
Ke Yan who tells Chinese stories Ke Yan who tells Chinese stories - A brief discussion of the modern poet Ke Yan's poetry Wang Xue loyal to the people, writing that the people defend the dignity of poetry, safeguard the reputation of poetry, you seek the interests of the people, the people remember you

author:Lake Mountain League

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > Ke Yan who tells Chinese stories</h1>

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > – a brief discussion of the poems of the modern poet Ke Yan</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > Wang Xuezhong</h1>

In response to the Westernization tendency of "respecting the foreign", "taking the foreign as the beauty", "following the foreign", and taking the award abroad as the highest pursuit, on November 15, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech at the National Literature and Art Forum: "We must adhere to the people-centered, put the people in the highest position in the heart, take the people as the main body of literary and artistic performance, tell Chinese stories well, and spread the Chinese spirit well...", and change the situation of literary and artistic creation that "there is a lack of quantity and quality, and there is a 'plateau' and a lack of 'peaks'". This is a criticism of the Westernization tendency that has emerged in China's literary and art circles, and it also points out the direction of literary and artistic creation in the future. December 11, 2021 is the tenth anniversary of the death of the famous writer and poet Ke Yan, re-reading her ten-volume "Ke Yan Anthology" (including poetry, prose, novels, reportage, film scripts, etc. about 6 million words), associated with General Secretary Xi Jinping's "Speech", I feel that Ke Yan's works are all Chinese stories, part of which is the "peak" of that era, and it is also the "peak" of our era, every time I read it, I am moved, admired, and admired!

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > have the people in mind and write about the people</h1>

What is the "China Story"? General Secretary Xi Jinping said clearly and clearly in the "Speech": "Learn from the people with an open mind, learn from life, and draw nutrition from the people's great practice and colorful life... Put the people's warmth and happiness in your heart, pour the people's joys and sorrows into your own pen, praise the struggle for life, and portray the most beautiful characters..." Let the glorious image of the most beautiful characters, like the sunshine in the blue sky and the breeze in the spring, enlighten people's thoughts, warm people's hearts, and cultivate people's sentiments." Ke Yan is an excellent member of the Communist Party of China, always full of deep love for the motherland and the people, firm in faith, unremitting in pen, through the Chinese story told, the most beautiful characters of the core values of socialism vividly reflected in her works. "In Front of Premier Zhou's Office" is a narrative poem that recreates the people's premier's simple working environment and life style, as well as his firm revolutionary beliefs: "A desk, old, / Bumps everywhere." / A row of bookshelves, leaning against the wall, / Filled with Books by Marxism-Leninism and Chairman Mao. / A few pads for grading documents, / A bald pencil; / A worn and faded carpet, / Not wide enough, with a ring of rubber on the side..." This is the office of the premier of the People's Republic of China for 27 years, and the office of some section chiefs and bureau chiefs today is much more elegant, more grand, and more luxurious than it is? Perhaps this was normal at the time, because even his close comrade-in-arms, Chairman Mao's office, was no different.

Ke Yan who tells Chinese stories Ke Yan who tells Chinese stories - A brief discussion of the modern poet Ke Yan's poetry Wang Xue loyal to the people, writing that the people defend the dignity of poetry, safeguard the reputation of poetry, you seek the interests of the people, the people remember you

On December 15, 1944, chairman Mao expounded the nature and functions of our party cadres at the second session of the Second Senate of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region: "All our working cadres, regardless of their positions, are servants of the people, and everything we do is to serve the people. "Especially after the national victory, a new socialist state was established in which the people are the masters of their own affairs, and wealth and power belong to the people. From the president of the republic, the prime minister, the minister, to the ordinary workers, peasants, soldiers, but the division of labor is different, they are all part of socialist construction.

Premier Zhou was a socialist builder who lived frugally, was diligent and earnest, and worked hard and complained. "The moon is full of sunsets, and everything is silent", but the lights in Premier Zhou's office are always turned off all night. Deng Yingchao hoped that he would have a little more rest, but she also knew clearly that if the premier worked a little longer, he would reduce the pressure on Chairman Mao's work a little. Therefore, she personally designed and produced a small Kang table for the prime minister: Premier Zhou "smiled and held down that, / Sister Deng personally designed the small kang table,...... You have to think more about the President. / I can do more work , / I can win a little rest for the president. "The two warriors have cherished each other all their lives, and the president and prime minister of a large country, who account for one-fifth of the world's population, are now old and rare, and they still care for each other and are considerate. In fact, Premier Zhou's work is not only in the office, factories, rural areas, construction sites, the airport to welcome foreign guests, the Great Hall of the People to meet foreign guests, and he has left his busy figure everywhere: "Just returned from inspecting the Jingjiang River embankment in the wind and snow, / And rushed to the still shaking land of Xingtai with tears in his eyes." "The joys and sorrows of the eight hundred million people, one breath and one inhalation, / all touch your pulse; / The mountains and rivers of the motherland, every grass and tree, / are cherished in your heart." Premier Zhou was a model of hard work, simplicity, diligence and thrift, and even more a proletarian revolutionary fighter who pursued the truth and was loyal, bowing down to exhaustion and dying: "Oh, this ordinary office, / Erect a monument for the proletariat forever." ”

Premier Zhou is a senior cadre of our party, and Ke Yan also wrote many soldiers in ordinary posts in his poems. Lei Feng is one of them, he was born in the old society, a family of five, four families were taken away by the old society, only Lei Feng survived: "You are a bitter seedling of the old society, / bitter root bitter leaf bitter water watering; / bitter watering seedlings are not long, / Lei Feng You are a heart-wrenching thin and small." Lei Feng, who survived by chance, was only 154 centimeters tall, and it was the Communist Party that saved him and made him feel the warmth of his mother's embrace again: "You saw the landlord bow his head, / You heard the slogan shaking the world with your own ears, / ... The mayor of the township held you tightly in his arms, / The first time you ate the meal of Chinese New Year's Eve night, / The first time you put on new clothes for the New Year. You're admitted to the hospital, / The nurse's hands are as gentle as mom's; / You fall into the river, / The county party secretary jumps down and rescues you. / He rides you on your back, / Carry you home in one breath, / He tries the heat on your head with his cheeks, / He guards your every breath by the edge of the bed. This is the warmth of the mother's embrace, the warmth of the party, and the warmth of socialism, which warms Lei Feng's body and lei Feng's heart.

Since then, Lei Feng has regarded New China as his home and the party as his mother, and he wants to dedicate everything to the party and the cause of communism. "Support industry – you throw your heart into the steelmaking furnace of Angang Steel." / Pure steel cast into screws that never rust, / Tighten the foundation of the socialist building. The period of socialist construction is different from the war years, and what the war years need is tens of thousands of revolutionary volunteers like Li Dazhao, Xia Minghan, Liu Hulan, Dong Cunrui, and so on, who have sacrificed their lives and forgotten their deaths and spilled blood on the battlefield, while what is needed in the period of socialist construction is thousands of builders who work hard in ordinary posts and forget their selfishness: "You love hehe -- / The mountains and rivers of the motherland, every grass; / You hate -- / Every shadow in the world, every enemy; / Every day of your life, / All for the people, the people!" "Devote your finite life to unlimited service to the people." The power of example is infinite, and at the end of this poem, Ke Yan uses chat to paint a picture of passionate and socialism: "Oh you, a mirror with red light, / Reflect the beautiful faces of millions of young people." / Oh you, a shining star, / Hanging high in the far-reaching long sky of the motherland. ”

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > defend the dignity of poetry and safeguard its reputation</h1>

Ancients Yun: "Poetry and Poetry, Song Yongyan, Sheng Yiyong, Rhythm and Harmony." In modern parlance, "poetry is an expression of thought, ambition, and ambition, song is a language that is sung, five voices are made for what is sung, and six laws are harmonious and five." "There are no rules and no squares, every genre has its own characteristics, the constraints of the box, and poetry is no exception." The modern poet Ai Qing wrote in "Poetry": "Poetry is the message sent by human beings to the future; poetry gives mankind the courage to move toward ideals", which is his interpretation of "poetry and speech" with modern people's cognition. Formally, Wen Yiduo, a contemporary of Ai Qing, asked to "dance in shackles."

Ke Yan who tells Chinese stories Ke Yan who tells Chinese stories - A brief discussion of the modern poet Ke Yan's poetry Wang Xue loyal to the people, writing that the people defend the dignity of poetry, safeguard the reputation of poetry, you seek the interests of the people, the people remember you

Since Chairman Mao's "Speech at the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art" proposed that literature and art serve the workers, peasants, and soldiers, poetry has also gained a new life. The vast number of literary and art workers have gone deep among the masses, and in the fiery struggle, they have created a large number of excellent poems that are deeply loved and loved by the masses of the people in the practice of combining with the workers, peasants, and soldiers. For example, Li Ji's "Wang Gui and Li Xiangxiang", Ruan Zhangjing's "Zhanghe Shui", Tian Mu's "Driving a Car", as well as Ai Qing's "Red Flag", Zang Kejia's "Some People" He Jingzhi's "Back to Yan'an", "Window to the West Train", Guo Xiaochuan's "Marching toward Difficulties", "Sugarcane Forest - Green Yarn Tent" and so on.

However, since the 1980s, a Westernized wind has blown into the land of China, and some people have been blown backwards and backwards by this wind and lost their way. Right and wrong are not distinguished, admiration for foreign countries, coupled with lust for profit, shortcuts and embarrassment, the Garbage of the West is regarded as "art" and enshrined as a guideline. They used the power in their hands to form small circles to entertain themselves, "no one outside the circle rewarded, and the circle applauded themselves", corrupting the style of poetry, style and social atmosphere. Ke Yan looked in his eyes and was anxious in his heart, and expressed his worries and anger in poetry. She wrote in I Can't Call You a Poet: "From your little book with a beautiful cover, / I saw neat lines of long and short sentences. / But I can't find the world, / There is no society, no life, / There is even no human fireworks. / Can I call you a poet? / No, I can't. "Those people can rely on power and money to make their own lines of long and short sentences beautiful and exquisite, and put them in the bookstore. But it is not poetry, it is not Chinese poetry flowing with the blood of excellent traditions, the poetry of the working people, and those people are definitely not poets.

There is a Chinese saying after the break, "Look at the shadow under the moon - night lang is arrogant." Because they can't stand loneliness, they are eager for fame and profit, and they always want to take shortcuts, so they write a few lines of obscure poems and say a few obscure words, and people who seem to have knowledge and culture are actually half-aware, especially they know very little about foreign poetry. Take European poetry as an example: in fact, whether it is English, French, German, Russian, Spanish has its own mother tongue, each country is different from ethnicity, region, language difference is very large. In addition, the various languages are divided into ancient and modern, and it is difficult for those Chinese translators to fully grasp the language of the translated country, especially prosody and poetry are almost impossible to translate, and the poems translated into Chinese are all paraphrased, and do not consider prosody. Those who regard Western poetry as the standard, because they know very little about the rhythm of Chinese poetry and do not know anything about the rhythm of foreign poetry, but feel a feeling of confusion, anxiety, and decadence from the general idea of those translated poems, and they fall under their miniskirts. Arrogance does not know the sky and the earth to completely negate China's excellent traditional culture. Hu Yan: "From the perspective of 'international standards', Guo Moruo, Zang Kejia, and Ai Qing can be counted as third-rate poets at most. Ai Qing's "Dayan River, My Nanny" is outdated in expression and the language is protracted, which is a mediocre work; although the sense of language and space in poetry are slightly more flexible than in "Dayan River, My Nanny", it still seems to be old-fashioned; "I Love This Land" appears false and contrived. (Interview with Yu Nu, August 11, 2008) On the surface, it seems to be an expert, but it is carefully thought out but it is crowned and worn, and the donkey's head is not right for the horse's mouth. It's arrogant and outrageous! Who are they to espouse? "Pound's—Imageism, Plath's—Liberal, Kingsberg's—The Beat Generation, Ashbery's—New Yorker." (Ibid.) These people preach: "The confusion, confusion, struggle, living pain, anxiety, and joy of the individual in the situation of the times." (ibid.)

Chairman Mao wrote in "On Practice": "In class society, everyone lives in a certain class position, and all kinds of ideas are branded with class. "In layman's terms, the ass determines consciousness, what class says what to say, what vine knots what melons. Lenin distinguished and distinguished socialist literature from bourgeois literature in The Organization of the Party and the Literature of the Party: socialist literature "does not serve the ladies who are full of food all day, not for the bored and fat 'tens of thousands of superiors', but for the millions of working people, for the essence of these countries, for the strength of the country, for the future of the country." China is a socialist country under the leadership of the Communist Party, and our literature and art are socialist literature and art, which serve the working people. Ke Yan gave these people a powerful response with poetry: "You say that you are writing for the world, / but the whole world has / its own joys, its own pain." / No one seems to have asked / Delivered to them from the other side of the ocean / Sighs, groans, dreams and hazes. / Maybe they'll name you poet, / But alas, I can't. "Time and facts have proved that our party and people will not name them poets. On November 15, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping sternly pointed out in his speech at the National Forum on Literature and Art: "In some works, some ridicule the sublime, distort the classics, subvert history, and scandalize the masses of the people and heroes; some do not distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, and ugly as beauty... There are also those who are keen on the so-called 'art for art's sake', only writing about their own sorrows and joys, cups of water and turmoil, divorced from the public and divorced from reality. All these warn us that literature and art must not lose their way in the tide of the market economy and cannot deviate from the question of why people are, otherwise literature and art will have no vitality. ”

For those who are admiring the foreign world, taking root in the east (in fact, they are impetuous in their thinking, and they are eager for quick success and quick profits), and who have lost the direction of literary and artistic creation, Ke Yan always kindly advises them, hoping that they can change their minds, walk out of the ivory tower, take root in the masses, take root in life, understand the essence of life, eat the essence of life, study with an open mind, and write good poems loved by the people at an early date. Otherwise, the result must be: "Oh, the original painstaking pursuit / self-made amorous long and short sentences / for this in vain / wasted a lifetime", the dream of the poet full of excitement, and finally the bamboo basket hit the water empty.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > you serve the interests of the people, and the people remember you</h1>

Chairman Mao's conclusion to the "Speech at the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art" said: "There is absolutely no love for no reason, nor hatred for no reason. "To use dialectics, there is a cause and an effect. Every word, every action, and every policy of yours is in line with the interests of the people, and when you serve the people wholeheartedly, the people will support you, remember your goodness, and love you in clinging to you and never forgetting. If you become an official and have a culture of knowledge, you will put up a shelf and be above the working people, and everything will proceed from the interests of individuals or small groups, and the people will abandon you.

Premier Zhou is a model of wholehearted service to the people. After the victory of the national revolution, he did not use his high merits and authority to set up a shelf and enjoy the glory and wealth with his family and clan, but always adhered to the "two musts" and maintained the style of a Communist Party member who is modest, cautious, not arrogant, not impatient, diligent and thrifty, simple, and arduous. The simple office, the dilapidated desk, the faded carpet, the patched shirt, especially on his chest always wore a "serve the people" medallion, he was the prime minister of the republic for 27 years, and when he died, the family deposit was only 5700 yuan, and explained that his wife had paid all the membership fees, which truly verified the sentence "bow down and die later". Therefore, there was a moving scene of "sending the prime minister on a ten-mile long street", and only then did there be a "people shouting at the mountain... The people shouted at the earth... The people shouted at the forest... Premier Zhou, where are you? Only then did he have "No matter how long he is gone, / The stars turn to the moon / Live forever in the hearts of the people".

Premier Zhou is a senior cadre of the Communist Party in Ke Yan's pen, and Lei Feng is an ordinary fighter in Ke Yan's pen, although they have different positions and different social divisions of labor, they are all communist fighters and a brilliant example of serving the people. Lei Feng's deeds are starting from small things, little by little, accumulating small to huge, gathering small into more, converging into a rolling torrent of people's service and earth-shattering. Lei Feng's monthly allowance is only 6 yuan, but he is reluctant to spend it, and sends the money he has saved to the homes of workers in difficulty and the homes of sick comrades-in-arms, and donates them to the commune and to the disaster areas... Once I went to Hangzhou on a business trip, "good things did a train" . What Lei Feng did were ordinary and small things, but they were all things that were beneficial to the people. So the people took him to heart. Ke Yan wrote in the poem "Lei Feng": "You live in the bright smile of the motherland, / You live in the memory of the sun, moon and stars; / You live in the cause of the working class, / You live in the party's demands on party members; / You live in the hope of your mother for her son, / You live in the teacher's teaching of students; / You live in the footsteps of the youth, / You live in the ideal of the Young Pioneers." After Lei Feng's sacrifice, Chairman Mao specially wrote an inscription for him, calling on the people of the whole country to "learn from Comrade Lei Feng." As a result, countless Lei Fengs were born in the vigorous cause of socialist construction and served the people wholeheartedly.

Ke Yan who tells Chinese stories Ke Yan who tells Chinese stories - A brief discussion of the modern poet Ke Yan's poetry Wang Xue loyal to the people, writing that the people defend the dignity of poetry, safeguard the reputation of poetry, you seek the interests of the people, the people remember you

Ke Yan's poem also wrote about some other outstanding Communist Party members who worked in other posts wholeheartedly for the interests of the people. Their deeds were also touching, and the people remembered his name, such as Li Ji, Gao Shiqi, Bing Xin and Cao Ming. Li Ji is a poet, a poet who practiced the spirit of Chairman Mao's "Speech at the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art" with his actions, and wrote many good works that were popular among the population; "Wang Gui and Li Xiangxiang" is a long narrative poem, through the love story of a pair of young men and women in rural areas, exposing the tragic situation of rural class oppression in the old society, reflecting the magnificent scene of the peasant revolution in the "trilateral" areas of northern Shaanxi, and also showing the flesh-and-blood connection between the revolution and the happy life of the working people. Li Ji is a hero of socialist literary and artistic creation, his death, like a thunderbolt, hurt the hearts of tens of millions of readers who love his works, Ke Yan wrote in the poem "You are happy - crying Li Ji": "Followed by the thunderbolt - / is sadness, is sorrow, is sincere tears rain ... / sincere tears, / has never flowed only to / meaningful life." In his article "Serving the People," Chairman Mao wrote the following paragraphs in response to the death of Comrade Zhang Side, a soldier of the Guard Regiment: "Our contingent is entirely for the liberation of the people and is working thoroughly for the interests of the people." "Whether it is a cook or a soldier, as long as he has done some useful work, we will send him a funeral and hold a memorial service." "Remember his goodness! Premier Zhou works for the interests of the people, Lei Feng works for the interests of the people, and Li Ji also works for the interests of the people. Therefore, we must all remember him, remember his goodness, and remember him in our hearts.

Ke Yan has been a diligent writer all her life, has worked tirelessly, written and written, telling Chinese stories and working for the interests of the people, and the people also remember her - "sincere tears, flowing to meaningful life". Ten years ago, on December 11, 2011, Ke Yan unfortunately passed away, and thousands of readers who loved her works were immersed in grief, writing articles and poems to express regret and grief. A netizen named "Lochnaran" wrote: "Your song is far away, your soul is immortal." I also could not restrain my feelings, and wrote a small poem "You will always dwell in the hearts of the people - mourning Ke Yan", which is excerpted from the last section as the end of this short article to express my reverence and nostalgia for her: "A poet of the people / Can not only live in the peace of poetry / Worry about the country and the people / Insist on the truth / Is the duty of the poet / ... The people's poet / Dare to face reality / Face the suffering of the people / Do not pretend to be deaf and dumb / Turn your back on the face to whitewash the peace or escape // A poet of the people / In the winter when there is no snow / But it is very cold / Say goodbye to the poems and the people she loves / Drive the crane to the west / No, you will always live in the place where the sun rises / Live in the hearts of the people ..."

—— END ——

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