
Yorkshire Dogs – Happy Elves, how much do you know?

author:Encyclopedia World

The Yorkshire Terrier is a small ornamental dog, but still retains the character of a beagle, while also having the style of a noble dog, and these "titles" give it an unparalleled advantage over other dogs. The Yorkshire Dog's personality is the same as its body shape, delicate and docile. The attitude towards the owner is very friendly, which can be described as meek, obedient, and loyal, but it is a disregard for strangers, always in a state of vigilance.

Yorkshire Dogs – Happy Elves, how much do you know?

Yorkshire dogs are very lively and confident, like to run around and jump around, the action is brisk and agile, like to jump from high places, but you must be careful, do not let it jump up and down, easy to fall. Also keep an eye on your heels, especially when closing and opening doors, and make sure it's already following.

Known as the "Happy Elf", the Yorkshire dog is very enthusiastic about its owner, loves to play with small children, and prefers to sleep on the owner's lap. The Yorkshire Terrier has a brave and tenacious personality, so it is very popular when dealing with people or their peers.

Yorkshire Dogs – Happy Elves, how much do you know?

Yorkshire dogs are very alert and regional, so they are easy to bark. In addition to the necessary socialization training, it is also necessary to do a good job of sound insulation to reduce barking and noise to neighbors. Yorkshire dogs have a very sensitive sense of hearing, and as long as there is a little abnormal sound, they will immediately warn the owner, which is very dominant.

Although the Size of the Yorkshire Dog is small, but in the face of larger dogs, it will still show a brave side, coupled with strong territoriality, even if it is a dog larger than itself, it will not show timidity, once it fights, it is not afraid, although it can show its brave side, but it requires the owner to socialize it from an early age. Yorkshire dogs sometimes show an overly stubborn side, and the owner should be patient when training.

Yorkshire Dogs – Happy Elves, how much do you know?

The jealousy of the Yorkshire dog is particularly strong, if you have it, don't think about raising a second pet, because it likes to be exclusive, good at revenge, more like to be nosy, and has a very strong will to protect its own field. The Yorkshire dog's self-esteem is also very strong, and when it thinks it is doing the right thing, it will do things with its own mind or argue with its owner.

Yorkshire Dogs – Happy Elves, how much do you know?

Yorkshire dogs love to walk and run in their yards. Even if the owner does not have time to take it out of the house, as long as there is enough space in the home, it can also "walk the dog" at home. Just give it some toys and it will be very satisfied and have fun.

Yorkshire Dogs – Happy Elves, how much do you know?

The Yorkshire dog is known by many as a toy dog with long silky hair, it is very lively, and its tail often trembles happily, which also highlights its more active habits. Yorkshire dogs have a strong attachment to their owner, with intelligence and keen observation, seemingly delicate but very assertive, it will express its own demands with its big eyes at the right time according to the owner's expression. Yorkshire dogs are easy to pamper and petite, so owners should avoid excessive indulgence.

Yorkshire Dogs – Happy Elves, how much do you know?

Yorkshire dog's exquisite facial features are rich in expression and have rich body language, through which you can deeply feel its joys and sorrows. In addition to being sick and sleeping, Yorkshire dogs give the impression of being eternally vibrant.

The Yorkshire dog belongs to the upper breed of dogs in iq, although it is not a very intelligent dog, it is alert and agile to external things, and its learning ability is very strong. In daily training, Yorkshire dogs can quickly grasp all the content taught by their owners, thus developing good living habits and attitudes.

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