
The centennial party has continuously made new and greater achievements

author:China Jilin Net

The Communist Party of China adheres to its original intention and mission, and always regards the happiness of the people, national rejuvenation and human progress as the unswerving goal of struggle. Continuing to advance along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Communist Party of China will unite and lead the Chinese people to continuously make new and greater achievements in the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country

Malaysian People's Justice Party General Treasurer Lee Kin Chung ——

"Setting an example for developing countries"

People's Daily reporter Yu Yichun

"The Shenzhen miracle stems from the courage of reform and the insistence on opening up. This kind of courage and perseverance is worth learning from all sides. In October last year, Lee Kin Chung, chief treasurer of the People's Justice Party of Malaysia, visited Shenzhen. "As China's first special economic zone, Shenzhen's development is an important milestone, demonstrating the creativity of the Communist Party of China in 'turning stones into gold', as well as the determination and confidence to promote reform, opening up and the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics."

Li Jiancong has visited many places in China to investigate economic development, poverty alleviation and urban planning. In 2018, Li Jiancong, who was then the publicity director of the Malaysian People's Justice Party Youth League, visited the Modern Ecological Mulberry Silkworm Industry Poverty Alleviation Demonstration Park in Sanjiang Village, Yongning District, Nanning City. The story of this once impoverished small mountain village, with the help of modern breeding, operation and management, embarked on the road to prosperity, li Jiancong and his companions are still unforgettable. "Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China has successfully embarked on a unique development path that has lifted hundreds of millions of rural poor people out of poverty."

After returning to Malaysia, Li Jiancong carefully studied the important exposition on poverty alleviation in "Xi Jinping on Governing the Country". "In the work of poverty alleviation, China adheres to precise poverty alleviation and precise poverty alleviation, and achieves true poverty alleviation, real poverty alleviation, and real poverty alleviation." In my opinion, Sanjiang Village is a vivid example. Li Jiancong believes that General Secretary Xi Jinping's exposition has profoundly revealed the law of effective poverty management and provided Chinese experience for the world's poverty reduction cause.

Last year, China announced that it would strive to achieve carbon peaking by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. "China's solemn commitment to address climate change demonstrates its responsibility to promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind." Li Jiancong said that at a time when mankind is facing multiple challenges such as economic development, poverty eradication, and environmental protection, the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind is of great significance to the times.

"Through continuous reform, the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government have promoted the improvement of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and set an example for the vast number of developing countries." In Li Jiancong's view, the successful practice of the Chinese road has contributed Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to mankind, especially countries in the world that have had similar experiences and are facing the heavy responsibility of development, and has made great contributions to the progress of human civilization.

"Whether it is the development speed of Shenzhen or China's economic development and poverty alleviation achievements in the past few decades, it is unique in the history of human development and is bound to leave a strong mark." Li Jiancong wishes the Chinese people happiness and well-being, and a prosperous life, and also looks forward to the Malaysian People's Justice Party and the Communist Party of China to strengthen exchanges and interactions at all levels.

Sukh batel, secretary of foreign affairs of the Mongolian Democratic Party -

"China has chosen a correct path that suits its national conditions"

People's Daily reporter Huo Wen

"In the 100 years since its founding, the Communist Party of China has united and led the people of the Chinese, and through the long-term unremitting struggle of revolution, construction, and reform, it has successfully created and adhered to and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics, creating a miracle of rapid economic development and long-term social stability that is rare in the world." Sukh Batel, secretary of foreign affairs of the Mongolian Democratic Party, told this reporter.

Sukhbatel served as Mongolia's ambassador to China for seven years. During his tenure as ambassador to China, he often visited various parts of China to understand the local economic and social development and deeply felt that the COMMUNIST Party of China was struggling for a better life for the people.

Sukhbatel believes that reform and opening up have provided a huge impetus for China's economic take-off, and "the Communist Party of China creatively integrates Marxism with its own national conditions and specific practice, which is the key to China's successful development path."

"Whether in terms of the number of party members or its contribution to world peace and development, the Communist Party of China is truly the world's largest ruling party and has shouldered heavy responsibilities." "The Communist Party of China has a far-sighted vision, especially in recent years, it has put forward important concepts such as jointly building the 'Belt and Road' initiative and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, which has provided solutions for maintaining world peace and stability, enhancing mutual understanding among the people of the world, and better solving global problems," Sukhbater said. ”

Sukhbatel said his first trip to China was in 1990 by train to the city of Erenhot in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. At that time, the streets of Erenhot were very narrow, and most of them were bungalows. Today's Erenhot is no longer what it used to be, with high-rise buildings. "The changes in this city are what I have seen with my own eyes and a microcosm of China's development," he said. ”

"Today, China has developed into the world's second largest economy and is building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way as scheduled. These achievements fully prove that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China has chosen a correct path that suits its national conditions. Sukhbatel said that China's comprehensive elimination of absolute poverty has set an example for the world's poverty reduction cause.

Sukhbael believes that in the face of the complex challenges and problems in today's world, the significance of mutual understanding and cooperation among political parties in various countries has become more prominent. "The Mongolian Democratic Party is willing to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the Communist Party of China and work together to deepen bilateral relations and build a better world." It is expected and believed that the CPC will continue to make greater contributions to China's development and the well-being of the people of the world. Sukhbatel said.

Ahmed Said, President of Hikmet Cultural Investment Publishing Company, Egypt——

"The Communist Party of China will certainly be able to make greater contributions to human development"

People's Daily reporter Huang Peizhao and Li Xiao

"From a foreigner's point of view, the Chinese Communist Party has a clear and long-term plan for the country's development, has strong organizational capabilities, and can really strive to complete it within the deadlines it has set." Ahmed Said, president of Thekhmet Cultural Investment Publishing Company in Egypt, told this reporter: "I have lived in the northwest region of China for 11 years and witnessed how China has turned the originally poor land in the northwest into a rich land. Chinese people saw that the Communist Party of China was really paying for them and leading the country to a better future. ”

Saeed studied Chinese in Egypt and later pursued a master's degree at Ningxia University. "For any country, reducing poverty and improving people's livelihoods are top priorities. In this regard, China has accumulated valuable experience over the years, which is worth learning from many countries in the world. I have noticed that China's poverty alleviation is not simply through the method of material giving, but according to the specific conditions of different regions, it formulates support policies, and sends experts and staff to help the poor people obtain the means and skills to improve their lives, and ultimately let them achieve self-reliance. ”

Saeed was also impressed by the Efficiency with which the Chinese government tackled people's livelihood problems. "In Yinchuan, the city where I live, the local government has its own open service platform for the people. Yinchuan people can communicate with relevant departments through the platform for large and small things. I also tried to ask colleagues to help me with some problems, and soon someone contacted us to help solve them. After the problem is resolved, there will be a follow-up visit by the staff. ”

"We look at the level of governance of a country, we look at the living conditions of the people of that country. In China, it is possible to walk alone on the street at night without worrying about safety. Chinese people can truly feel security, freedom, and happiness, which is difficult for some Western countries that often talk about human rights. Said said with deep feeling.

Said pointed out that since the reform and opening up, China's economic and social development has made great progress, and infrastructure, science and technology and education have achieved leapfrog development. "Politicians in some Western countries have become accustomed to their sense of superiority in leading the way, and they have difficulty accepting that China has made so much progress in a short period of time, so they have stepped up their efforts to smear China in a more paranoid way."

"For me personally, a very important task is to let readers understand China and the Chinese Communist Party in an objective and fair way through the books we publish or the various activities we hold. This understanding includes the Chinese Communist Party's concept of people's supremacy, the Chinese government's way of governing the country, China's view of the world, and China's active efforts to build a community with a shared future for mankind. Because only on the basis of correct cognition can readers better understand the real China, rather than listening to the lies made up by politicians in some Western countries. Said said.

Said said that in the process of jointly building the "Belt and Road", countries along the route have felt the opportunities brought by cooperation. As a world power, China is destined to face many new challenges and problems. "The road created by the Communist Party of China after a century of exploration can withstand the test of wind and rain. I believe that the Communist Party of China will certainly be able to make greater contributions to human development. ”

Former South Korean congressman Gu Sang-chan -

"Show the image of an open and confident big country and a big party"

People's Daily reporter Zhang Bolan

"The Communist Party of China is a political party that strives for the happiness of the people." Gu Sangcan, a former member of the National Assembly of South Korea, said, "The Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people to achieve great development achievements. The key to China's efforts to solve the problem of food and clothing for the people in the past to the current building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way lies in the outstanding leadership of the Communist Party of China. ”

Gu Sang-chan was the Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Shanghai. From 2008 to 2012, he served as Director General of the Korea-China Regular Exchange Mechanism of the Rokksang National Assembly and President of the Korean Chinese Research Association of the Rokshin Congress, where he had close exchanges with China. In an interview with this reporter, he combined his own experience to talk about the Chinese Communist Party in his eyes, and the following points impressed him.

"The Communist Party of China has been able to formulate a national development plan that conforms to the national conditions and has the characteristics of the times, and China's top leaders have personally led the formulation of the national development plan and poured a lot of effort into achieving the national development goals." Gu Xiangcan spoke highly of the leadership ability of the Communist Party of China, believing that only with such leadership ability can we lead a big country like China to achieve long-term and stable development.

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Communist Party of China has comprehensively and strictly administered the party, and the results achieved have impressed Xiangcan. He said: "The Cpc continues to promote anti-corruption and clean government work, which provides a strong guarantee for winning the battle against poverty and building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way." The Communist Party of China insists on fighting 'tigers' and 'flies' together, and promotes the construction of an effective mechanism that 'dare not be corrupt, cannot be corrupted, and does not want to be corrupt', which has won the broad support of the Chinese people. ”

During his tenure as Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Shanghai, Gu Xiangcan visited many places in China and had extensive contacts with members of the Communist Party of China. He said: "The cadres of the Communist Party of China are close to the people and easy-going, which has left a good impression on me. ”

In recent years, the CPC's foreign exchanges have been vigorously carried out and many new and major progress has been made. Gu Xiangcan has participated in the high-level dialogue meeting between the Communist Party of China and the world political parties and the special briefing meeting on "The Story of the Chinese Communist Party". "Through such activities, many South Korean politicians, including me, have increased their understanding and understanding of the Chinese Communist Party," he said. The Communist Party of China adheres to the concept of openness and inclusiveness, and shows the image of a big country and a big party that is open and confident. I believe that promoting political party exchanges is a major diplomatic advantage for China, which is conducive to enhancing the understanding of China by all countries. ”

Gu Sangcan has been committed to promoting friendly exchanges and cooperation between South Korea and China in the economic, trade, cultural and other fields. "In recent years, China has achieved a high level of development in many fields, and the quality of life of its people has been greatly improved, which is difficult to imagine without coming to China."

Kenichi Ogino, Vice Chairman of the Japan Silver Hair Volunteer Association——

"I believe that Chinese people will have a better life"

People's Daily reporter Liu Junguo

"Heartfelt congratulations on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China." Kenichi Ogino, vice chairman of the Japan Silver Hair Volunteer Association, said in an interview with this reporter that from dozens of party members at the beginning of its establishment to more than 95 million party members today, the history of the development of the Communist Party of China has condensed the hard work and sweat, dedication and sacrifice of countless people. The Communist Party of China has led China to continuously achieve new development, which is not an easy thing and a remarkable thing.

In 1983, as the head of the trade department of the Japan-China Friendship Trading Company, Kenichi Ogino visited China for the first time, visiting the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Heilongjiang Province. "At that time, the material life of the Chinese people was still relatively poor." Over the next 40 years, Kenichi Ogino visited China more than 200 times, and with the addition of his 10-year residency in Beijing, he traveled to almost every province in China. "I am sincerely happy to see that the lives of Chinese people are getting better and better every day. In particular, China has built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way as scheduled, creating a miracle in the history of human development. Kenichi Ogino said.

In The view of Kenichi Ogino, reform and opening up have inserted wings for China's development. He has been engaged in Japan-China trade for a long time and was deeply impressed by China's initiatives in actively introducing foreign capital, equipment, and technology, opening special economic zones, and vigorously developing export trade in the early stage of reform and opening up. "A very important reason for China's rapid development is that the Communist Party of China has a strong ability to plan and execute goals, leading the people of the whole country to work hard towards common goals," Said Kenichi Ogino. ”

Kenichi Ogino carefully studied the book "Xi Jinping on Governing the Country". "From the book, I further learned that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has unswervingly deepened reform and opening up, and vigorously promoted the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities. The Communist Party of China adheres to integrating theory with practice and maintaining close ties with the masses, so it can effectively cope with difficulties and challenges on the road ahead. "The Communist Party members I came into contact with during my visit to China were conscientious and responsible, industrious and pragmatic. ”

Kenichi Ogino said that after completing the first centenary goal on schedule, China will make more achievements in improving people's livelihood and narrowing the gap between rich and poor, "believing that Chinese people will have a better life." He also admitted that the Japanese media has received very little coverage of China's development, which makes him feel very sorry. He hoped that the Japanese media could view China objectively and rationally, so that more Japanese people would realize that the Chinese Communist Party is truly seeking happiness for the Chinese people.

After retiring from the Japan-China Friendship Trading Company in 2011, Kenichi Ogino volunteered with the Silver Hair Volunteer Association of Japan. The association has sent retired experts in various fields to China through the China Science and Technology Exchange Center, and has sent more than 3,900 people so far.