
The US side wants to deny UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, and Cui Tiankai warned that China will never let its intentions succeed

author:Sun Xuwen

#Cui Tiankai criticizes the United States for manipulating the Taiwan issue ##The 50th Anniversary Meeting for the Restoration of The Legitimate Seat of the United Nations ##崔天凯: We Will Not Let It Succeed #On October 25, the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of China's restoration of the legitimate seat of the United Nations was held in Beijing, looking back at 1971 fifty years ago, with the support of the vast number of Asian, African and Latin American countries and the Soviet Union, the United Nations Resolution 2758 was passed, and the People's Republic of China restored its legitimate seat in the United Nations, announcing the coming of the future in which China played a more important role in the international arena.

The US side wants to deny UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, and Cui Tiankai warned that China will never let its intentions succeed

Fifty years later, in 2021, China has not yet achieved reunification, and the puppet regime on the island has become increasingly arrogant, and the situation in the Taiwan Strait has ushered in the most tense moment in the more than two decades since 1996, when former Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai attended the commemorative meeting and made a speech warning: The United States' intention to manipulate the Taiwan issue will never succeed, and China will never let them succeed; Cui Tiankai, as the former ambassador to the United States, said this sentence in his capacity, not only for The country, but also for the United States.

Recently, the United States once again raised the topic of supporting the Taiwan authorities in participating in United Nations affairs, and the US State Department announced: The American Institute in Taiwan and the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States held a high-level video conference to discuss the topic of "supporting Taiwan's 'meaningful' participation in the United Nations in dealing with global threats." Later, the media on the island re-hyped up a violent remark made by Australian Defense Minister Peter Dutton on The Taiwan-related issue earlier: Once an accident occurs in the Taiwan Strait, Australia will certainly advance and retreat with the United States.

The US side wants to deny UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, and Cui Tiankai warned that China will never let its intentions succeed

It is not difficult to see that the White House's hype support for the Taiwan authorities' "joining the United Nations" is probably not just lip service; it does mean denying UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 and "carrying" the Taiwan authorities into the United Nations; after all, the United Nations is an international organization composed of sovereign states, and if the Taiwan authorities join the United Nations, they are equivalent to obtaining the identity of a "sovereign state" in disguise, that is, they have broken through the bottom line of the "one-China principle."

At the same time, I also believe that Australia does have the courage to follow the United States on the Taiwan issue, after all, they have no other choice, Australia, which is isolated outside the geopolitical circles of Western collective countries, has embarked on the direction of racism to guide foreign policy, when former Australian Prime Minister Abbott exported violence to Chinese mainland at the Jade Mountain Forum, there is no longer a normal possibility of normalization in Sino-Australian relations, and Australia naturally cannot turn the bow of the ship. You can only follow the United States to the black.

The US side wants to deny UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, and Cui Tiankai warned that China will never let its intentions succeed

It must be admitted that the recent goal of the United States and the West to hype up the Taiwan issue has indeed been a stage success, and the Taiwan authorities have become bolder and bolder with the support of the United States; the series of actions taken before and after the "Double Tenth Festival" can be said to have converged a little more than the actions of the Taiwan authorities during the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, and these actions have encouraged the arrogance of "Taiwan independence" and have also attracted the dissatisfaction of the people on the mainland and the island.

This is also the focus of the mainland's statement on the day of the anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution and later, such as the People's Liberation Army Daily's shock and voice: The historical task of the complete reunification of the motherland must be realized and can be realized. This is the most important point emphasized by the mainland side on the Taiwan issue this year; national rejuvenation and national reunification are the trend of the times, and the Taiwan issue will certainly be resolved along with the rejuvenation of the nation, and China will not give up reunification at any time or under any circumstances, which is both domestic and foreign.

The US side wants to deny UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, and Cui Tiankai warned that China will never let its intentions succeed

The Taiwan issue in 2021 has made it clear that the biggest obstacle to China's reunification is not the balance of strength between the two sides of the strait or Taiwan's governance, but the obstruction of the United States, and any plan and plan of China on the issue of reunification must be based on the premise of fully considering the interference and hostility and obstruction of the United States and the West, so there may be great difficulties in solving the Taiwan issue for a while and a half, and it does not matter if China only tears its face with the United States. It is possible to implement this issue only after fully considering that all external obstruction and hostility may cost China within the acceptable range.

At present, the time for resolving the Taiwan issue is not yet ripe, and it can be expected that for a long time to come, external hostile forces will continue to hype up on the Taiwan issue, and even urge the Taiwan authorities to stand up and completely break through the bottom line of "one China."

The US side wants to deny UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, and Cui Tiankai warned that China will never let its intentions succeed

If China in 1996 was far weaker than it is now, but still did not make concessions on this issue, then China in 2021 will never be able to make concessions, and as the United States continues to increase its weight on the Taiwan issue, they will realize in the future that they have bound the conditions for victory in the Sino-US game to the victory or defeat of the Taiwan Strait, and I think they will definitely pay the heaviest price at that time.


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