
The trainees of the provincial new federation president ability improvement training course went to Chaoyang District to investigate

author:Network information Shantou

Source: Shantou Olive Terrace

On the morning of October 14th, the trainees of the training course for improving the ability of the presidents of the Federation of New Social Strata of the Province went to Guanbu Town, Chaoyang District, to carry out the theme research activity of "New Style in Southern Guangdong and Helping agricultural development", and to conduct field research on The Jinfeng Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative in Shantou City and other places, followed by a rural revitalization seminar. Li Yangchun, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial CPC Committee, attended the meeting and made a speech.

The trainees of the provincial new federation president ability improvement training course went to Chaoyang District to investigate
The trainees of the provincial new federation president ability improvement training course went to Chaoyang District to investigate

The meeting stressed that people from new social classes in the province should continuously enhance their sense of responsibility, mission and urgency in comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, give full play to the function of social services, actively explore effective ways for social services to help rural revitalization, and strive to become experts in helping rural revitalization. It is necessary to freshen up the advantages of people from social classes in helping rural revitalization, find the entry point, focus point and breakthrough point of work, and achieve "teaching people to fish" and even more "teaching people to fish". It is necessary to more effectively integrate support measures with the macro policies of the state and the government, form a system and pattern of coordinated efforts, create a long-term, sustainable, scientific and reasonable long-term assistance mechanism, consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation, and work together to promote rural revitalization.

The trainees of the provincial new federation president ability improvement training course went to Chaoyang District to investigate

The meeting demanded that people from new social classes in the province should show new deeds in helping rural revitalization, give full play to their own advantages, and carry out social service activities in a targeted, directional and targeted manner. It is necessary to be guided by the needs of the grass-roots frontline, find out the needs, anxieties, and expectations of the rural masses, and concentrate on the "three docking" social service work of brand activities, policy projects, and talent resources. It is necessary to effectively integrate resources and gather forces, and participate in consolidating and expanding the achievements in poverty alleviation and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization in the form of voluntary contracting, targeted funding, and fixed-point support. It is necessary to deeply cultivate fixed-point assistance, continue to make precise efforts, and accurately implement policies from the aspects of investment promotion, project construction, industrial development, intellectual support, and talent training, so as to help extend the agricultural industrial chain, upgrade the value chain, and promote rural revitalization with industrial revitalization.