
Retired teachers in the old age of great love for poor students to realize their dreams

Chen Jibao, 77, is a retired teacher and a resident of Fenshui Administrative Village in Erba Town. Since he became the deputy director of the Village Customs Work Committee in 2014, he has traveled all over Fenshui to visit the poor and help many poor students solve the problem of continuing their studies, and has been known as "the dreamer of poor students" and has been widely praised by the society.

In 2014, after Chen Hebao became the deputy director of the village customs work committee, the first thing he did was to find out the family background of the poor people, poor families and poor students in the village. Chen Hebao reported the poor student support plan to the cadres of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau in Fenshui Village, which was highly valued by the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. On October 22 of the same year, after the Wuhu Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Wuhu Municipal Customs Work Committee led 3 entrepreneurs to visit and discuss in Fenshui Village, the 3 entrepreneurs donated 150,000 yuan on the spot to fund 30 poor students on the spot.

In 2015, Chen and Bao were in contact with successful entrepreneurs and asked them to contribute to their hometown. From 2015 to 2018, Chen Jibao raised more than 100,000 yuan and funded more than 60 poor students. After the Spring Festival in 2019, Chen Hebao suggested holding a symposium for entrepreneurs and caring people in Fenshui Village to mobilize social forces to fund poor families and poor students. More than 50 entrepreneurs and caring people attended the symposium, raising more than 70,000 yuan on the spot, funding 3 poor families and 20 poor students.

In late August 2016, Xiaoli (pseudonym) of Sanfang Natural Village in Fenshui Village received a high school acceptance letter, but Xiaoli cried. Xiaoli originally had a happy family, but in 2009, her mother ran away from home and never came back, and her father spent all the family's savings in order to find her mother. The next year, his trance-like father went to Changzhou to work alone, leaving behind 9-year-old Xiaoli and 2-year-old brother. For several years, her father has sent living expenses to Xiaoli's sisters and brothers, and she knows that it is not easy for her father to earn money, and she usually saves money and uses it frugally. However, to go to high school, the tuition fee alone is nearly a thousand yuan, as well as living expenses, materials and so on. Thinking of this, Xiao Li burst into tears and decided to give up her studies and find a job as soon as possible to provide for her brother to study.

Chen Jibao arrived quickly after learning about it, and he said to Xiaoli: "Child, you can't drop out of school, within three days, Grandpa will definitely raise enough money for you to study." You have to believe in Grandpa, continue to study, and change the fate of the family. Sure enough, through Chen and Bao's report, the village "five olds" volunteers, the two village committees, as well as the town customs work committee and the caring enterprise all extended a helping hand.

On the day of registration, Chen and Bao personally escorted Xiaoli to the school. At the entrance of the school, he met Tang Guang, a former student. Tang Guang taught at this middle school. Chen he and Bao told Tang Guang about Xiao Li's situation, and Tang Guang led Chen he and Bao and Xiao Li to the principal's office, and the principal listened to the introduction and told Chen and Bao that they would definitely educate and take good care of Xiao Li. At noon the next day, the principal of the school told Chen hebao by phone that the school had decided to waive all fees for Xiaoli's school. In 2019, Xiaoli was admitted to college, and Chen and Bao were busy with her college expenses.

One of the children of villager Zhao Yue is about to graduate from junior high school this summer, and Chen and Bao are actively implementing their high school funding plan with the Fenshui Village Customs Work Committee. Zhao Yue is a villager in Tanzhao Natural Village, Erba Town, who became a semi-vegetative person at the age of 28, and the originally wealthy family suddenly became a special hardship household. Zhao Yue's mother, who is in her 70s, suffers from severe rheumatoid arthritis, deformities in her hands and feet, decreased eyesight, and difficulty walking. Zhao Yue has a daughter and a son, both of whom are studying. In order to take care of her family, Zhao Yue's wife, Li Huili, was unable to go to work. For Zhao Yue's special family, Chen Jibao has been helping with heart and affection for several years.

Dajiang Evening News reporter Wu Min