
Dare to say no words

author:Manage one-stop pass

Mo Yan, China's first Nobel Prize writer, is famous. As a nameless person, when I want to talk about him, I am a little nervous.

People are always prone to have preferences for things they are familiar with or interested in, I was born in the countryside, and I grew up in the countryside as a teenager, so I have a natural preference for local literature. When I was in college, I had two years of work-study in the library, naturally there was the convenience of reading books, at that time it was very popular martial arts novels, what "Deer Ding", "Legend of the Eagle Hero" and so on were very popular, basically did not need to be on the shelves by classmates to borrow, I also often used the convenience of work to collect books for classmates. But I myself am not interested in this kind of martial arts novel or film and television drama, but I like to read the novels of Hilton, Xi Murong, chen Ruoxi, and prefer local themes and scar literature.

Mo Yan's novels, the earliest contact time can not be remembered, but the impression will not be very late, but the memory of Jia Pingwa and Chen Zhongzhong's works is deeper. Later, because the movie of "Red Sorghum" was very popular, Mo Yan gradually became famous. Before and after he won the Nobel Prize, public opinion naturally paid more attention to him, and I rushed to the library to borrow several of his books "Sandalwood Punishment", "Fat Buttocks", and "Frog". I wanted to read it well, but I only read it halfway, I really couldn't read it, and his style was not the kind I liked. Someone summed up his work, saying that it was full of complex emotions of "nostalgia" and "resentment", and I felt that there were more plots of "hating hometown". The countryside I remember is not all so gray, the villagers are not all so treacherous and calculating, and the life of the villagers is both suffering and happy. And his writing is also somewhat obscure, some stories are cruel to the point of being unbearable to look at, some stories are inexplicably weird, and there is no such brisk and popular feeling, perhaps this is the embodiment of his imagination and creative ability.

The reason why I say Mo Yan today is actually a related topic initiated by the platform, and I will take the opportunity to talk about my own views. It is difficult for everyone's thoughts and behaviors to be free from the influence of their adolescent growth experiences, and Mo Yan's works and speeches on various occasions are proof of this. I don't want to overdo it as a politicized, nationally emotional interpretation, all of which is just an expression of his own selective memory and cognitive paranoia. In daily life, it is not difficult for us to find that some professionals and technical masters are silent and taciturn on weekdays, as if they live in their own world, and the people of the outside world and the current situation and politics have nothing to do with him. He only talked about what he thought was right, and he was indifferent to whether others loved to hear or not, and what would affect it.

A really good writer should not only dare to face the bleak life, but also be good at discovering and revealing the light behind the darkness, and should have social responsibility after becoming famous.