
Boxwood infested with aphids? One trick to solve

author:New horizons in the garden

Large-leaved boxwood as an urban greening tree species, has a high ornamental value, in the maintenance process of large-leaf boxwood, there are more insect pests, of which aphids are one of the main insect pests, aphids have strong reproductive ability, boxwood infected with aphids if not treated in time, the entire tree will be destroyed by it!

[1] The harm of boxwood aphids:

Due to the large amount of honeydew secreted, it is also called honey worm. Aphids mainly suck the nutrients of plant sap with the mouthparts, and adult aphids and young aphids gather on the leaves, young stems, top buds, and new shoots, absorb the sap, causing deformity, wrinkles, curls, wilting, and some form galls, so that the plant grows poorly, and even withers and dies. The secretion of aphids hinders the physiological role of plants, which is easy to induce certain diseases and coal pollution diseases, etc. Aphids carry plant viruses that have far exceeded the degree of harm to their own feeding.

[2] The harm law of boxwood aphids:

Cotton aphids are highly fertile, up to 20 generations a year, generations alternate, 4-5 days in the summer can breed a generation, each female aphid can breed 60-70 aphids in a lifetime. In North China, eggs are generally overwintered on branches such as hibiscus and pomegranates or at the base of summer dry grass, hatched as dry mothers in March and April of the following year, and borne on overwintering plants, breeding 3-4 generations, and producing winged female aphids in April and May, flying to the large-leaved boxwood for harm, and continuing to reproduce parthenogenetically. In late autumn and October, winged migratory aphids migrate from large-leaved boxwoods to overwintering plants, producing sexual wingless females and other males who mate and lay eggs and overwinter with eggs.

【3】How to effectively control boxwood aphids?

When aphids occur, use Qilin Zhiru or Guangzheng, a bottle of water 200 pounds, evenly sprayed for control.

Boxwood infested with aphids? One trick to solve

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