
Top ten animals with weird noses

author:Old nonsense science
Top ten animals with weird noses

No.10: Mountain fish (large boiling boil from West Africa). This is the largest monkey, and probably the most colorful. They have a red nose with blue or white stripes around them. These colors are duplicated on the back with bright red genitals as well as light blue ass. This makes it easy for them to follow each other in the jungle, not to mention that it is a must for mating, as female mountain fish prefer bright-looking males.

Top ten animals with weird noses

No.9: Elephant seals. Elephant seals can be found in oceans around the world. They have an unforgettable nose, and when they mature sexually, the male's nose becomes larger. The big noses of adult males can make them emit deafening screams, and they can also store water during mating, preventing the loss of body fluids, as they have to leave the beach to find food and water during mating.

Top ten animals with weird noses

No.8: Pigs. Since pigs are domestic animals, their strange noses are common. They have a good sense of smell, thanks to the huge round cartilage disc located at the tip of their nose. Pigs use their noses to look for food, including bugs, insects, rotten food scraps, and so on.

Top ten animals with weird noses

No.7: Six-spiny nose fish. This unicorn has a pointed nose that looks like a horn protruding in front of its eyes, making them completely charming. This nose, combined with two spines protruding from the sides of the tail, can be used to inflict serious damage on predators.

Top ten animals with weird noses

No.6: Elephant shrew. This animal is neither a shrew nor an elephant, but the two are related. The elephant shrew has a very long, active, squirming nose that it uses to search the ground for food—mainly spiders and beetles.

Top ten animals with weird noses

No.5: African anteaters. Although the aardvark is translated as "earth pig", it is associated with elephants and has nothing to do with pigs. This nocturnal animal has a long pig-like snout that swings its nose from side to side to sniff out food. They feed almost entirely on termites and ants.

Top ten animals with weird noses

No.4: Elephants. When you think of weird-looking noses, the first thing that comes to mind is an elephant. They have a long nose with two nostrils sticking through the nose while also acting as an extra hand. Elephants sniff around with their noses, breathe, greet each other, taste, pick up branches and other things, touch distant fruits, scratch their backs, wipe their eyes, play, and so on. Elephants can also absorb water with their noses and then spray the water on themselves to bathe. Finally, these animals have an amazing sense of smell because of their ability to turn their noses toward or away from the source of the smell. Needless to say, an elephant trunk is a nose without borders.

Top ten animals with weird noses

No.3: Golden Snub-nosed Monkey. These monkeys have their nostrils facing forward and their noses flattened. Aside from breathing, we're not sure if the nose is useful. it. However, during the rainy season it can cause problems for animals. When it rains, the raised nose can be filled with water, causing excessive sneezing. Unfortunately, noisy sneezing makes it easier for hunters to find them on rainy days.

Top ten animals with weird noses

No.2: Star-nosed mole. The nose of the star-nosed mole rat consists of 22 antennae that form a star-shaped shape. They have very sensitive sniffers, making them the fastest foraging animals in nature. This hamster-like animal uses its nose to look for insects and worms, even in the dark. In addition, it has the most developed touch body organs, right in its nose. As if that wasn't enough, the animal could sniff out the smell underwater by exhaling nostril bubbles on what it wanted to smell and then inhaling.

Top ten animals with weird noses

No.1: Proboscis monkey. The proboscis monkey is the largest snout in the monkey family, about 7 inches long. Sometimes it hangs over its mouth and requires the animal to push it aside while eating. These animals use their noses to give warning signals, while males use their noses to attract females when mating.