
Why do you think of Shang Yi when you mention tyrants, and is the Shang Dynasty really ruined at the hands of Shang Lu?

author:Gimhae Haha

Many of us feel that Emperor Xin of Wu is a story that we are familiar with, many of us feel that Emperor Xin of Wu is faint and has no way out, and the wine pond meat forest, so it will be attacked by the joint army of the Zhou people, and many film and television works also transform shang yi as the ultimate villain, and the zhou people who crusader them naturally become a righteous party, but is the historical Shang Lu really the person who personally destroyed the Shang Dynasty?

Why do you think of Shang Yi when you mention tyrants, and is the Shang Dynasty really ruined at the hands of Shang Lu?

Emperor Xin of Shang was the younger son of Emperor Yi, and Emperor Xin also had an elder brother, Wei Zi Qi, who was supposed to succeed to the throne, but Wei Zi Qi's mother was lowly, so she could not inherit the throne, so Di Xin naturally became the heir to the throne as a concubine. Later generations mostly called Di Xin as 纣, and the name of the King of Shang was derived from this.

The most famous thing about the young Shang Yi who ascended the throne was that he repeatedly conquered the Dongyi tribe and continuously expanded the territory of the Shang Dynasty. According to the "Chronicle of Wu Qilie", the territory of the Shang Dynasty at that time was, left Mengmen, right Taihang, Changshan in its north, and the Great River passing through its south. That is, the border of Liaoning in the north, Hubei in the south, and Shaanxi in the west.

Why do you think of Shang Yi when you mention tyrants, and is the Shang Dynasty really ruined at the hands of Shang Lu?

And in the "History of Yin Benji", it is recorded that Di Xin was talented and had amazing strength, good eloquence, and strong receptivity. And being able to fight with wild beasts with his bare hands is enough to show that Di Xin himself is an all-rounder of literature and martial arts, plus he is a young king, and he is even more arrogant and arbitrary, and does not listen to the advice of the ministers at all.

The arrogant and conceited Di Xin also did a lot of mysterious operations, such as building a dynasty song and increasing taxes. And the wine pond meat forest was the most famous thing he did at this time. Di Xin's absurdity led to a revolt by many princes, and Di Xin invented the punishment of cannon burning in order to deter them, and later killed the virtuous minister Bigan. And finally led Tou fa to unite with various princes to negotiate. At this time, people's stereotypes of Emperor Xin of Shang were that he was the faint-hearted King of Shang.

Why do you think of Shang Yi when you mention tyrants, and is the Shang Dynasty really ruined at the hands of Shang Lu?

However, history is written by the victors, and the story of Shang Yi is no exception, because all the relevant records about Emperor Xin of Shang, such as "Micro Son", "Pastoral Oath", "Zhou Benji", "History of Yin Benji", etc., all of these books were written after the fall of the Shang Dynasty, and the Shang Dynasty era itself did not have the historical content that was handed down.

The Book of Shang records that when King Wu of Zhou was cutting down the shang, only six counts of shang were listed

One is alcoholism;

The second is not to use noble relatives and old subjects;

The third is to board the villain;

The fourth is to listen to women's words;

Fifth, faith has destiny in heaven;

Sixth, do not pay attention to sacrifice.

And with the passage of time, the closer to the modern era, the more and more detailed the crimes of Shang Yi, especially in the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, when the literati at that time liked to give examples, and compared with the good man Yao Shun Yu Tang, Shang Yi naturally became the same evil collector as Xia Jie. In the Western Han And Eastern Jin Dynasties, the crimes of Shang Yi increased by more than thirty more.

And if Shang Lu is a Ming Jun, then the Zhou Dynasty that overthrew him naturally had to throw dirty water on him, thus proving that he was famous, just like Zhu Di launched the Jing Dynasty, and later dynasties, in order to prove their orthodoxy, all took over the colored glasses of the Zhou Dynasty to look at Shang Lu, so Shang Lu slowly evolved from a tyrant to a tyrant and became an absurd spokesperson.

Why do you think of Shang Yi when you mention tyrants, and is the Shang Dynasty really ruined at the hands of Shang Lu?

As a generation of kings, Shang Lu suffered too many crimes that should not have been his, in the Battle of Makino, Shang Lu saw that the defeat had been decided, preferring to self-immolate in Lutai and die rather than surrender to the Zhou people, if Shang Lu was really an absurd and unscrupulous person, he must be greedy and afraid of death, it should also be his nature, but he did not live.

Why do you think of Shang Yi when you mention tyrants, and is the Shang Dynasty really ruined at the hands of Shang Lu?

And the King of Zhou may have had the idea of usurping the throne very early on, taking advantage of the emptiness of Shangyi's crusade against Dongyi, the united allies destroyed the Shang Dynasty, and poured all the dirty water on Shang's body, because the victor wanted to let the people know that he was the righteous side.

After all, history is written by the victors, although the Shang Dynasty cannot be resurrected to tell us the truth, but with the continuous research of modern scholars, I believe that one day we will know whether the Shang Dynasty perished at the hands of the faint Shang Yi or the ulterior motives of the Zhou people.

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