
Uncover the secret of the Internet celebrity "fire-breathing fish" Tianzhu seabream will breathe fire, to understand

author:Blue Library Software
Uncover the secret of the Internet celebrity "fire-breathing fish" Tianzhu seabream will breathe fire, to understand

Today Xiaobian wants to introduce you to a magical fish, and it has become popular on the Internet ~ ~ ~

Online legend has it that it has a delicate protective "weapon", which can usually ingest phosphorus-containing organic matter from food and constantly store it in the body, and once it encounters enemies or ships, tens of thousands of fire-breathing fish will spit out this organic matter.

Uncover the secret of the Internet celebrity "fire-breathing fish" Tianzhu seabream will breathe fire, to understand

Phosphorus spontaneously combusts in oxygen, and can spew out a flame more than 3 meters long to shoot at the enemy, causing the enemy to turn around and flee in fear.

What demon fish can have such a magic skill?

Uncover the secret of the Internet celebrity "fire-breathing fish" Tianzhu seabream will breathe fire, to understand

Originally, the fire-breathing fish was a dark-colored snapper that grew in the tropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean, with a body length of about 20 centimeters.

White phosphorus is almost insoluble in water, so how can it burn in water?

Not to mention the "flame more than 3 meters long"!

Let's take a look at what exactly is the "flame" released by the fire-breathing fish.

Uncover the secret of the Internet celebrity "fire-breathing fish" Tianzhu seabream will breathe fire, to understand

On closer inspection, those "flames" are actually a cloud of dark blue light.

The so-called "flame more than 3 meters long" is nothing more than a small amount of blue fluorescent liquid.

The fire-breathing fish swallowed a small black spot before releasing the blue fluorescent liquid, and then spat out a strange little bright spot in the blue fluorescent liquid.

What really makes the fire-breathing fish glow is these little dots, which are a kind of marine crustacean called mesembles, also called "sea fireflies".

Uncover the secret of the Internet celebrity "fire-breathing fish" Tianzhu seabream will breathe fire, to understand

In general, the body of the mesozoite has a delicate gland, which can produce particles containing fluorescein and particles containing luciferase, and the two particles are mixed with the mucus produced by the luminescent glands and discharged into the water, and the mesembranous insects will instantly emit a blue cold light.

If swallowed by an enemy, the mesozoite will immediately spew out a large amount of fluorescent liquid, illuminating the opponent's body like a small transparent blue lantern. In order not to become a conspicuous target for more powerful predators, the dark snapper had to spit out the mesozoite immediately, which is what we see as a "spitfire".

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