
"Grandpa, I'm you 60 years later"

author:Bright Net

"Shout out your throat, it's better to make an appearance" Ma Hengchang's group motto continues to this day

"Grandpa, I'm you 60 years later"

On July 1, 2021, at the scene of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the energetic horse soldiers dressed in blue overalls, wore heavy national labor model medals, and held a group photo of the brothers and "grandfathers" of the whole class.

Ma Bing, 45, is the grandson of Ma Hengchang, the "founding labor model" and "the most beautiful strivers", and is currently the leader of the Ma Hengchang group of Qiqihar Second Machine Tool (Group) Co., Ltd. of General Technology Group. The "Ma Hengchang Group" is a heroic collective, famous throughout the country in the 1950s, taking the lead in completing a batch of military production tasks, calling on workers across the country to carry out labor competitions, and driving productivity to increase exponentially.

More than 70 years have passed, and the "Ma Hengchang Group" has always maintained the spirit of a strivers who dare to fight a hard battle, shoulder heavy burdens and innovate, and has become the vanguard of the national machinery industry front. In the hands of the horse soldiers, it was the 18th baton. In 2010, with his unremitting efforts, he won the same honor as his grandfather - the title of "National Model Worker".

The "Ma Hengchang Group" was originally a group of the Fifth Machine Factory in Shenyang. In November 1948, Shenyang had just been liberated, and in the face of continuous bombardment by enemy aircraft, the workers worked hard to complete a batch of military production tasks, and they also took the lead in proposing to the whole factory staff to carry out the Red May Labor Competition. On April 28, 1949, this group was officially named "Ma Hengchang Group", with Ma Hengchang as the leader. Since then, the "Ma Hengchang Group" has become a banner of the national industrial front.

In September 1950, the first National Conference of Model Workers, Peasants, and Soldiers Since the founding of New China was grandly opened. Ma Hengchang's group was rated as the national model labor group - "model on the production front", which is the first advanced group named after an individual since the founding of New China, and Ma Hengchang himself was rated as a national model worker and became a "founding labor model".

"Study hard like grandpa, study technology, and be an excellent worker like grandpa", which has become the belief and pursuit of Ma Bing.

Ma Bing's interest in his grandfather's work stemmed from a reprimand he received as a child. That day, Grandpa Ma Hengchang returned from a business trip, out of curiosity, Ma Bing secretly opened Grandpa's bag, and there was only one iron piece and one iron block inside. Naughty, he took two pieces of "iron lumps" to dig up dirt in the courtyard, and the grandfather was furious, "This is a knife and a measuring tool, not a toy!" At that time, the horse soldiers did not understand the significance of those tools to Grandpa.

Ma Bing grew up, graduated from the technical school, and was assigned to the furnace class of the Qiqihar Second Machine Tool Factory. "Ma Hengchang's grandson actually burned the boiler, which really humiliated Ma Hengchang." These arguments stung the horse soldier's self-esteem.

"I must do something!" However, the horse soldiers were laid off in 1997. More than 3 years of layoff experience have allowed him to "experience the pain of hard life and lack of knowledge." Subsequently, he took the adult college entrance examination and obtained a diploma in mechanical manufacturing and an undergraduate degree in economic management.

At the beginning of 2000, the machine tool market improved, the enterprise had a turnaround, and Ma Bing and some other laid-off workers were recalled to work in the factory. On this return, Ma Bing was placed in a rough car team in the curved section across the wall from Ma Hengchang's group. As if there was an invisible driving force, after four years of hard work, in August 2004, Ma Bing officially became a member of Ma Hengchang's group.

At that moment, Ma Bing suddenly understood that the "iron knot" that he secretly took to play with as a child was his grandfather's "baby knot", pouring out the deep feelings of an old industrial worker who loved the post and the factory.

In order to meet the needs of the development of enterprises, in 2005, Qiqihar Second Machine Tool Factory introduced the first CNC machine tool, and Ma Bing became the designated operator. In order to complete the task, he went to work during the day, went to night and night, and studied the theoretical knowledge and technology of CNC lathes day and night, and the theory was linked to the production practice, and in less than a month, he basically mastered the operation method.

In recent years, the team has sent 11 technical backbones to the company. Ma Bing is keen on innovation, and has put forward more than 30 rationalization suggestions, engaged in more than 20 technological innovations, and created economic benefits of more than 2 million yuan for enterprises.

"When encountering difficult production tasks, sometimes I will complain, why is the difficult work always entrusted to me? However, as soon as you look up, you can see the photo of Grandpa shaking hands with Chairman Mao hanging in front of the factory. Ma Bing said, "I want to set an example in all aspects, because I am Ma Hengchang's grandson, and I can't shame Grandpa!" ”

"It is better to shout out your throat than to make an appearance", this is what Ma Hengchang often said, and it has been used as the motto of Ma Hengchang's group to this day.

Today, the production technology and production equipment used by Ma Hengchang's group have far exceeded the level of the 1950s. Although the two generations of grandchildren live in different times, in them, they are imprinted with a common and deep sense of home and country, and flow with the spiritual blood of eternal creation.

China Youth Daily, trainee reporter of China Youth Network, Han Biao Source: China Youth Daily

Source: China Youth Daily