
Strong core, heavy roots, grasp the key - Hanyin County Shuangniu Town to promote the "321" grass-roots governance model to go deep and solid

author:Northwest Information Newspaper
Strong core, heavy roots, grasp the key - Hanyin County Shuangniu Town to promote the "321" grass-roots governance model to go deep and solid

In order to solve the problems of "fragmentation" of grass-roots governance subjects, "atomization" of governance objects, and "internal volumeization" of governance effects, etc., Hanyin County Shuangniu Town has kept pace with the times, actively practiced the "321" grass-roots governance model, continuously improved the ability and level of grass-roots governance, and created a shared governance system for co-construction, co-governance and sharing.

The party's leadership is the core of doing a good job in the "321" grassroots governance model. To implement the "321" grassroots governance model, we must put grassroots party organizations in the "core" position, and Shuangniu Town will effectively strengthen the construction of party branches in accordance with the way of "town party committees grasping branches, branches grasping party members, and party members linking up with the masses", giving full play to the leadership and leading role of party branches in grass-roots governance work, so that the main line of the party firmly runs through the whole process. In the "321" grassroots governance model, since the poverty alleviation, 423 town and village party members and cadres have gone deep into the front line, focusing on poverty, packing households, according to the causes of poverty, implementing precise assistance and precise policies, eliminating poverty, achieving 841 households and 2271 people out of poverty on schedule, and through the establishment of the "party building + cooperative (company) + poor households" model, multi-channel to make the poor people rich and get rid of poverty. In 2021, in order to strengthen the strength of grass-roots organizations and integrate grass-roots governance resources, the whole town will include 378 "three-line" personnel from party members, people's congress deputies, and central household chiefs into the grid, and in February of the same year, 66 "third-line personnel" were elected as members of the village "two committees" team, accounting for 63.4% of the total, effectively enhancing the centripetal force and cohesion of party organizations, building a bridge between party organizations and grass-roots masses, and close the relationship between party and masses.

Taking the people as the center is the foundation for doing a good job in the "321" grassroots governance model. In the "321" grassroots governance model, party members, people's congress deputies, and central household chiefs are the elite of the masses, who themselves come from the masses, and the objects of contact and service are also the masses. Hanyin County Fuyuan Phase II community is the only one in Shuangniu Town to help the poor relocated community, a total of 310 households and 1025 people, including 141 poor households and 522 people relocated, but there are more left-behind elderly people, in order to solve the problem of livelihood, the market town community through scientific division of the grid, the implementation of grid management, so that the "third-line personnel" become grid members, the grid members are responsible for handling the trivialities and chores of the people in the grid, providing services within their capabilities, and sending party care to the relocated small households. Guide them to use modern life and production facilities so that they can "move, stay, and stabilize."

Autonomy is the key to the "321" grassroots governance model. The test criterion for effective governance is the "two links," that is, the smooth flow of government decrees and the common people's hearts and minds. In the "321" grassroots governance model, the most important thing is to establish an efficient village-level governance platform to stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in autonomy. Shuangniu Town borrowed the "two talks and one business" platform, actively guided and encouraged the masses to speak boldly, by listening to the masses "say", helping the masses to solve problems, and relieving the emotions of the masses, resolving the grievances of the masses, in the epidemic prevention and control and the current flood prevention and rescue work, some of the masses actively participated in public management practice, acted as volunteers, picked up the elderly with limited mobility for vaccination, organized self-help, persuaded the elderly to evacuate safely, carried out post-disaster production recovery work, cleaned up garbage and obstacles, and ensured the normal life of the masses. It has added a force to winning the work of epidemic prevention and control and flood prevention. At the same time, it participates in the construction of a new folk style with the connotation of "sincerity, filial piety, thriftiness, and diligence", adopts measures such as moral indoctrination, benchmarking guidance, and changing customs and customs, strives to eliminate the "spiritual poverty" of the poor masses, stimulates the endogenous motivation of the broad masses to get rich and well-off, creates a positive and upward family style and people's style and social style, and provides a strong spiritual motivation and ideological guarantee for Shuangniu Town to speed up catching up and surpassing and build an ecologically livable selenium lotus town.

Responsible Editor: Anxin Review: Yang Yong

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