
The name is related to the woman, with a broken tail to save his life - Madagascar gold powder palace

author:Blockbuster Entertainment

Shougong, this word at first glance feels that it has something to do with women. Legend has it that in ancient times, a bright red mole was lit on the white lotus-like arm of a young girl to verify the virginity of women, which was common in ancient times, called "shougong sand". People who do not know think that "guarding the palace" is to guard the sacred side of the magic.

In the "Natural History" of the Jin Dynasty, it is recorded that if the gecko is fed with cinnabar, the gecko's whole body will turn red. After eating seven pounds of cinnabar, the gecko is mashed and pounded with a pestle, and then the virgin's limbs are dyed with it, and the color will not fade. Only after the occurrence of intercourse, its color will fade and fade, and it is called "shougong sand". My impression of the shougong is this, but now many circles of friends post pictures, like to call the gecko "shougong", I don't know why it is called this name, is it because of more literary and artistic fans?

The name is related to the woman, with a broken tail to save his life - Madagascar gold powder palace

Madagascar Gold Powder Shougong (scientific name: Phelsuma laticauda laticauda) is a daytime gecko native to northern Madagascar and the Comoros, inhabiting trees and houses, feeding on insects and nectar. Although it is a reptile, many people in the circle of friends are treating it as a pet, looking cute and cute, and the appearance is very beautiful.

The name is related to the woman, with a broken tail to save his life - Madagascar gold powder palace

The Malagasy Gold Powder Shougong is very distinctive, so it will not be confused with other Shougu. The back is green or yellow-green. The posterior half of the body has 3 long red stripes, and there are also small spots in the shape of gold powder that are densely packed on the shoulders. There are 2 red banded stripes between the eyes of the head, and the powder blue color of the eyeshadow class above the eyes. From the tip of the nose to the sides of the eye, there are red banded markings as its main feature. In addition, the vast majority of individuals have V-shaped erythema on the forehead area and bright green spots all over the body.

The name is related to the woman, with a broken tail to save his life - Madagascar gold powder palace

Madagascar Gold Powder Palace eats a variety of insects and invertebrates, as well as other lizards with smaller individuals. They also eat soft and sweet fruits, pollen and nectar, and usually gather many Madagascar gold powder palaces on a single plant.

The name is related to the woman, with a broken tail to save his life - Madagascar gold powder palace

The male Madagascar Gold Powder Palace is quite aggressive and aggressive. They do not accept other males as neighbors. In captivity, females cannot escape, and males can also seriously harm females. In this case, the male and female must be separated.

When attacked by the enemy, in addition to the measures to distract the enemy from the severed tail, their scales are not attached to the skin, and if the enemy bites down hastily, it will only be a mouth full of scales, and they can slip away to save, which is another life-saving stunt of the Malagasy Gold Powder Palace.

The name is related to the woman, with a broken tail to save his life - Madagascar gold powder palace
The name is related to the woman, with a broken tail to save his life - Madagascar gold powder palace

PS: The gecko's broken tail is a kind of "self-defense". When it is pulled by an external force or encounters predators, the tail muscles contract strongly, which can break the tail. This phenomenon is called "self-cutting" in zoology. The newly broken tail is not dead because the nerves are not dead, and it keeps moving, so that it can use the doppelganger to protect itself and escape. At the same time, the gecko has a hormone in its body that regenerates the tail. When the gecko's tail is broken, it secretes this hormone to make the tail grow, and when the tail grows well, it will stop secreting.

Many of the varieties in the Malagasy Gold Powder Shougong (Madagascar Nichijo) genus are known for their bright emerald green background and gorgeous patterns, which has always been a very popular variety in the reptile market.