONGi shares and China's photovoltaic dare to be the first in the world

Deep ploughing in Yunnan to help Yunnan clean energy transformation

At the end of 2015, Li Zhenguo entered Yunnan for the first time to investigate, and LONGi and the Yunnan government, which were actively expanding production, hit it off, and LONGi became the first photovoltaic head enterprise in Yunnan, which also opened the curtain of LONGi's deep cultivation in Yunnan. In December 2016, LONGi started construction of the first phase of the 6GW monocrystalline silicon rod project in Huaping County, Lijiang. In the past five years, LONGi has built a dual spindle industrial center of monocrystalline silicon rods and wafers in Yunnan, and has established four production and manufacturing bases in Lijiang, Baoshan, Chuxiong and Qujing. Up to now, LONGi has invested more than 20 billion yuan in Yunnan. Yunnan has become the largest silicon rod and wafer production base of LONGi in the country and the world, and will also become the production base of LONGi's photovoltaic industry chain.

On October 20, 2021, Qujing Longji Phase II monocrystalline silicon rod and slice project with an annual output of 20GW began construction. Here, there has always been a well-circulated good story: in September 2020, in an investment promotion activity in qujing economic and technological development zone, Li Zhenguo, Jin Baofang, Tan Wenhua, three helmsmen of photovoltaic companies, happened to arrive in Qujing on the same day. No one ever imagined that this unexpected encounter would become the most colorful stroke on Qujing's investment promotion scroll. Li Zhenguo, president of LONGi Co., Ltd., took the initiative to propose that since everyone has a special love for Qujing, it is time to gather together to talk about the great cause of investment in Qujing. At present, LONGi, JAO and Sunshine are under construction and have signed nearly 80GW of silicon rod and tile production capacity.

Yunnan is located in the low-latitude plateau region, is one of the few provinces and regions in China that also has rich solar energy resources and water resources, and has unique conditions for the development of high-efficiency monocrystalline photovoltaic industry chain. The average annual sunshine time here is 2200 hours, ranking eighth in the country, the theoretical reserves of hydropower resources are 104 million kilowatts, and the economic exploitable amount is 0.97 billion kilowatts, accounting for a quarter of the country's exploitable hydropower resources, and more than 200 billion kWh of clean electricity can be transmitted to the society every year. However, such a wealth of hydropower resources has once become curtailed because it cannot be consumed, and in 2016, the curtailment of hydropower in Yunnan Province reached a record high of 31.5 billion kWh.

In order to completely solve the problem of water abandonment, the relevant departments in Yunnan have repeatedly said that they will cultivate the provincial market, combine the local natural resource endowments, take silicon and aluminum, two high-energy-consuming industries as the focus of energy, promote the integrated development of hydropower aluminum and hydropower silicon industries, realize the local consumption of hydropower resources, and transform green energy advantages into economic advantages. According to the Yunnan Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Yunnan has become the world's largest production base of green monocrystalline silicon photovoltaic materials, and is becoming the world's largest integrated manufacturing base for green silicon processing. It is estimated that for every 1 degree of consumption of photovoltaic products manufactured by hydropower, its whole life cycle can be enlarged into 50 degrees of photovoltaic electricity. Driven by the mission of carbon neutrality and carbon peaking, the photovoltaic industry in Yunnan has become a "porter" and "amplifier" of clean energy in the country and even the world.

Demonstration effect The photovoltaic industry cluster is economically driven

In accordance with the strategic deployment of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and the Yunnan Provincial Government on building a world-class "green energy brand", Yunnan Province is gradually building a silicon industry chain of "silicon photovoltaic industry + silicon electronics industry + silicon chemical industry". With LONGi as the core, accelerate the promotion and implementation of the "100 billion industry" plan, actively introduce silicon photovoltaic downstream industries, improve the development quality of silicon photovoltaic industry, improve industrial horizontal support, and strive to achieve a total output value of more than 200 billion yuan in the whole industrial chain of green silicon materials in the province by 2025.

Taking the qujing Longji Phase I project as an example, the construction of the first pile foundation was laid in the main plant on May 1 last year, and it was completed and put into operation on November 18, realizing the "Qujing Economic Development Zone Speed" from start to production in only half a year. "In less than three months after the project was signed, our city, the economic development zone and relevant departments strongly supported and cooperated closely, especially in the severe situation of epidemic prevention and control, rushing time and progress, so that the project construction can be rapidly advanced," He Gufeng, director of the propaganda department of Qujing Economic Development Zone, told reporters, "because time is the benefit."

Yunnan green energy brand is well-known around the world LONGi shares and China's photovoltaic dare to be the first in the world

From getting off the car with two feet of mud to modern factory buildings, photovoltaics into Yunnan have not only driven the development of the local hydropower and silicon industry, but also cultivated tens of thousands of senior technicians. Huaping is located in the hinterland of the mountainous region of Yunnan, is the traditional mango town, and the vast majority of the left-behind personnel are mainly engaged in agriculture. "When we first came to invest, the education level and professionalization of local workers were not high, and it was difficult to recruit workers. LONGi's technical experts from all over the country have trained local workers through the old and the new model, and have also rooted the modern concept of enterprise management in the hearts of the people. Today, many young local people do not have to go abroad to work. We have also attracted many industrial workers from Kunming and other areas to work. Coincidentally, tens of thousands of Longji people in Yunnan earn much more than the average salary in the surrounding areas, and the consumption energy is enough. Photovoltaics into Yunnan, stabilized employment, but also led to the rapid development of real estate, services and other industries in Baoshan, Qujing, Chuxiong and other places.

Nowadays, the good business environment attracts more and more clean energy industry chains to invest in Yunnan, and LONGi, as the first photovoltaic enterprise to invest in Yunnan, has played a good demonstration and guiding role for Yunnan energy transformation and industrial settlement. Yunnan hydropower silicon industry has become a world-renowned clean manufacturing "golden business card".

(Editor-in-charge: Zhao Rong)