
Gulou 6 parks citizen park director took office - junior high school students into Fushan Country Park "director"

author:Home in the Drum Tower
Gulou 6 parks citizen park director took office - junior high school students into Fushan Country Park "director"

  The scene of the appointment ceremony of the director of the Gulou District Citizen Park.

  (Fuzhou Evening News reporter Liu Jun correspondent Peng Hui) Yesterday, the director of the Gulou District Citizens' Park officially took office, and 11 citizens and a parent-child family were hired, involving the Gulou District to manage 6 major parks. After the official appointment of the director of the citizen park, he will participate in the work of the park as a volunteer and a supervisor, help the construction of the park, and create the "most beautiful window".

  Yesterday morning, the 2021 "Green into Ten Thousand Homes, Green Full of Rongcheng" Citizen Park Director Appointment Ceremony was held in Gulou District Hot Spring Park Passion Square, hot spring park, Wushan historical style area (including Liming Lake Park), Fudao Park, Fushan Country Park, Ping Shan Park and Guoguang Park employed a total of 11 citizens and a family to jointly carry out the maintenance and management of the park.

  Wen Chuanlin, the youngest of the gulou district residents, is a junior high school student at Pingtung Middle School. When Xiao Wen was in elementary school, he spontaneously carried out the biological survey of Fushan Country Park, and the "Biodiversity Survey of Fushan Country Park" written by Xiao Wen won the first prize of the 35th Fujian Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award and the Provincial Lu Jiaxi Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award. As the director of Fushan Country Park, Xiao Wen said that he will fully stimulate the enthusiasm of young people to love green and protect green, guide and mobilize more teenagers to participate in volunteer service activities, and help the Drum Tower Garden Department to create high-quality services.

  Zhai Yi, the director of the Hot Spring Park, lives near the Hot Spring Park, and he has to walk around the park every day to take a look at the changes in the park. "I feel very honored to be elected as the Director of the Civic Park. It's an honor, but it's also a responsibility, and I'm going to do my best to maintain the beauty of the park. Zhai Yi said, "In terms of park infrastructure construction, I have some opinions and suggestions, and after discussing with the park, I hope to implement it and increase the comfort of the park for the public." ”

  It is understood that in recent years, Gulou District has adhered to high-quality construction and built 232 open parks of various types such as Fushan Country Park, which has become the biggest "ecological welfare" of citizens. In September this year, the Gulou District Garden Center released an announcement on the selection of citizens' park directors in the media, and the six major parks hired public park directors for the first time to allow citizens to participate in the custody of the "doorstep" park.

  As soon as the announcement was released, it received widespread attention from all walks of life, and citizens enthusiastically signed up and actively participated in the election. The Garden Center of Gulou District screened layer by layer in accordance with the principles of openness, fairness, competition and selection, and finally determined the candidate for the director of the citizen park. After taking office, the director of the citizen park will do a good job in publicizing and guiding the civilized garden, collecting the opinions and suggestions of the citizens, and supervising the implementation of the rectification of the park management.