
What are the body colors of the Turkish Van cat, and the personality characteristics of the Van cat

author:Pet Life 888

What are the body colors of the Turkish Van cat

What are the body colors of the Turkish Van cat, and the personality characteristics of the Van cat

The Turkish Van cat has a pure white coat, reddish-brown or cream-colored symmetrical markings. The base of the ears is separated by white flame patterns. The markings of this arrangement are called the motifs of "Van Lake". The main colors are: red with white, cream with white. Not a hybrid breed also has the following colors: milky yellow cats, the face of the vertical downward white patch all the way through the nose, distinguishing the color on the head in half.

What are the body colors of the Turkish Van cat, and the personality characteristics of the Van cat

The color of the head is limited to the eyes and does not extend beyond the heels of the ears. The ears themselves are white with a yellowish pink tinge inside the ears, and the tail is pure milky yellow and may extend slightly upwards to the back. In reddish-brown cats, the reddish-brown fur area on the head is only limited to the eyes and does not extend behind the ears. The nose is white, with vertical white patches distinguishing the head from the reddish-brown in half, and the tail is also reddish-brown.

What are the personality traits of Turkish Van Chai

What are the body colors of the Turkish Van cat, and the personality characteristics of the Van cat

The Turkish Van cat has a particularly tenacious personality, a strong environmental endurance, a lively personality, and likes to swim. Once considered aggressive, these behaviors have become less pronounced in modern times by research and training by breeding experts, even between populations. And it has an independent personality, is more playful, has rich feelings, and often shows possessiveness towards the owner, so it is deeply liked by the owner, and its voice is larger. It will soon be possible to adapt to the life of the apartment, and since it likes to swim, the large courtyard with the water environment will be more suitable. Its growth rate is extremely slow, and it takes 3 to 5 years to fully develop into adulthood.

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