
How can industrial factories sell products through the supply chain platform to solve the problem of slow sales?

author:Micro Sanyun Zhang Mei

When the regional economic development reaches a certain stage, many enterprises in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain will be formed in its specific area, and a close economic and technological cooperation circle - the industrial belt will be established.

The formation of industrial belts is a significant feature of regional economic development. In China, there have been "Yiwu Industrial Belt", "Kunming Industrial Belt", "Longnan Industrial Belt", "Weifang Industrial Belt", "Guangzhou Industrial Belt", etc.; and such as Fujian Footwear Industrial Belt, Shenzhen Electronics Industrial Belt, Zhejiang Ningbo, Taizhou Electric Toothbrush Industrial Belt...... They are all typical representatives of the economy of the industrial belt.

The "industrial belt" reflects the real economic development of the city!

【Industrial belt】 is also an important form of e-commerce, with the rapid development of the Internet, e-commerce has become a powerful engine to drive economic development. The sudden emergence of the online industrial belt, especially the large-scale coverage of the mobile terminal, has brought unlimited business opportunities to the development of enterprises, but also brought huge impacts and challenges. Taking the region as the symbol and the industry as the link, integrating the supply chain of the city and its surrounding industries will help to achieve the effective agglomeration of industrial resources.

Therefore, the digital transformation of industrial belt businesses will bring more effective support to the real economy, and workers and local governments in the industrial belt will benefit, thus promoting the development of the local economy.

How can industrial factories sell products through the supply chain platform to solve the problem of slow sales?

The industrial belts of various cities in China have become platforms for mining

Potentially high-quality supply chain

What is the supply chain: connecting the supply and demand ends of the urban industry/industry, matching the merchant (platform) and the supply chain, so that consumers can have more product choices and select the best quality products and services; also allow the merchants (platform) to quickly provide diversified products for their users, while improving the barriers to peer competition; at the same time, the product supply chain has a large number of merchants (platforms) monetization channels; and finally better let the factory/brand side eliminate inventory, killing four birds with one stone!

Advantages and features of the online supply chain:

Products online

Through the supply chain platform, all the commodities of the industrial belt merchants are online, which greatly improves the display, dissemination and transaction efficiency of the goods.

Traffic globalization

Based on social networking, through major APPS or H5 ports, link global consumers to achieve "traffic globalization".

Sharing symbiosis and win-win

The roles in the "C-B-S" supply chain are connected, the commodities are connected, and the industrial belt is stimulated to share and coexist, develop benignly, and drive the urban industrial economy.

Enable closed-loop delivery

Through a series of supply chain services, we will open up the C-end, B-end, F-end and S-end, and dig deep into the value of the supply chain, from "transaction closed loop" to "delivery closed loop".

Enhance user stickiness

Through the [supply chain platform], it can quickly meet the needs of one-stop transactions at the B-end and C-end, enhance customer stickiness, improve the conversion rate of user consumption, and realize the realization of traffic to value.

Increase profit streams

Break through the revenue bottleneck of previously relying only on their own integration of products for sales, and provide users with more high-quality product or service choices by optimizing the supply chain, and profit from it.

How can industrial factories sell products through the supply chain platform to solve the problem of slow sales?