
"Battle" in the epidemic area, let the bright red party flag fly high

author:New Fujian
"Battle" in the epidemic area, let the bright red party flag fly high

Putian Municipal Development and Reform Commission set out to fight the "epidemic" task force. (File photo)

"Battle" in the epidemic area, let the bright red party flag fly high

Left: Putian Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau Party Member Vanguard (File photo)

"Battle" in the epidemic area, let the bright red party flag fly high

Right: The Putian Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau's "epidemic" task force surrounds the small grid of epidemic prevention and control. (File photo)

"Battle" in the epidemic area, let the bright red party flag fly high

The Putian Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism assisted medical personnel in conducting nucleic acid tests for the masses overnight. (File photo)

On the evening of September 10, the Information Office of the Putian Municipal People's Government held a press conference to inform 6 people in Fengting Town, Xianyou County, that the nucleic acid test results of the new coronavirus were positive, and then the 5 villages where the positive people lived and related key places were closed management, and at the same time, nucleic acid testing of key groups was carried out, and centralized isolation and medical observation was carried out for close contacts and sub-close contacts, and all people in the risk area were required to isolate at home.

On September 12, in the "Letter to Party Organizations at All Levels and the Majority of Party Members in the City", the Organization Department of the Putian Municipal Party Committee issued a call that "the epidemic is an order, prevention and control is a responsibility", requiring party organizations at all levels and party members in the city to deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on epidemic prevention and control, implement the work deployment of the provincial party committee and the work requirements of the municipal party committee, and "go all out, face the difficulties, and quickly devote themselves to the hard battle of epidemic prevention and control".

As soon as the horn sounded, the war "epidemic" began. More than 4,900 party organizations and more than 160,000 party members in Putian immediately took action and took the lead in rushing to the front line. The Organization Department of the Putian Municipal Party Committee coordinated the forces and quickly organized 60 leading cadres at the department level and 30 young cadres at the section level to support Xianyou County in doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control; 269 cadres were drawn from municipal units overnight, and 24 "epidemic" teams were set up to support 24 villages (residences) in Fengting Town to assist in the prevention and control of the epidemic in the community; 117 cadres were screened and stationed in various centralized isolation medical observation points in the city to support the epidemic prevention and control work.

The epidemic is the order Prevention and control is the responsibility

Located at the forefront of the epidemic, party organizations and party members at all levels in Xianyou County took the lead in firing the first shot of the "epidemic". 1,177 party members and cadres in the county canceled their holidays, actively participated in epidemiological investigation and traceability, community control and other work, interpreted the responsibilities and responsibilities of party members with practical actions, and let the bright red party flag fly high.

On September 11, the party branch of the Xianyou County Health and Family Planning Supervision Institute organized two party member law enforcement teams to focus on checking whether the establishment of observation rooms, pre-examination triage whether body temperature codes were measured, and whether fever patients were closed-loop management around the medical institutions in the surrounding townships of Fengting Town.

On September 13, the Xianyou Ecological and Environmental Bureau set up a party-member anti-epidemic commando team, headed by Director Huang Xiangyang, leading the team to join the frontline of the fight against the epidemic in Fengting Town, guiding the standardized disposal of epidemic-related medical waste, wastewater and garbage.

"I'm a party member, let me go up." "The purpose of civil affairs is to serve the people, and I signed up." "I solemnly make a request to the organization to join the volunteer team for epidemic prevention and control." ...... In the early morning of September 14, 10 party members of the Putian Civil Affairs Bureau stood out and quickly formed a team stationed in the village to support the "epidemic" in Fengting Town.

"Your task is arduous and your mission is glorious." Zhang Zongxian, director of the Putian Civil Affairs Bureau, said, "Party members and cadres who are 'at home' are always ready and ready to participate in support. ”

In the night, a sound of "I registered" resounded throughout the land of Puyang, like a light breaking through the darkness of the sky, looking forward to the arrival of dawn. In the morning of the same day, in putian Municipal Square, 24 municipal units stationed in the village to support the "epidemic" team in Fengting Town were assembled one after another.

"Resolutely obey orders, accept arrangements, assist in the prevention and control of the epidemic in the community, and hand over answer sheets that satisfy the party and the people." Cai Kaiguo is the deputy director of the Putian Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau, serving as the leader of the "epidemic" task force of the unit in the village to support the "epidemic" in Fengting Town, "15 water conservancy cadres were dispatched to the frontline of the fight against the epidemic in Kumho Village".

Li Feng, deputy director of the Industrial Office of the Putian Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, immediately said that he should give play to the exemplary role of party members and cadres, take root in the frontline, implement the detailed epidemic prevention and control work, and protect the life and health of the people in Jianguo Village.

"After being put in place, we will immediately join hands with the cadres of the two committees of Dongzhai Village to make concerted efforts to do a good job in various prevention and control measures, and win this epidemic prevention and control annihilation war with the belief of victory." Wu Qi, full-time deputy secretary of the party committee of the Putian Municipal Bureau of Oceanography and Fisheries, was full of heart.


Majestic and exuberant. Facing the rising sun, 269 cadres packed their bags, carried the mission and original intention of the Communist Party members, and embarked on the bus to the "epicenter" of the epidemic area.

It's not just a big battle, it's also a big test

In the early days of the epidemic, the community epidemic prevention and control work was complicated. Whether or not we can assist in household inspection, nucleic acid testing, information registration and other complicated affairs has always tested every party member and cadre who supports the frontline fight against the epidemic.

Before departure, the Putian Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources supported the Fengting Town War "Epidemic" Task Force in advance, using the results of the rural cadastral housing survey data and the city's high-definition image map, integrating the image map of Gengfeng Village, the topographic map and the household registration number information of the public security department, and superimposing the formation of a base map for epidemic prevention and control.

After arriving in Gengfeng Village, the Putian Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources supported the Fengting Town "Epidemic" Task Force "Wall Map Operation", and dropped the closed bayonets and active bayonet points on the map, clearly marking nucleic acid detection sampling points, confirmed households and key control areas. "In a short period of time, the information of the relevant personnel in the grid is found out one by one, and the records are registered, and then entered into the computer database." Team member He Jinming said, "Only when the bottom number is clear can we achieve accurate prevention and control." ”

On 15 September, two confirmed cases were found in a small area of Jianguo Village. The Putian Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism stationed in the village to support the Fengting Town "epidemic" team immediately took measures to transfer the people in the community and transfer all 86 people to the centralized isolation medical observation point with the fastest speed.

On September 22, at a checkpoint, the Putian Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism found a homeless man stationed in the village to support the "epidemic" team in Fengting Town, inquired and learned that he had not done nucleic acid testing, so he resolutely dealt with it, isolated him, and contacted medical personnel to do health examinations and nucleic acid tests for him, so as to control the "danger of flow" to a minimum.

In Kumho Village, because the hard materials have not yet been delivered, the Putian Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau in the village to support the Fengting Town "epidemic" task force does not wait, led by party members, door to door to seek help from villagers, local materials, the use of templates, door panels, bricks, stones, fir strips, quickly seal each area, implement the village grid management comprehensive prevention and control measures, timely cut off the epidemic infection transmission channels.

In the meantime, the Putian Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau dispatched one batch after another to fight the "epidemic" team. On September 19, a new batch of 15 party members and cadres signed up to participate in the war, and the next day they went to the front line of the fight against the epidemic, going against the trend and building one "red fortress" after another.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and it pays off. The 24 teams stationed in the village to support the "epidemic" in Fengting Town crossed the river by feeling the stones, while carrying out work and summing up experience. Combining the advantages of the unit's business and resources, the team members explored a variety of ways to solve problems and withstood tests again and again.

Wherever there is a need, there are Party members

"I'm more experienced in this business, let me nibble on this 'hard bone.'" Zheng Wei is a party member and cadre of the Putian Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, has 37 years of party experience, is 57 years old, and is about to retire.

After the outbreak of the epidemic, Zheng Wei applied to the organization for the first time, rushed to the front line of the fight against the epidemic, and undertook the task of medical material allocation. Knowing that material security is related to the overall situation of epidemic prevention and control, she summarizes the reserve and supply of prevention and control materials every day, standardizes the work process, establishes a ledger, and quickly fills the gap.

"Grandma, how long will you be back?" I want to hear you tell stories. "Zheng Wei has been gone for more than half a month, and the grandchildren in the family are nagging her every day. On weekdays, Zheng Wei teased her grandchildren at home, and during the anti-epidemic period, she could only talk to her grandchildren through mobile phone videos. "Grandma come on, defeat the virus early, and wait for you to come back." On the other end of the phone, the child spoke in a childish voice.

The fight against the epidemic is a national action without an audience, and it is also a "people's war" with responsibility. Party members and cadres are willing to make a brick on the wall of the anti-epidemic city, and where they need to move.

Ruan Zhong is a member of the Putian Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau's "epidemic" task force stationed in the village to support the "epidemic" in Fengting Town, and according to the specific task arrangement, he traveled alone to multiple battlefields. The accommodation environment in the Xiajie community is not ideal, lacking the necessary quilts, washbasins, toothbrushes and other daily necessities, Ruan Zhong does not care about these, and devotes himself to material transfer, street patrols, nucleic acid testing and other work, to fight against the epidemic.

"The family is most worried about the family, worried that the naughty crying of the young twin sons will increase the annoyance and exhaustion of the wife who is isolated at home." In the middle of the night, Ruan Zhong's thoughts came to his mind, but his reasonable wife would always let him calm down, "Although the epidemic is fierce, we will eventually win the battle."

No matter how bitter and tired you are, peace is a blessing. No one can bear to see party members and cadres fall on the front line of the fight against the epidemic, but whenever such a scene appears, it is always so touching and heart-wrenching.

In the early morning of September 18, Zheng Wujin, a member of the comprehensive coordination team of the Xianyou County Response to the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Work Command, and the secretary of the party group and director of the Xianyou County Justice Bureau, fainted due to overwork and sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and was rushed to the hospital for rescue.

"When he was tired, he lay on the floor and rested for an average of only two or three hours a day." "I answer and make hundreds of calls a day, and the ringing of the phone hardly stops." "He put the masses first, but he ignored himself." ...... All the members of the integrated coordination group of the command headquarters praised Zheng Wujin and felt sorry for him.

In this arduous war "epidemic", party members and cadres are not only "ordinary people" in ordinary posts, but also "special people" who are particularly missed in the hearts of their families. Whenever the organization has a call and the people have needs, they always charge forward, wear the party emblem on their chests, brighten their identities, set an example, and many shining pioneers emerge and cast deeply touching group portraits.

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