
Rational and objective! Li Xiaoshuang: Don't take the rhythm of the media! Dongao gymnastics is correct and must be strong in itself

author:Yu said that he was still resting
Rational and objective! Li Xiaoshuang: Don't take the rhythm of the media! Dongao gymnastics is correct and must be strong in itself

Recently, gymnast Li Xiaoshuang, in a program, talked about the controversy over the sentencing of Chinese gymnasts at the Tokyo Olympic Games, he said: Our media should not "take the rhythm": "Gymnastics all-round punishment is actually no problem, our own strength is the last word!" ”

Li Xiaoshuang first took his only all-around title at the Atlanta Olympics as an example, saying that this had something to do with "his own mistakes, good opponent performance, referee scores" and so on, but he said that this is not the whole reason - "Why can't I take it?" Although I finished it beautifully, the innovative action was gone! ”。

Li Xiaoshuang, who can reflect on himself, said: At that time, many domestic comments said that 'we lost a gold medal' and 'the referee was unfair', I said don't say so! I don't approve, I only approve of this era is not yours - "what bias, what deductions?" This public opinion is really wrong. ”

Rational and objective! Li Xiaoshuang: Don't take the rhythm of the media! Dongao gymnastics is correct and must be strong in itself

At the Tokyo Olympic Games, domestic public opinion generally believed that Hashimoto Daiki jumped out of the mat and could still win the all-around championship because the Japanese referee was "blind", but Li Xiaoshuang said:

"(Foot out of bounds) buckle 0.5 ah, people also buckled, but people in the air posture is very beautiful, buckle division less than us, although you stand firmly to move, he did not stand steady to move a big step, the middle score is back, is there a mistake? I don't think it's a subjective question. ”

Li Xiaoshuang believes that there must be an advantage at home, we can't look at this matter one-sidedly, and there is also a great home field advantage at the Beijing Olympic Games.

Regarding the Tokyo Olympic men's team final, Li Xiaoshuang said: "My feeling is that the level of the team is relatively average... We just finished and didn't go beyond... Or you're not prominent enough. ”

Rational and objective! Li Xiaoshuang: Don't take the rhythm of the media! Dongao gymnastics is correct and must be strong in itself

Speaking of the issue of domestic public opinion, Li Xiaoshuang said: "Can the (domestic) media be biased in this way? No, it's not a good thing, it can cause the team to decline... What is the competition compared to yourself, compared to others? I have always stressed that it is possible to be strong when we become strong, so we should not always be misled by some media. ”

Li Xiaoshuang also criticized Xiao Ruoteng: "Men's all-rounder, (Xiao Ruoteng) finished down, thinking that he won the championship, do not salute the referee, 'yay' himself, the referee unceremoniously deducted 0.3 for you ..."

"Written in the rules, this is called unfairness to the referee, contempt for the referee, what is wrong with deducting you 0.3? ...... People say on TV stations, 'Such low-level mistakes will also appear, it's crazy', what a terrible sentence, how do athletes develop this habit? It's that your system is not strict enough. ”

Rational and objective! Li Xiaoshuang: Don't take the rhythm of the media! Dongao gymnastics is correct and must be strong in itself

Regarding today's athletes who love to express themselves in front of the camera, Li Xiaoshuang said: "Each of our children, after the completion of the competition, the first feeling is that they are a bit like visiting the vegetable market, want to perform something, want to perform in front of the camera ' Hello, know me?' If I were the head coach, I wouldn't have allowed it to exist."

"After every action comes down, do something that should not be celebrated, this is not allowed in our time, self-ization is not OK, there is self-ization in a team, this team is facing extinction, without traditional regulations, it is not OK." This is my opinion, not necessarily right, but I think: a team should not have such a problem, very funny."

"Like I've always thought, the impression score is not important, your mental outlook is your impression, if because you are cute, the referee will give you 0.1 more points, it is impossible." 」


Rational and objective! Li Xiaoshuang: Don't take the rhythm of the media! Dongao gymnastics is correct and must be strong in itself

Although professionals do professional things and say professional words, although this will make some people sound unpleasant, even a little cold and cruel, but this is a rational, objective voice, more worthy of some "ragtag" people to listen to and think!

For example, in sports, there will inevitably be a home factor, and of course there will be a certain misjudgment of the referee - this is part of sports, we can neither completely deny nor infinitely exaggerate!

If there is indeed a very clear miscarriage of justice, we can certainly appeal and argue like any country, including the media and the public to make their voices heard, but we must also base themselves on facts, not subjectively and deliberately create "conspiracy theories".

I believe that when Li Xiaoshuang said these words, he did not completely deny that there would be no problems with the referee, but he was more able to see the details that were more in line with the rules and facts through a professional eye, and came to a conclusion that was more in line with the logic of cause and effect.

Rational and objective! Li Xiaoshuang: Don't take the rhythm of the media! Dongao gymnastics is correct and must be strong in itself

Looking at Li Xiaoshuang's comments about Hashimoto Dahui still winning the championship after his mistakes; Xiao Ruoteng forgot the rules and did not pay tribute to the referee and was deducted points; and the performance of the Chinese team in the all-around gymnastics competition was not too prominent and innovative, obviously, this is much more objective and fair than some of our sports spectators, especially the media who are able to attract traffic!

When it comes to the "traffic first" as a normal topic in the Internet era, it is not difficult to find that the "top" method of these players is to use "nation, country" and other great righteousness as a gimmick, in fact, it is essentially for traffic and commercial interests, so as to sell "patriotic business" - so that there will be this kind of traffic topic of "Chinese players being suppressed by the West" will continue to appear.

We do not deny that we will not be suppressed by opponents and referees, but we must be like Li Xiaoshuang, we must be objective and rational and seek truth from facts!

Neither should we "turn our eyes blind", be played badly and kneel down; but also not for the sake of drainage and "business", always amplify infinitely, even out of nothing, artificially create "enemies and contradictions", never conduct self-reflection, only to achieve the interests and purposes of some media "traffic is king", and thus also successfully harvest stubble after stubble of "brainless and not bright" leeks! 【Original Review: Yu said that hugh】

Rational and objective! Li Xiaoshuang: Don't take the rhythm of the media! Dongao gymnastics is correct and must be strong in itself

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