
Fuzhou released a batch of personnel news

author:Strait Net

On January 26, the website of the Fuzhou Municipal People's Government released a batch of personnel news.

Fuzhou released a batch of personnel news

Circular of the Fuzhou Municipal People's Government on the Appointment and Dismissal of Liu Bilin and Other Comrades

The people's governments of counties (cities) and districts, the management committees of high-tech zones, the committees, offices and bureaus (companies) directly under the municipality, the municipal colleges and universities, and the management committees of the Fuzhou area of the free trade zone:

After research, it was decided that:

Comrade Liu Bilin served as the director of the management committee of fuzhou Taiwan Investment Zone;

Comrade Chen Huahui is the director of Fuzhou Real Estate Registration and Trading Center;

Comrade Zhang Wu was appointed deputy director of the Fuzhou Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, and was relieved of his post as chief planner of the Fuzhou Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau;

Comrade Li Jing served as the chief planner of Fuzhou Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau (deputy division level, probationary period of one year);

Comrade Lin Heng served as the director of Fuzhou Road Transport Development Center (deputy division level, probationary period of one year);

Dismissed Comrade Weng Yunjiang from his post as deputy director of the Fuzhou Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology;

Dismissed Comrade Lin Feng from his post as deputy director of the Fuzhou Civil Affairs Bureau;

Dismissed Comrade Lin Baojun from the post of chief engineer (deputy division level) of the Fuzhou Urban and Rural Construction Bureau;

Dismissed Comrade Chen Siyuan from his post as deputy director of the Fuzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism;

Dismissed Comrade Yan Yaopeng from the post of deputy director of the Fuzhou Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau;

Dismissed Comrade Zheng Zongmu from the post of deputy director of fuzhou housing provident fund center;

Dismissed Comrade Lin Hongjin from his post as deputy director of the Fuzhou Supply and Marketing Cooperative Union;

Dismissed Comrade Chen Jian from the post of director of Fuzhou Road Transport Comprehensive Service Center (deputy division level);

Dismissed Comrade Huang Huaxian from the post of deputy director (deputy division level) of the management committee of The Changle Functional Zone of Fuzhou New District;

Comrade Zhuang Ruishun was dismissed from the post of director (deputy division level) of the Fuqing Dongge Overseas Chinese Farm.

Fuzhou Municipal People's Government

December 30, 2020

Fuzhou released a batch of personnel news

Notice of the Fuzhou Municipal People's Government on the retirement of Cheng Xingxing and other comrades

Dismissed Comrade Cheng Xingxing from the post of political commissar (deputy division level) of the Fuzhou City Urban Management Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Detachment and retired;

Relieved Comrade Huang Yaorong of his post as vice president of Minjiang Normal College and retired;

Comrade Liu Weicheng was dismissed from the post of vice president of Fuzhou First Technician College (vice president of the Provincial Mechanical Industry Technical School) and retired.

January 13, 2021

Source: Fuzhou Municipal People's Government website