
The peasants dug out a large number of white bones with a hoe, and the scholars lamented: When the literati are traitors, it is a disaster for the country

author:Tao Tao reads history

In the 1970s, a production team in Xiji County, Ningxia, was engaged in agricultural production when it found a large number of bones in a farmland, layered on top of each other, up to 2 meters thick. After expert investigation, these bones include human bones and horse bones, and there are traces of knife slashing and arrow shooting. After some investigation, scholars and farmers worked together to reburiage the bones. Later, the scholar sighed: "If the literati do traitors, the energy is so great that it is unimaginable, and it is really a disaster for the country." "Who do these bones really belong to?" Why do scholars do such a sigh, let the readers continue to look down!

The peasants dug out a large number of white bones with a hoe, and the scholars lamented: When the literati are traitors, it is a disaster for the country

In the era of the booming imperial examination system in the Song Dynasty, a large number of local literati entered the central government through the imperial examination to become officials, but if someone was named in the gold list, someone would be named Sun Shan. Zhang Yuan, a scholar from Huazhou, Shaanxi Province, is such a fallen student.

Zhang Yuan studied the history of the scriptures since childhood, which can be described as full of economy and wisdom. But he repeatedly participated in scientific examinations, but he failed to pass the examinations. Due to repeated failures in the examination, Zhang Yuan gradually developed a grudge against the state and society, and he believed that the reason why he did not meet him was because the emperor was dimwitted and the ministers were treacherous, otherwise why did he have the heart to serve the country but had no way to serve the country?

The peasants dug out a large number of white bones with a hoe, and the scholars lamented: When the literati are traitors, it is a disaster for the country

Since there is no way to report to the Song Dynasty, let's report to the door of other countries! Just in time, Zhang Yuan heard that Li Yuanhao, the leader of the Northwest Party, brazenly declared himself emperor and was engaged in a fierce battle with the Northern Song Dynasty. Zhang Yuan thought that Li Yuanhao was the time to employ people at this time, and he would definitely be useful, so he took his friend Wu Hao and went to Hexi together to prepare for a career in the Western Xia Kingdom. Like Zhang Yuan, Wu Hao is also a wise man, and he has also tried and failed repeatedly.

After the two fallen literati arrived in Western Xia, they were not taken seriously at first. After drinking in the tavern, they wrote the words "Zhang Yuan Wu Hao came to drink this building" on the wall. Subsequently, a group of Western Xia patrols saw these words, and they immediately arrested Zhang Yuan and Wu Hao, saying that they had deliberately violated the name of Li Yuanhao, the emperor of Western Xia.

The peasants dug out a large number of white bones with a hoe, and the scholars lamented: When the literati are traitors, it is a disaster for the country

Subsequently, Zhang Yuan and Wu Hao were sent to Li Yuanhao and handed over to the lord of the country for decision. Li Yuanhao asked, "Why did Er wait for me to violate my name?" Who knew that Zhang Yuan said with a big grin: "You don't even care about your last name, who cares about your name?" It turned out that Li Yuanhao and his father had repeatedly changed their names. Li Yuanhao's family, whose original surname was Tuoba, was given the surname Li by the Tang Emperor and later by the Song Emperor as Zhao. In order to defect from the Song Dynasty, he gave himself the strange surname of "Song Name".

It is said that with Li Yuanhao's violent temper, Zhang Yuanhao, who is not inferior, will definitely be torn to pieces. Who knew that Li Yuanhao thought that Zhang Yuanyu was extraordinary, so he carefully interrogated him and found that this person was indeed talented. Therefore, Li Yuanhao released Zhang Yuan and Wu Hao on the spot, and left the two with him as advisers.

The peasants dug out a large number of white bones with a hoe, and the scholars lamented: When the literati are traitors, it is a disaster for the country

Subsequently, Zhang Yuan and Wu Hao, relying on their knowledge of the Northern Song Dynasty, repeatedly suggested that Li Yuanhao send troops to harass the Northern Song borders and repeatedly break the Song army. The intolerable Song Dynasty immediately sent an unprecedented army to attack the Western Xia in 1041. Zhang Yuan saw that the Song army was threatening, so he immediately proposed that Li Yuanhao lure the enemy deeper and lengthen the supply line of the Song army.

Li Yuanhao felt that Zhang Yuan's suggestion was very reasonable, so he immediately ordered the soldiers in the front to pretend to be defeated and introduce the Song army into the Haoshui River. After that, Li Yuanhao gathered 100,000 troops and killed the Song army with unstoppable might. Within a day, 10,300 people in the Song army were killed on the spot, and almost all senior generals were killed in battle, and the corpses were layered on top of each other. After that, Western Xia took advantage of the victory to pursue, killing a large number of Song troops and civilians, a total of more than 70,000 people.

The peasants dug out a large number of white bones with a hoe, and the scholars lamented: When the literati are traitors, it is a disaster for the country

After this battle, almost every household on the northwest border of the Song Dynasty was covered with ma dai filial piety, and the main general Han Qi led the remnants back to the Song realm, only to encounter thousands of dead family members who stopped the road and cried bitterly, and the scene was unbearable to see. After the news reached the DPRK, Song Renzong at that time was so sad that he could not eat for three days.

Looking at the mountains of corpses of their compatriots, Zhang Yuan and Wu Hao were not only not sad, but also had the pleasure of revenge. Zhang Yuan, in particular, danced with his hands and wrote a poem on a mountain wall in the Haoshui River.

Xia Chun He had shrugged, and Han Qi was not surprised.

Manchuan dragon and tiger, as if talking about military aircraft.

Subsequently, he triumphantly inscribed: Taishi Shangshu Ling and Zhongshu Ling Zhang Yuan came here with the great driver.

Later, Zhang Yuan helped Li Yuanhao make plans, and defeated the Song army in the Battle of DingchuanZhai, and Chang'an was almost unprotected. However, Li Yuanhao believed that the Song Dynasty was powerful after all, and it was better to accept it when it was good. He ignored Zhang Yuan's suggestion to continue his march and insisted on uniting with the Northern Song Dynasty. The reason why Zhang Yuan defected to Li Yuanhao was to realize his dream of subverting the Northern Song Dynasty, but Li Yuanhao finally disappointed him. After the end of the war with the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhang Yuan and Wu Hao immediately lost their use value and gradually received a cold reception. In 1044, Zhang Yuan died with a grudge, and Wu Hao did not know the end.

The peasants dug out a large number of white bones with a hoe, and the scholars lamented: When the literati are traitors, it is a disaster for the country

Stimulated by Zhang Yuan and Wu Hao, the Northern Song Dynasty realized the terrible nature of the literati as traitors. Compared with ordinary people, the literati are more resourceful and cultural, and they also understand the logic of the operation of the state. If they defect to the enemy country, they will cause uncontrollable losses. Therefore, the Northern Song Dynasty reformed the imperial examination system, and all those who have won the jinshi are given the jinshi origin! Even if those who may not have achieved very good results in the imperial examinations, they were given the same military origin to prevent the recurrence of the defection of the literati as enemies.

More than 900 years later, the bones of the Song army were rediscovered at the site of the Battle of Haoshuichuan, and bundles of iron arrows and iron weapons were found in the bone pit, and everyone could not help but regret their fate. In the eyes of scholars, such a tragic situation is also a historical lesson. If talent is not discovered in time, these talents will be easily used by the enemy country, and it will be the country that will suffer at that time.