
Today, salute to the veterans of the Republic

author:Beijing Daily client

They came from the smoke of war, and they wrote down their infinite loyalty to the party and the people with their bloody youth; they have gone through vicissitudes and old age, but they still have a pure heart and vow to share a common destiny with the motherland.

They are veterans of the republic who have made outstanding contributions to new China!

Today is the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. On the eve of the National Day, Xicheng District held the "Glory and Inheritance - Portrait Photography Exhibition of Veteran Soldiers", which exhibited the portraits of 47 veterans who participated in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. The oldest of these is 102 years old this year, and the youngest is 86 years old.

Today, salute to the veterans of the Republic
Today, salute to the veterans of the Republic

Sun Xinmin

102 years old

Born in December 1917, a native of Feicheng, Shandong, he is a member of the Communist Party of China. In 1933, he devoted himself to revolutionary work, participated in the taixi anti-Japanese armed uprising in 1937, and was wounded in 1941 when he led his troops in a bloody battle against Chen Xinzhuang. In 1942, he was transferred to the Weishan Lake Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Brigade (later reorganized into the Independent Detachment of the Lunan Military Region of the Eighth Route Army), where he served as an instructor of the Luxi Detachment of the Eighth Route Army, the 4th Brigade of the 115th Division, and the political commissar of the Weishan Lake Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Brigade, responsible for establishing a "secret communication line on the lake" in the hidden anti-Japanese base area, escorting the central leaders to and from Yan'an and the anti-Japanese base area safely, and was awarded the honorary title of "Model Instructor". In 1950, he was transferred to the Organization Department of the Central Committee, and in 1958, he was transferred to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and left in 1983. In 2015, he compiled and published a long memoir " Chronicle of the Journey".

Today, salute to the veterans of the Republic
Today, salute to the veterans of the Republic

Dong Zhanlin

96 years old

Born in November 1923, a native of Fangshan, Beijing, he is a member of the Communist Party of China. In March 1938, he joined the Eighth Route Army, served in the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, participated in the famous Battle of Loess Ridge and the Battle of the Hundred Regiments, and was commended three times by the General Order. During the Liberation War, he served in the Northeast Field Army of the Western Liaoning Column and participated in the Liaoshen Campaign and the Pingjin Campaign. He participated in the Battle of Shangganling to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. He was the deputy commander of the Lanzhou Military Region and was awarded the rank of lieutenant general in 1988. He is an alternate member of the 12th and 13th Central Committees of the Communist Party of China and a deputy to the 8th National People's Congress. He was awarded the Order of Independence and Freedom of the Third Class and the Liberation Medal of the Second Class.

Today, salute to the veterans of the Republic
Today, salute to the veterans of the Republic

Cow Bell Ceremony

91 years old

Born in April 1928, a native of Xinji, Hebei Province, he is a member of the Communist Party of China. In 1946, he joined the army and served in the 29th Regiment of the 10th Brigade of the Fourth Column of the Jin-Cha-Ji Field Army. He participated in the Battle of Shijiazhuang, the Battle of Qingfengdian and the Battle of Zhengtai, and was disabled by the fifth degree of the war. In 1950, he was transferred to the Ministry of Finance of the Central People's Government and retired in 1991.

Today, salute to the veterans of the Republic
Today, salute to the veterans of the Republic

Guo Weizhou

He is 89 years old

Born in May 1930, a native of Jinzhou, Liaoning, he is a member of the Communist Party of China. In August 1945, he joined the army and served in the basic cadre regiment of the 54th Army of the People's Liberation Army, serving as a military doctor in the health team, and participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. In 1963, he transferred to exhibition road hospital as the president, and left in 2005.

Today, salute to the veterans of the Republic
Today, salute to the veterans of the Republic

Liu Mu

86 years old

Born in January 1933, Dushan, Guizhou, is a member of the Communist Party of China. In February 1949, he joined the army and served in the Special Forces Mobile Artillery Regiment of the North China Field Army (Siye) (later renamed the 41st Artillery Regiment of the Beijing Military Region). In June 1951, he participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and returned to China in October 1953. He retired in 1983. Zeng Rongli was awarded the third class once.

Today, salute to the veterans of the Republic
Today, salute to the veterans of the Republic

Sui Huanhua

Born in August 1930, a native of Wendeng, Shandong, he is a member of the Communist Party of China. In July 1947, he joined the army and served in the Kunlun County Guard Battalion, and in March 1949, he joined the Guard Battalion of the 32nd Army of Sanye, participating in the Battle of Huaihai and the Battle of Crossing the River. In October 1950, he joined the First Regiment of the Public Security Guard Division, and in October 1968, he was transferred to the Second Artillery Communications Station and the Second Artillery Headquarters. He retired in 1983. In 1955, he was awarded the Order of Liberation and was awarded the Third Class Meritorious Service twice.

These 47 portraits are moving to look at-

The eldest Sun Xinmin, with his face slightly raised, made a salute gesture in front of the camera, and the hundred-year-old man's eyebrows were already gray, his fingers were also somewhat deformed, but his eyes were still permeated with a warrior's fortitude. Niu Zhongli is 91 years old this year, and in the photo, he is wearing a blue cotton zhongshan suit with four pockets, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and a solemn majesty in his style. If it were not for the photographer's special reminder, it would be difficult for visitors to detect that the old man's left hand inserted in his trouser pocket was actually multiple injuries. Gao Heling, who was once the "Tu Eight Road", clenched his fists, playfully made a boxing posture to the camera, and got rid of an old naughty boy's appearance, completely unable to see that the 93-year-old man had had a bumpy life experience...

The 47 portraits were taken by four photojournalists from the Rong Media Center in Xicheng District in their spare time. Yu Zhiqiang, the initiator of the filming project, was born into a military family. "My father served in the Navy for more than 20 years, and I had a special affection for the military from an early age." Yu Zhiqiang said that this year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, and he wants to use this special way to pay tribute to veterans and present gifts to the motherland.

The 47 veterans photographed live in various streets of the West End. Four photojournalists rode bicycles, carrying more than 20 kilograms of photographic equipment, and went to the old man's home to shoot. Many of these veteran soldiers are more than 90 years old, in order to shoot the spirit of the old man, and not to delay the old man too much rest time, Yu Zhiqiang asked his mother-in-law to be a model at home, repeatedly practiced shooting techniques such as lighting, and strived to take portraits of the old man quickly and well.

"Seeing us shooting at the door, the veteran soldiers were particularly happy, holding our hands and telling us about the experiences of resisting Japan, fighting guerrillas, and resisting US aggression and aiding Korea. Some old people are too old to remember very well, but when it comes to fighting, their memories are completely revived, as if those experiences are engraved in their minds. Yu Zhiqiang said.

The Battle of the Hundred Regiments, the Battle of Liaoshen, the Battle of Pingjin, the Battle of The Great Northwest liberation, the Battle of Hainan Island, the Battle of Shangganling... This famous battle, written into history textbooks and put on the big screen of movies, can be seen almost everywhere in the introduction of the experiences of these veterans. In the era of war, some of them were predators who charged the front line, some were guerrillas who were active behind enemy lines to "fight devils and catch traitors", some were "wind listeners" who were responsible for monitoring interception and deciphering codes, and some were hygienists, propagandists, and traffic officers who escorted the victory of the war. Behind every veteran is a legend, a great story.

Along with portraits of veteran soldiers, photographs of the old men when they were young are also on display. On the small black and white photos, a handsome and heroic face is in stark contrast with the current twilight vicissitudes, and many visitors are overwhelmed by this, "Our new China, our peaceful and prosperous years today, are all exchanged for these veterans with the most precious youth!" ”

The portrait photography exhibition of veteran soldiers was held on September 21 at the Xicheng District First Culture Center, and the number of people who come to visit every day is endless. Some are young parents with children, some are children supporting the elderly who have experienced the war years, and more are ordinary citizens who have heard the news. "These heroes deserve our eternal memory, and their adherence to their original intention and mission is worth learning and paying tribute to with us for a lifetime." One visitor put it this way.