
50-year-old male star Ma Guoxian listed 5 major conditions for marriage: the woman is under 35 years old, and has 2 babies after marriage

author:Cloud Picture Entertainment

On December 1, actor Ma Guoxian accepted an exclusive interview with Taiwan media, generously shared his recent situation, and rarely talked about his personal emotional life.

50-year-old male star Ma Guoxian listed 5 major conditions for marriage: the woman is under 35 years old, and has 2 babies after marriage

Due to the extraordinary period in the first half of the year, Ma Guoxian's workload was greatly reduced, but fortunately he had money in the past and could rely on the old capital to support for a period of time. He confessed that in the past, if he was unemployed, he must have been very afraid, because he had to pay off his car loan, mortgage, and give his parents a family every month. But as he grew older, he learned to slow down. During the time when he was not working, he ran to take editing classes to enrich himself.

50-year-old male star Ma Guoxian listed 5 major conditions for marriage: the woman is under 35 years old, and has 2 babies after marriage

Fortunately, his work offers have increased recently, and he has just finished shooting two scenes.

Ma Guoxian said that he used to be very sociable, but now he often stays at home. First, affected by force majeure, second, friends around him have become families one after another, and the meals are getting less and less, and gradually he learns to be alone.

50-year-old male star Ma Guoxian listed 5 major conditions for marriage: the woman is under 35 years old, and has 2 babies after marriage

However, after seeing the bad news that Luo Peiying and Huang Hongsheng died unexpectedly in their home alone, Ma Guoxian was a little worried and wanted to install a pager at the head of the bed. When I think about it, I think it is of little use.

Ma Guoxian came to see kai later, and felt that everything would be safe with the encounter, if it really happened, it would also be fate.

50-year-old male star Ma Guoxian listed 5 major conditions for marriage: the woman is under 35 years old, and has 2 babies after marriage

He officially stepped into the 50-year-old this year, and he also admitted that his physical strength was declining. When I first debuted, I could practice dancing for 4 hours a day without rest, but last year, when I opened a concert, I had to take a 5-minute break when I practiced dance, and my dance steps were not as skilled as before, and even playing games flashed to the waist.

50-year-old male star Ma Guoxian listed 5 major conditions for marriage: the woman is under 35 years old, and has 2 babies after marriage

Ma Guoxian said that he was really frightened and never thought that he would not be able to stand up. Later, the doctor said that I had a herniated disc, although I did not need surgery, but I had to rest for a long time and could not exercise.

50-year-old male star Ma Guoxian listed 5 major conditions for marriage: the woman is under 35 years old, and has 2 babies after marriage

In addition to the waist injury, Ma Guoxian claimed that there are many minor problems in the body, which need to be checked regularly, and he also needs to control his diet, and his height of 1 meter 74 is currently maintained at 74 kilograms.

50-year-old male star Ma Guoxian listed 5 major conditions for marriage: the woman is under 35 years old, and has 2 babies after marriage

Despite his negative attitude towards health screenings, Ma Guoxian still has hopes for getting married and starting a family. He also listed five conditions for marriage on the spot, and he stressed that the woman should not be old and should have 2 babies after marriage. The reporter asked him if he wanted to be under 35 years old, and he said directly, yes.

50-year-old male star Ma Guoxian listed 5 major conditions for marriage: the woman is under 35 years old, and has 2 babies after marriage

In addition to age, Ma Guoxian also requires women to have a legitimate career, have a basic sense of humor, like children, and love cleanliness. However, he thinks it is still difficult to meet a girl with the right conditions.

Ma Guoxian revealed that in the past few years, he has dated 4 or 5 objects introduced by friends, but they have all disappeared. Because there is no spark, it seems that fate has not arrived.

50-year-old male star Ma Guoxian listed 5 major conditions for marriage: the woman is under 35 years old, and has 2 babies after marriage

Ma Guoxian also said that a master had told him that his true destiny would appear the next year. If you miss it, be prepared to end up alone.

50-year-old male star Ma Guoxian listed 5 major conditions for marriage: the woman is under 35 years old, and has 2 babies after marriage

However, Ma Guoxian said that the peach blossoms seem to have increased recently, and female friends have invited one after another. It seems that he has a good chance of getting rid of being single before the next year.