
Cao Yu, secretary of the district party committee, went to Puzhen to carry out a large discussion and concentrated propaganda on "studying the history of the party, learning speeches, and opening a new bureau."

author:Hantai released

On August 20, Cao Yu, secretary of the district party committee, went to Puzhen to preach the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on July 1st and the spirit of the 9th Plenary Session of the 13th Provincial PARTY Committee, the 12th Plenary Session of the 5th Municipal Party Committee, and the 12th Plenary Session of the 16th District Committee.

Cao Yu, secretary of the district party committee, went to Puzhen to carry out a large discussion and concentrated propaganda on "studying the history of the party, learning speeches, and opening a new bureau."

Cao Yu deeply understood general secretary's important speech of "July 1st" from the study, full of confidence to move forward towards the second centenary goal; in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the provincial party committee, municipal party committee, district party committee plenary session, and strive to write a new chapter in the new era to catch up and surpass; accelerate the construction of key towns in Puzhen, contribute to the construction of Regional Central City in Hanzhong, and systematically explain the political, theoretical, historical and practical significance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on "July 1st", comprehensively analyze and interpret the Ninth Plenary Session of the 13th Provincial CPC Committee. The spirit of the 12th Plenary Session of the 5th Municipal Party Committee and the 12th Plenary Session of the 16th District Committee.

Cao Yu, secretary of the district party committee, went to Puzhen to carry out a large discussion and concentrated propaganda on "studying the history of the party, learning speeches, and opening a new bureau."

Cao Yu pointed out

Studying, publicizing, and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important "July 1st" speech is an important political task at present and for a period in the future. All levels of the region should bear in mind the great power of the country, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the central provinces and municipalities, continue to work learning and understanding, integration and implementation, promote learning to go deeper, go to the truth, and go to the heart, and contribute new strength to the high-quality construction of Shaanxi strong districts and highlight the first role of Hantai.

Cao Yu stressed

★ It is necessary to deeply study and implement the spirit of the plenary sessions of the provincial party committee, the municipal party committee and the district party committee, accurately grasp the new deployment of continuous efforts to promote high-quality development, accurately grasp the new orientation of promoting high-quality development with high-quality projects, and accurately grasp the new topics of what kind of political position, ability style, and mental state to start a good start in the new journey;

★ It is necessary to focus on high-quality development, accelerate the construction of regional central cities, strive to catch up with and surpass the vanguard in the new era, and strive to write a new chapter in the new era of catching up and surpassing;

★ It is necessary to continue to optimize the layout of hantai development, seek in-depth and solid support for major projects, strive to improve social governance capabilities, strive to sprint the annual goals and tasks, and promote the new era to catch up with and surpass high-quality development and take more solid steps.

Cao Yu requested

Pu town must be quasi-positioned, innovative development, with the construction of key towns as the starting point, leading the life, industry, talent fashion, and constantly enhance the agglomeration of elements, functional support, leading the role of radiation, comprehensively promote the integration of industry and city, and strive to accelerate the construction of regional central cities as the vanguard and main force. It is necessary to show responsibility in the construction of regional central cities, set an example in the construction and management of key towns, promote advantages in high-quality development, take the forefront in improving the well-being of the people, set a benchmark in comprehensively and strictly managing the party and governing the party, set up the ambition of being brave to stand at the head of the tide, maintain the momentum of striving for first-class, and strive to make contributions to the high-quality development of Hantai's "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" and show the responsibility of paving towns.

Cao Yu, secretary of the district party committee, went to Puzhen to carry out a large discussion and concentrated propaganda on "studying the history of the party, learning speeches, and opening a new bureau."

After the meeting, the cadres who listened to the report said one after another that Secretary Cao Yu's propaganda report had a clear theme, rich content, profound thinking, and prominent focus, which had both an ideological and theoretical height and was closely integrated with reality, and that after listening to it, they would benefit a lot from listening to it.

The main responsible persons of the district party committee office and the propaganda department of the district party committee, and all the members of the leading group of Pu Town listened to the lecture.

Source: Li Fei, Au Rong Media Center

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